furious oor Spaans


Transported with passion or fury; raging; violent; as, a furious animal.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


rushing with impetuosity
I was furious when I saw a newspaper headline today.
Me puse furioso cuando vi un titular de periodico hoy.


He'd stand up on the table making furious speeches.
Se paraba sobre Ia mesa y daba unos discursos furibundos.


When you step out, it will be into the furious theatre of war.
Cuando salgan, habrá un violento escenario de guerra.

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Soortgelyke frases

to get furious
enfurecer · ponerse furioso
to be furious
I'm furious with myself
estoy furiosa conmigo misma
he is furious with me
está furioso conmigo
grow furious
ponerse feroz
fast and furious
rápido y furioso
I Am Furious Yellow
I am Furious Yellow
to be furious about sth
estar furioso por algo


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The girls knew it, though, and they were furious.
Pero las chicas sí que se dieron cuenta y se pusieron furiosas.Literature Literature
“His father was furious with him over that little outburst at the opera.
Su padre se enfadó mucho con él por ese pequeño arrebato en la ópera.Literature Literature
She heard Charles's furious condemnation, and flinched away from her father's anger and disappointment.
Oyó la furiosa condena de Charles y se estremeció al recordar la ira y la decepción de su padre.Literature Literature
Furious enough for murder!
¡ Suficientemente enfadado para matar!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She couldn’t believe he wasn’t furious with her.
No podía creer que no estuviera furioso con ella.Literature Literature
The Furious Abyss closed around him.
La Abismo Furioso se cerró a su alrededor.Literature Literature
So furious was the race that a thousand horses foundered.
La carrera fue tan veloz que se desplomaron mil caballos.Literature Literature
Ace knew that Joseph was feeling just as he had half an hour ago outraged, stunned, furious.
Ace sabía que Joseph se sentía como él hacía media hora: indignado, aturdido, furioso.Literature Literature
Cowfold would be furious and would mock me behind my back at every opportunity now.
Cowfold se pondría furioso y se mofaría de mí a la menor oportunidad.Literature Literature
She was still deciding what to do when she heard Isabelle’s shoes tapping out a furious pattern as she walked away.
Aún no había decidido qué hacer cuando oyó los pasos de Isabelle, que se alejaban furiosos.Literature Literature
I wasn’t angry with you, I was furious with him, and myself.’
No estoy enfadado contigo, sino con ese tipo y conmigo mismo.Literature Literature
But the thunder of the guns was louder here, and more furious sounding.
Pero el retumbar de las descargas era más fuerte aquí, y más furioso.Literature Literature
Chase’s eyes glared into his, his expression furious, his dark face twisted into lines of pain.
Los ojos de Chase brillaban, su expresión furiosa, su rostro oscuro atravesado con líneas de dolorLiterature Literature
The Attorney General is furious as is.
El procurador general ya está furioso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If her Dad found her drunk he’d be furious.
Si su padre la encontraba borracha estaría furioso.Literature Literature
Her dad was furious.
Su padre se puso furioso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¿Furioso?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm so furious.
Estoy tan furiosa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
#530No, tell him that I don’t want to see him, that I’m furious with him, because he didn’t keep his word to me.
463No, dígale que no quiero verlo, que estoy furiosa con él porque ha faltado a su palabra.Literature Literature
She’s argued with her boyfriend about a million times, and she’s been furious with me about everything.
Ha discutido con su novio un millón de veces, más o menos, y se pone furiosa conmigo por cualquier cosa.Literature Literature
Only when with wavering faith he removed his glance from the Master to look at the furious waves and the black gulf beneath him, only then did he begin to sink.
Pero cuando le falló la fe y apartó la vista de su Maestro para fijarla en las furiosas olas y en el tenebroso abismo que había debajo de sus pies, entonces si empezó a hundirse.LDS LDS
By Sunday she had been furious with herself.
El domingo, estaba furiosa consigo misma.Literature Literature
Tilo was furious with him for sounding cheerful.
Tilo estaba furiosa con él por lo contento que parecía.Literature Literature
Peter' s spirit would be furious
El espíritu de Peter debe estar furiosoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The people were furious, and they believed in Khomeini, not the shah.
La gente estaba furiosa, y creía en el ayatolá Jomeini, no en el sah.Literature Literature
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