grow pale oor Spaans

grow pale

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Within these walls there is a villain who hears me and grows pale
Entre estos muros hay un canalla que me oye y está palideciendo


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Every time the doctors thought he was on the road to recovery, he’d grow pale and weak.”
Cada vez que los galenos pensaban que estaba camino de recuperarse, palidecía y se debilitaba.Literature Literature
Tuala watched Faolan’s cheeks grow pale and his jaw tighten as the account progressed.
Tuala vio que las mejillas de Faolan empalidecían y que su mandíbula se tensaba a medida que avanzaba la explicación.Literature Literature
Marat turned green, which was his way of growing pale.
Marat se puso verde, que era su manera de palidecer.Literature Literature
” Even in the dim light and with his atrophied eyesight, Carpenter saw the woman grow pale.
Incluso en la luz tenue y con su visión atrofiada, Carpenter pudo ver que la mujer empalidecía.Literature Literature
Children grow pale and sicken when you look at them.
Los niños palidecen y enferman cuando los miras.Literature Literature
But the dream fades, grows pale, vanishes—yet something of it remains.
Pero el sueño desaparece, empalidece —sin embargo, algo queda.Literature Literature
“Laugh not, for thou wilt grow pale soon.
—No te rías porque pronto palidecerás.Literature Literature
Jim Vosburgh, seated next to her, saw her grow pale and break out in a sweat.
Jim Vosburgh, sentado a su lado, la vio palidecer y quedar bañada en sudor.Literature Literature
The sky would grow pale with dawn; the light would rise over the mountains.
La aurora hará palidecer el cielo, una luz surgirá sobre las crestas de las montañas.Literature Literature
I watched her lovely face grow pale with horror.
Observé cómo su bello rostro empalidecía de horror.Literature Literature
“Do not be alarmed, Madam,” resumed the surgeon, observing her grow pale, “do not be alarmed.
—No os alarméis, señora —prosiguió el cirujano, notando su creciente palidez—.Literature Literature
As I spoke, he seemed to grow pale and shrink; clearly he was going to beg my pardon.
Según iba yo hablando, vile palidecer y como encogerse; disponíase, sin duda, a pedirme perdón.Literature Literature
Tempi flushed again, his lips growing pale as he struggled to maintain his composure.
Tempi volvió a sonrojarse y le palidecieron los labios mientras se esforzaba para mantener la compostura.Literature Literature
The last stars were growing pale.
Las últimas estrellas palidecían.Literature Literature
Blackmouth grows pale, as if the blood were fleeing his body out of fear of the woman.
Bocanegra empalidece, como si la sangre se le escapara del cuerpo por miedo a la mujer.Literature Literature
He would grow pale and then turn red, tremble and was no longer even following Grandmother’s game.
Palidecía y luego se ponía sofocado; temblaba y ni siquiera podía seguir las jugadas de la abuela.Literature Literature
Even what we have really had grows pale and shadowy and ultimately fades away just as dreams do.”
Aun lo que hemos experimentado se torna pálido y sombrío con el tiempo y al final se desvanece como un sueño.Literature Literature
The young teacher watched his face grow pale, his lips quiver.
La joven maestra vio su rostro palidecer, sus labios temblar.Literature Literature
“Yes—my people ...” Silvara said, and Laurana was surprised to see the girl grow pale.
—Sí... mi gente... —dijo Silvara, y a Laurana le sorprendió ver palidecer la muchacha.Literature Literature
Even Tenel Ka seemed to be growing pale.
Incluso Tenel Ka pareció estar volviéndose más pálida.Literature Literature
Tailors grow pale when they see you walk by
Los sastres empalidecen cuando te ven pasarOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Whatever she said to Papa made him grow pale.
Lo que le dijo a su padre, fuera lo que fuese, lo hizo palidecer.Literature Literature
Earl asked, seeing her grow pale.
-preguntó Earl, al verla palidecerLiterature Literature
Many will die before the moon grows pale tonight.
Muchos morirán antes de que palidezca la luna esta noche.Literature Literature
I saw Florián’s face grow pale and his firm hand start to shake.
Vi cómo el rostro de Florián palidecía y su mano firme empezaba a temblarLiterature Literature
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