godson oor Spaans


A male child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Male child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent.
Think of it as a present for taking such good care of my godson.
Piensa en ello como un regalo para la adopción del buen cuidado de mi ahijado.


Think of it as a present for taking such good care of my godson.
Piensa en ello como un regalo para la adopción del buen cuidado de mi ahijado.


Think of it as a present for taking such good care of my godson.
Piensa en ello como un regalo para la adopción del buen cuidado de mi ahijado.

el ahijado

This is Stan, Dad's godson, whom I told you about.
Este es Stan, el ahijado de papá del que te hablé.

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‘‘I have dandled you on my knee as if you were my own godson!’’
— ¡Yo te he tenido en las rodillas como si fueras mi propio ahijado!Literature Literature
You may be his favorite godson but twenty million bucks is a lot of dough.
Eres su ahijado favorito, pero veinte millones es mucho dineroLiterature Literature
He added: I was going to say: his godsons wife ...
—Añadió—: Iba a decir, con la mujer de su ahijado...Literature Literature
Think of your godson.
Piensa en tu ahijado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the 1980s, Al Pratt's godson Al Rothstein was introduced; Rothstein was known as the superhero Nuklon (later changing his name to Atom Smasher), first appearing as a member of Infinity, Inc. In 1994, it was revealed that Pratt had a son named Grant Emerson.
En la década de 1980, ahijado de Al Pratt Al Rothstein se introdujo; Rothstein era conocido como el superhéroe Nuklon (más tarde cambia su nombre a Átomo Smasher), apareció por primera vez como miembro de Infinity Inc En la década de 1990, se reveló que Pratt tenía un hijo llamado Grant Emerson.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I left you on hearing a cry from your godson; I can hear that cry from the farthest point in the garden.
Te he dejado un momento porque he oído llorar a tu señor ahijado y su llanto me llega desde el extremo del jardín.Literature Literature
I bought the London and North-Western stock at £93 per £100, and my godson now in 1882 still holds it.
Las compré a 93 libras, y mi ahijado, en 1882, todavía las conserva.Literature Literature
What would Master Hyrrokkin say if he knew the help that Lazlo had already given the great golden godson?
¿Qué diría el maestro Hyrrokkin si supiera la ayuda que ya le había prestado al gran Ahijado de Oro?Literature Literature
Matthew’s to be near Cathy and my godson, he wished to respond.
«En San Mateo, para estar cerca de Cathy y de mi ahijado», habría querido responder.Literature Literature
They lived with Manet’s mother, and they introduced Léon as Manet’s godson, or else as his half brother.
Vivían con la madre de Manet y presentaban a Léon como el ahijado de Manet, cuando no como su hermanastro.Literature Literature
Dowbiggin, this is my godson, I am certain.
Señora Dowbiggin, este debe de ser mi ahijado, estoy seguro.Literature Literature
I leave my poor girl and your godson, Wilson leaves a widow, and Edgar Evans also a widow in humble circumstances.
Yo dejo a mi mujer y a vuestro ahijado; Wilson y Edgar Evans dejan igualmente una viuda, en modesta posición la última.Literature Literature
“I always suspected that the fire was the perfect excuse, the alibi for Publio to make his godson disappear.
—Siempre sospeché que aquel incendio fue la excusa perfecta, la coartada de Publio para hacer desaparecer a su ahijado.Literature Literature
You have to excuse my godson Marion.
Perdona a mi ahijado Marion.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¡ Godson!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I spoke to his boss, who happens to be my godson.
Hablé con su jefe, que es mi ahijado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The general said: ‘You know you cannot possibly divorce my godson.
El general dijo: —Sabes que no puedes divorciarte de mi ahijado.Literature Literature
Any sign of your godson, Torquil?
¿Hay rastro de tu ahijado, Torquil?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
God, the woman had the ability to be as cryptic as her godson.
Dios, la mujer tenía la capacidad de ser tan críptica como su ahijadoLiterature Literature
Rowena extended an embracing arm, saying, 'Macey darling, this is my godson, Luke Murry.
Rowena abrazó a Macey cariñosa, diciendo: — Macey querido, éste es mi ahijado, Luke Murry.Literature Literature
I told him I got a godson who's got his ear to the ground.
Le dije que tengo a un ahijado que tiene oídos por todos lados.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Godson, to your health.
Ahijado, a tu salud.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She even came to think that her son had forgotten her godson over the years.
Llegó a pensar que su hijo había olvidado a su ahijado con el paso de los años.Literature Literature
As for myself, I reserved one seat and three more for Bon, his wife, and his child, my godson.
También reservé un asiento para mí y tres más para Bon, su mujer y su hijo, que era mi ahijado.Literature Literature
In a good mood, today he went back to his home in Jacarepaguá... escorted by his wife, Zica, his granddaughter Nilcemar... and his godson Bira da Mangueira.
Bien-humorado, volvió hoy a casa, en Jacarepaguá... acompañado de su esposa, Zica, su nieta Nilcemar... y su ahijado Bira da Mangueira.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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