goblin oor Spaans


/ˈɡɒb.lɪn/, /ˈɡɑb.lɪn/ naamwoord
(fantasy) A mythical, humanoid creature, often found in contemporary fantasy.

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hostile diminutive humanoid in fantasy literature
The goblins grinned gruesomely.
Los duendes hicieron una mueca espantosa.


hostile diminutive humanoid in fantasy literature
We had to fight our way through the goblin guard.
En nuestro camino, debimos pelear con la guardia de trasgos.



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/ˈɡɒb.lɪn/, /ˈɡɑb.lɪn/ afkorting
Gospel Oak to Barking Line, a railway line in north London.

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Green Goblin
Duende Verde
goblin shark
Mitsukurina owstoni · tiburón duende rosado
goblin spiders


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He had stretched out alongside her, his great body between her and the remains of the Goblin/Fae army.
Él se había estirado al lado, su enorme cuerpo entre Pia y los restos del ejército goblin-fae.Literature Literature
Goblin notions of ownership, payment, and repayment are not the same as human ones.""
Las nociones de los duendes de propiedad, pagos, y reembolso no son las mismas que las humanas.Literature Literature
“Gather the guards from the mines and all the goblin workers,” she ordered.
—Llama a los guardias de las minas y a todos los obreros goblins —ordenó—.Literature Literature
I know you found one in the Goblin tunnels.
Sé que encontraste uno en los túneles de los Trasgos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He did not dislike goblins on principle, as some did.
No le disgustaban los goblins per se, como le ocurría a cierta gente.Literature Literature
She pictures goblins and Draculas, fairy princesses, witches and Elvis Presleys.
—Se imagina duendes, dráculas, hadas, brujas y Elvis Presleys—.Literature Literature
Bruenor's axe was marked with many more notches before any goblin had even taken a swing at him.
El hacha de Bruenor quedó marcada con muescas antes de que algún goblin pudiese alzar un arma contra él.Literature Literature
“You open this door or I scream,” the goblin threatened.
—Abre esa puerta o chillaré —lo amenazó el trasgo.Literature Literature
Even the Troll King and the Goblin King were sleeping in their thrones.
Incluso el Rey Troll y el Rey Goblin estaban durmiendo en sus tronos.Literature Literature
Goblin fairy, ghost clown...
Hada de duendes, payaso fantasma...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And his little nosy-wose Isn't the goblin sweet?
Qué nariz tan chica, ¿no os gusta también?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That will keep us far from the goblins.
Así nos mantendremos alejados de los goblins.Literature Literature
Naturally he soon got quite lost, and the goblins shut off all their lights, and made queer noises and false echoes.
Como es natural, no tardó en perderse, y los trasgos apagaron todas las luces e hicieron ruidos raros y ecos falsos.Literature Literature
Now his fear of the storm outweighed his fear of imagined brigands and goblins.
Ahora su miedo a la tormenta superaba al que tenía por los bandidos y trasgos imaginarios.Literature Literature
Old Bilbo called them Goblins.
El viejo Bilbo los llamaba Goblins.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the Green Goblin's first appearance in "The Amazing Spider-Man" #14, he rides a steel, rocket powered wingless broomstick, not a glider.
En la primera aparición del Duende Verde en "The Amazing Spider-Man" # 14, monta una escoba de acero sin cohetes sin alas, no un planeador.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I have ordered the goblins to search the old cisterns and wells for signs.”
He ordenado a los goblin que busquen en las cisternas y pozos antiguos.Literature Literature
Deep in the cave of your ear The goblin snapped his fingers.
En lo hondo de la cueva de tu oído el trasgo chasqueó los dedos.Literature Literature
She’d wait for him until she finished with the goblin.
Lo esperaría hasta que acabara con el goblin.Literature Literature
He’s a surprisingly tricky beast, and the goblins love him.
Es una bestia sorprendentemente hábil, y los duendes la adoran.Literature Literature
"""As for Goblin, he had risen to his feet and I had whispered to him to do nothing."
En cuanto a Goblin, que se había puesto de pie, le había susurrado que no hiciera nada.Literature Literature
The Howler is smaller than Goblin or One-Eye ever were but Lady insists that that was not always the case.
El Aullador es más pequeño que Goblin o Un Ojo, pero Dama insiste en que no siempre fue así.Literature Literature
He took out ten goblins, but he also damaged his comrades, who had been unable to get out of the way.
Aunque logró matar a diez goblins, hirió también a sus compañeros, que fueron incapaces de apartarse a tiempo.Literature Literature
Goblins been in this region for a thousand years,” Paulson added.
—Los trasgos han frecuentado esta región durante mil años —añadió Paulson—.Literature Literature
Barundin felt his ire rising once more as he looked upon the scars left by the goblins.
Barundin dejó que su ira volviera a encenderse al contemplar las cicatrices dejadas por los goblins.Literature Literature
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