gutted oor Spaans


adjektief, werkwoord
(not comparable) eviscerated

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


with the most important parts destroyed


deeply disappointed


adjective verb
deeply disappointed
Well, apparently John was gutted.
Bueno, al parecer, John estaba desilusionado.

En 9 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

desmembrado · destripado · desentrañado · decepcionado · destripado;desentranado · destrozado · destruido · hecho pedazos · hecho polvo

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

agalla · agallas · alma · bandullo · barriga · carácter · coraje · destripar · discernimiento · entrañas · estómago · higado · huevos · intestino · intestinos · la barriga · las tripas · llegar · mondongo · nervio · pana · sangre fría · tragón · tripa · tripas · valor · vientre · vísceras
tragona · tragón
gut-associated lymphoid tissue
tejido linfático asociado al tubo digestivo
a gut feeling
un sentimiento visceral
they've got guts
to have guts
a girl with guts
una chica con agallas
gut stringing
cordaje de tripa · cordaje de tripas


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
It therefore distorts the issues to suggest that Gut Dam is an illustration of the application of strict liability.
los demás casosUN-2 UN-2
We measured the composition of Sally’s gut microbes compared to a thousand control women.
La Comisión comunicará el memorándum de acuerdo al Parlamento Europeo y al ConsejoLiterature Literature
Follow your gut.
Espera, espera, esperaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Freezing and storage of whole products, gutted and with head, or cut-up products
(EL) Señor Presidente, quisiera dar las gracias a la Vicepresidenta.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Scientists discovered a decrease in the metabolic activity of gut-associated microbes in the presence of phytosterols.
No obstante, el organismo de intervención podrá designar, de acuerdo con el licitador, otros almacenes para alcanzar la cantidad que figure en la ofertacordis cordis
Her gut was right, and that translator saved all our asses.
¡ Ése es Rambo!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Filling and shaping the sausages: the natural gut is rinsed in running drinking water to remove salt. It is then soaked in water until its elasticity is restored.
En el mar, sí.Pero yo tengo otro plan, Su MajestadEurLex-2 EurLex-2
And everything is shaking like in a earthquake, there are two dead mates outside who did not make it inside, there is Roberto with splinters in his hip and gut, the final acceleration of the projectiles is deafening,
No me gustan los alucinógenosQED QED
Perhaps they'll help you avoid whiskey-soaked decades wondering what might have been if only you'd had the guts to follow your dream of a life at sea.
¿ Puedo tomarte de la muñeca?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
An odd sensation of reality lent volatility to the possessive instinct kicking him in the gut.
Los bienes incluidos en el presente anexo pueden ser nuevos o usadosLiterature Literature
You can say it... that you hate my guts.
En los cuatro ensayos controlados con placebo los hazard ratios (índice de riesgo) para la supervivencia global oscilaron entre # y # a favor de los grupos controlOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
- Fishery products, which are caught, frozen and packaged in their final packaging at sea and landed directly on Community territory, excluding all crustaceans except those caught in the Atlantic Ocean referred to below, and excluding: entire fish, fish deheaded and gutted and fish fillets from species listed in Annex II which require testing
Ahí está mi abogadaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
But you know deep in your gut, that whatever might happen down here, can't be half as bad as that crap ass situation you have to go back to.
Este crédito se destina a cubrir los costes de las prestaciones externas que conllevan las operaciones de archivo, incluida la selección, la clasificación y la nueva clasificación en los depósitos, los costes de las prestaciones de archivo, la adquisición y la explotación de fondos de archivo en soportes de sustitución (microfilms, discos, cintas, etc.), así como la compra, el alquiler y el mantenimiento de materiales especiales (electrónicos, informáticos, eléctricos) y los gastos de publicación en todo tipo de formato (folletos, CD-ROM, etcOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Octopus under the minimum size of 450 g (gutted) shall not be retained on board or be transhipped, landed, transported, stored, sold, displayed or offered for sale, but shall be returned immediately to the sea.
Preparaciones para perfumar o desodorantes de locales, incluidas las preparaciones odoríferas para ceremonias religiosasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
I'm not sure why Ari is snapping at his staff, but it just proves my gut was right about his place being behind the scenes.
Sus ojos están girando en sus cuencasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Who has the guts to come with me?”
Ame cayeron bien primero, desde antes de conocerlosLiterature Literature
You got more guts than sense.
Si fuera por mí, te hubiera dejado pudriéndoteOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He nodded again, taking it like a blow to the gut he’d somehow anticipated.
Bueno, entonces olvídate de su hermanaLiterature Literature
It's my gut feeling that some of these were sent after election day.
Espere.Estos mazos están cubiertos con espuma de gomaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Silk yarn other than of category 130 A; silk-worm gut
Probablemente, hay cientos de razones cientificas por las que el corazon del sr.Greenwald se estabilizó de pronto sin preguntaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As far as Luc was concerned, Darby Hogue was nutless, while Jane had guts.
Lo siento mucho, NathanLiterature Literature
“Not these good middle-class folks out there; they hate your guts.
Este período no podrá exceder de # díasLiterature Literature
Shit, she'd had enough shocks that day to floor anyone with twice her guts.
¡ El cual, aparentemente, Lord Melbourne juega mejor que usted, señor!Literature Literature
I was well gutted every time Billy tried to hurt himself.
Los formaste como a niñosLiterature Literature
He dropped his grip on Spud and stuck his head back into the electronic and neuroelectronic guts of the Gridmaster.
Se aconseja su aplicación anticipadaLiterature Literature
206 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.