hallowed ground oor Spaans

hallowed ground

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

terreno sagrado

Thou hast chosen to remain on these hallowed grounds despite our warnings.
Aquellas que han elegido permanecer en estos terrenos sagrados a pesar de nuestras advertencias.

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‘Jonan, it’s a graveyard, it’s all hallowed ground.’
—Jonan, es un camposanto, todo es tierra sagrada.Literature Literature
These are hallowed grounds.
Estas son tierras sagradas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But take off your shoes, German patriot, for you are standing on hallowed ground!
Y, sin embargo, ¡descalzaos, oh patriotas alemanes, pues estáis pisando tierra santa!Literature Literature
But Wimbledon has become hallowed ground for me.
Pero es que, en mi caso, Wimbledon se ha convertido en tierra sagrada.Literature Literature
They have to be lit the first time on hallowed ground or they dont work.
—Tienen que encenderse por primera vez en terreno consagrado o no sirven.Literature Literature
This is hallowed ground!
¡ Este es un terreno sagrado!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To the sisters . . . it was hallowed ground.
Para las hermanas... era terreno sagrado.Literature Literature
I believe that if a child dies without being christened he must be buried in un-hallowed ground.
Creo que si un niño se muere sin ser bautizado debe ser enterrado en suelo no consagrado.Literature Literature
Algaliarept’s eyes tracked behind me to the hallowed ground that surrounded us.
Los ojos de Algaliarept miraron detrás de mí, hacia el terreno consagrado que nos rodeaba.Literature Literature
It must be done on hallowed ground.
Debe hacerse en un lugar santo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Has anybody said " hallowed ground " yet?
¿Ha dicho alguien " terreno santificado " ya?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A professor of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT, Reece occupied hallowed ground in Danny’s world.
Reece, que era profesor de ingeniería eléctrica e informática en el MIT, ocupaba un terreno sagrado del mundo de Danny.Literature Literature
It's hallowed ground.
Es suelo consagrado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You have to get to hallowed ground.""
Tenemos que ir a suelo sagrado.Literature Literature
"""Trent doesn't live on hallowed ground—"" ""Which is exactly why we are going,"" Ivy interrupted."
Trent no vive en terreno consagrado... —Por eso mismo vamos a ir contigo —me interrumpió Ivy.Literature Literature
That little space behind the garage where you and I play soccer is indeed hallowed ground.
Ese lugarcito donde tú y yo jugamos fútbol, frente al garaje, es casi sagrado.Literature Literature
While Stoker was not opposed to the new industrial age, he believed that a theatre was hallowed ground.
Aunque Stoker no se oponía a la nueva era industrial, creía que un teatro era un terreno sagrado.Literature Literature
You know this is hallowed ground.
Usted sabe que es tierra sagrada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We’ll remove Qilué to hallowed ground—to the Dancing Dell in the Ardeep Forest.
Trasladaremos a Qilué a suelo consagrado..., a la Arboleda Danzante, en el bosque de Ardeep.Literature Literature
This was the first time I had been allowed to enter those hallowed grounds.
Era la primera vez que me permitía entrar en aquel recinto sagrado.Literature Literature
But only in the martial arena—the temple of hallowed ground that is the field of battle.
Pero solo en la palestra marcial, el templo del suelo santificado que es el campo de batalla.Literature Literature
If we don' t come together...... right now on this hallowed ground...... then we, too, will be destroyed
Si no nos unimos... ahora mismo en este camposanto, nosotros también seremos destruidosopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
"""I cannot allow you to defile hallowed ground!"""
¡No le consiento que profane terreno sagrado!Literature Literature
“He has not earned a place on hallowed ground, I think.
«En mi opinión no se ha ganado un lugar en el camposanto.Literature Literature
He lies in hallowed ground next to the holiest of men.
Él yace en un terreno consagrado junto a los más santos.Literature Literature
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