hangups oor Spaans


Plural form of hangup.

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My hangup is the exact opposite—antithetical, if you’re looking for something fancy.
Hay que aprenderse los canales de la teleLiterature Literature
My hangup is that I'm basically scared of older men in authority. ...""
Prepara el helicópteroLiterature Literature
Shelly would say I've got a hangup on sex.
Ese plano anuncia una secuencia que va a cambiar el filme, que cambia su ritmo y su puesta en escena, que acelera la precipitación de sus elementosLiterature Literature
Young Danny didn’t have any hangups about asking for what he wanted.
Ponte aquí, FrankLiterature Literature
It won’t be a kingdom but I’ll need fuzz and I could get along great with you if you got rid of your hangups.
Casi me da vergüenza decirlo pero Giorgio ha sido mi primer amorLiterature Literature
Probably a very early hangup, having to do with dislike of the ‘lower’ parts, etc.”
El teléfono ha tenido mucho trabajoLiterature Literature
Their confidence is generally higher, they are easier to be with socially, as they have fewer hangups and insecurities.
¿ Tú también tienes una mamá?Literature Literature
The great therapist, bringing her own hangups into session with client!
Las actividades propuestas en este proyecto implicarán a la comunidad científica y técnica en el estudio de cuestiones técnicas concretas y el desarrollo de procesos innovadores que mejoren el rendimiento y la capacidad de evaluación actuales del TPCE, en primer lugar a través de un conjunto de talleres especializados para estudiar ideas nuevas, y en segundo lugar, mediante el desarrollo y el ensayo de las técnicas prometedoras plasmadas en procesos utilizablesLiterature Literature
He could talk to her about the kids, help her to understand their hangups, their incredible virtues.
Quizá te cueste creerlo...... pero aquí hay tipos que no me aprecian mucho.- ¿ A usted director?Literature Literature
If someone has a hangup with de Bosch, why go after the people he treated?”
adaptar el anexo I a fin de tener en cuenta el progreso técnicoLiterature Literature
It manifests itself in an inability to see a reality untainted by temporary hangups.""
Limpio, señoraLiterature Literature
But it seems that the French media have finally awakened from their stupor and have overcome their hangups.
No es algo fácil de tratarglobalvoices globalvoices
Milo pressed the hangup button; then, before Simmons could dial again, he typed 411.
Cita barataLiterature Literature
The young ones coming up will not have all our hangups to get rid of in the first place.”
Gump, mira qué tetasLiterature Literature
At the gallery women talked about their fears and hangups, and they asked lots of questions.
Sólo dije que no puedo detenerloLiterature Literature
"""You know, in spite of these last-minute, ulcer-making hangups, in a curious kind of way I feel - glad to be back."
Determinación de las razasLiterature Literature
And that was the last voice-mail, after that it's just hangups.
¿ Que clase de problemas?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Before making love to her, he told her that she had a father hangup.
Arregle para que esto sea interceptadoLiterature Literature
So dispatch recorded one 911 hangup at 9:44.
Si no le gustan las respuestas, debe evitar hacer las preguntasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I thought you didn't have a virility hangup.
Esto no es como los trenesLiterature Literature
Young Danny didn't have any hangups about asking for what he wanted.
Crees que él pueda?Literature Literature
PPP line sometimes goes down (modem hangup).
Con Pelé no se pasa vergüenzaCommon crawl Common crawl
We’re talking about how to deal with a senile Nazi with a chess hangup.”
No más fotos.Gracias Bruce WillisLiterature Literature
"""Of course I'm more than the sum of my hangups and traumas,"" she wrote."
Le falta un muelleLiterature Literature
202 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.