grow rich oor Spaans

grow rich

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For others, the opportunity to grow rich through privatization of business has provided a distraction from home life.
Para otros, la oportunidad de enriquecerse mediante las empresas privadas es lo que les ha impedido dedicarse a sus familias.
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hacerse rico

The whole city should hear this and grow rich.
Toda la ciudad debería escucharlo y hacerse rica.
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Think and Grow Rich
Piense y hágase rico


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‘Not the way to grow rich,’ he observed dryly.
—No es la manera de hacerse rico —observó secamente.Literature Literature
I bought Think and Grow Rich and started to read it that evening.
Yo compré Piense y hágase rico y empecé a leerlo aquella noche.Literature Literature
Yet he can grow rich while his competitors who guessed wrong go bankrupt.
Sin embargo, puede volverse rico mientras sus competidores se van a la quiebra.Literature Literature
"""We will have my dowry to live on until Daniel grows rich."
Podemos vivir de mi dote mientras Daniel se hace rico.Literature Literature
Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich We already talked about the importance of positive self-talk.
Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich Ya hemos hablado de la importancia de diálogo interno positivo.Literature Literature
There is a great book called Think and Grow Rich.
Existe un gran libro llamado Think and Grow Rich (Piense y hágase rico).Literature Literature
Everything was peaceful and well arranged; they assured him he had only to smile and grow rich.
Reinaba la paz y la armonía, y ellos aseguraban al general que le bastaba con sonreír y enriquecerse.Literature Literature
‘He who wishes to grow rich in a year, will be hanged in six months,’ observed Stephen.
- Dicen que quien desea hacerse rico en un año morirá ahorcado a los seis meses -comentó StephenLiterature Literature
Emberlain grows rich on new means of speculation and enterprise.
Emberlain bulle con nuevos métodos de especulación y de empresa.Literature Literature
Lustgarten may have felt, qua Jew, that he had a right to grow rich in the German boom.
Es posible que Lustgarten sintiera, como judío, que tenía derecho a enriquecerse en el boom alemán.Literature Literature
ME: But I’m afraid you’ll never grow rich.
Yo.— Pero me temo que nunca lleguéis a ser rico.Literature Literature
And a safe city can grow rich and powerful.
Y una ciudad segura puede crecer rica y poderosa.Literature Literature
Johnson gave Black the book Think and Grow Rich.
El señor Johnson le ofreció a Black el libro Piense y hágase rico.Literature Literature
Roosevelt, he began writing the manuscript for Think and Grow Rich.
Roosevelt, Hill empezó a escribir el manuscrito de Piense y hágase rico.Literature Literature
Give me his rifle, so that I may grow rich and take a bride.
Dame a mí ese rifle, para que pueda hacerme rico y conseguir una esposa.Literature Literature
"""Nobody grows rich or poor any more: both are too much of a burden."
«Ya no nos hacemos ni pobres ni ricos: es demasiado penoso.Literature Literature
Are we going to allow those people to grow rich and slaughter Jews again?’
“¿Vamos a permitir que esa gente vuelva a ser rica y poderosa y mate judíos de nuevo?”.Literature Literature
A people which grows rich discovers new needs.
Ahora bien, un pueblo que se enriquece, despierta a necesidades nuevas.Literature Literature
Those who spend too fast never grow rich.
El que gasta demasiado, nunca es rico.Literature Literature
He who would grow rich in spiritual things must also economise, and husband his mental resources.
Aquél que desea hacerse rico en asuntos espirituales también debe economizar y cuidar sus recursos mentales.Literature Literature
The peasants grow rich on the black market, and I allow them to grow rich.
Los campesinos se enriquecen con el mercado negro, y yo dejo que se enriquezcan.Literature Literature
There is a great book called Think and Grow Rich.
Hay un libro excelente que se titula Piensa y vuélvete rico.Literature Literature
Apart from those already mentioned, the expert has another two or three ways of growing rich.
El experto, aparte de las ya mencionadas, tiene otras dos o tres maneras de enriquecerse.Literature Literature
I was doomed to work for other people who were growing rich.
Estaba condenado a trabajar para otros que se estaban haciendo ricos.Literature Literature
In the world as I have seen it, no man grows rich by kindness.
En el mundo, como he podido comprobar, ningún hombre se hace rico mediante la bondad.Literature Literature
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