full trust oor Spaans

full trust

A code access security (CAS) state assigned to managed assemblies. The level of trust granted to an application or Web service affects its ability to use system resources while executing. Assemblies that have full trust can access any resource that is subject to operating system security, and all privileged operations are supported.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

plena confianza

A code access security (CAS) state assigned to managed assemblies. The level of trust granted to an application or Web service affects its ability to use system resources while executing. Assemblies that have full trust can access any resource that is subject to operating system security, and all privileged operations are supported.

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Finally, he realized that he would never pioneer if he did not put his full trust in Jehovah.
Finalmente, comprendió que nunca sería precursor si no confiaba plenamente en Jehová.jw2019 jw2019
We have already confirmed the fact that we can put full trust in Jehovah’s organization.
Ya hemos confirmado que podemos confiar plenamente en la organización de Jehová.jw2019 jw2019
It stands as evidence of how Jehovah blesses the efforts of those who put full trust in him.
Sirve de muestra de que Jehová bendice los esfuerzos de los que confían plenamente en Él.jw2019 jw2019
This is a relationship that must have full trust, eh?
Es una relación en la que debe existir una confianza total, ¿verdad?Literature Literature
There is a source of ancient history, however, to which one can turn with full trust.
Sin embargo, hay una fuente de historia antigua a la cual uno se puede dirigir con plena confianza.jw2019 jw2019
• An open, inclusive and transparent process guided by objectivity and impartiality in full trust of the entire membership
• Un proceso abierto, inclusivo y transparente, guiado por la objetividad y la imparcialidad, que cuente con la plena confianza de todos los miembrosMultiUn MultiUn
"The workers, I must say, had full trust in their ""school-mistresses."""
Los trabajadores expresaban ilimitada confianza en las “maestras de la escuela”.Literature Literature
We could put full trust in Jehovah, comforted by the realization of his guidance.
Podíamos poner plena confianza en Jehová, consolados por la realización de su dirección.jw2019 jw2019
At the same time, we reaffirm our full trust in Mr. Blix and Mr.
Al mismo tiempo, reiteramos nuestra plena confianza en los Sres.UN-2 UN-2
Possibly because the apostle had won the full trust of his Roman guards.
Seguramente porque se había ganado la confianza de sus vigilantes.jw2019 jw2019
“You, señora,” he said to the condesa, “I gave you my full trust.
Y vos, señora —se dirigió a la condesa—, había puesto toda mi confianza en vos.Literature Literature
"""Are you confident that my government has full trust in me?"""
—¿Está usted convencido de que el gobierno de mi país tiene plena confianza en mí?Literature Literature
Nizipli has our full trust.
Halim tiene toda nuestra confianza.QED QED
“Northwest,” he said without hesitation, giving her his full trust, though far too late.
—Al noroeste —dijo él sin vacilar, confiando plenamente en ella aunque fuera demasiado tarde—.Literature Literature
(Isaiah 14:32) The king must have full trust in Jehovah.
El rey debe tener plena confianza en Jehová.jw2019 jw2019
We really had to put full trust in Jehovah, since at times our finances were meager.
Lo cierto es que teníamos que confiar plenamente en Jehová, pues, a veces, nuestra situación económica era precaria.jw2019 jw2019
No, they put full trust in Jehovah and followed his directions.
No, confiaron en Jehová y siguieron sus instrucciones.jw2019 jw2019
In full trust, Riley gave Bran her guns, even the knife at her hip.
Con confianza ciega, Riley le dio a Bran sus pistolas, incluso el cuchillo que llevaba a la cadera.Literature Literature
This truly pioneer family had full trust in Jehovah.
Esta verdadera familia de precursores confiaba completamente en Jehová.jw2019 jw2019
You do not place your full trust in anyone around you, not even in Lucilla.
No confiáis completamente en nadie a vuestro alrededor, ni siquiera en Lucilla.Literature Literature
It turned out to be circuit work in Switzerland, which I accepted with full trust in Jehovah.
Mi nueva asignación fue la obra de circuito en Suiza, lo cual acepté con plena confianza en Jehová.jw2019 jw2019
However, let me reassure the Council that Iraq has full trust in Mr.
En cualquier caso, quiero asegurar al Consejo que el Iraq tiene plena confianza en el Sr.UN-2 UN-2
Some people walk into the future with full trust.
Algunas personas caminan hacia el futuro con total confianza.Literature Literature
Select Local Intranet in the Security Adjustment Wizard and set the trust level to Full Trust.
Seleccione Intranet local en el asistente Ajustar seguridad y establezca el nivel de confianza en Confianza completa.Common crawl Common crawl
I resented the fact that he could not, or would not, express a full trust in me.
Me molestaba el hecho de que no pudiera o no quisiera manifestar total confianza en mí.Literature Literature
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