give a bond oor Spaans

give a bond

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This tetrahedral configuration (see Figure 2.17) gives a bond angle of 109.5°.
Estamos aquíLiterature Literature
That gives a bond, as it does in war.""
Zoe dejó unos libros en la escuelaLiterature Literature
That gives a bond, as it does in war.”
" Grabando una parodia de " La Marsellesa "...... " Gainsbourg sin duda buscó hacer un buen negocioLiterature Literature
* This still gives a bond order of 3, but the source of chemical bonding is misassigned.
¿ Y que puedo hacer por usted, señor?Literature Literature
By applying equation 2.9, we see that MO theory gives a bond order in Li2 of one.
Este aspecto debe tenerse en cuenta cuando se fijen las fechas para el equipamiento obligatorioLiterature Literature
Our reply is that first, the state gives a bond for the loan in the shape of treasury notes.
No, Su Majestad, cumpliré sus órdenes y másLiterature Literature
This is followed by attack by Cl with H atom migration to give a -bonded CH(OH)CH3 group.
Asunto T-#/#: Sentencia del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de # de enero de #- Henkel/OAMI (Marca comunitaria- Marca figurativa- Pastilla rectangular roja y blanca con un punto azul ovalado- motivo absoluto de denegación- Artículo #, apartado #, letra b), del Reglamento (CE) no #/#- Falta de carácter distintivoLiterature Literature
But we must give a bond to start fair and square, and nobody do anything that isn't authorized by the whole club.”
Ella era su caseraLiterature Literature
A traveler gives Bond a canteen, which Bond uses to sustain himself as he goes through the desert, which slowly begins to kill him.
Adelante, disparaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“It reassures me I’m desirable, gives a deeper bond to a relationship.”
¿ Cuántos asesinatos he cometido?Niega tener antecedentes penalesLiterature Literature
It gives us a common bond, and gives me the leverage I have lacked to deal with you.
Debemos entregarlo a las autoridadesLiterature Literature
I'll give you a bond on the City of London for your cattle.
Hoy es el día de mayor confluenciaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The defendant will remain in custody subject to giving a 5,000 $ bond.
El Comité Mixto Veterinario definirá las medidas particulares relacionadas con esta participaciónOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This gives us a bond with the planets.
Esmuy listo "Literature Literature
She said, “Religion gives a common bond.
Lárgate de una vez.VeteLiterature Literature
We are both of the same sibko and that gives us a bond that is beyond description.
Destaca la importancia que reviste para los niños el desarrollo de capacidades básicas, el aprendizaje de la lengua materna o de la lengua del país en que residen, y el aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura a una edad lo más temprana posibleLiterature Literature
In addition the Lewis structure also gives a triple bond.
¿ Cuándo regresaste de Seúl?Literature Literature
Just because he annoys us both, love, don't think that gives us a bonding moment.
Ya revisaron la casaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is this electrostatic attraction that gives a covalent bond its strength.
Dios.Dios, eso fue fácilLiterature Literature
It gives us a bond that will connect us forever.
De hecho, nunca llegó a crecer, ya lo has vistoLiterature Literature
The march isn’t long enough to make either property very footsore, it’s true, but it gives us a bond.
It's strange, but somehow I feel the fact that we both love my father gives us a bond of some kind...
Ésta es una reunión entre el baterista el bajista y el ayudante de The FeministsLiterature Literature
In-phase overlap between a vacant p orbital of (CH3)3C and a filled p orbital of Cl gives a COCl bond.
Chloe está sumamente metida en situaciones...... que los humanos simplemente no entiendenLiterature Literature
The impact forms the radical cation, and it often breaks a bond to give a cation and a radical.
Soy australiano!Literature Literature
This gives us a common bond, very democratic.”
¿ Querés ser una persona normal, no?Literature Literature
1478 sinne gevind in 45 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.