he beats his children oor Spaans

he beats his children

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les pega a sus hijos


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He beat his children every morning before breakfast for exercise.
Pegaba a sus hijos todas las mañanas antes del desayuno, para ejercitarse.Literature Literature
He beat his children, and his wife, with a strap, but Victoria did not hold that against him.
Azotaba con una correa a sus hijos y a su mujer; pero Victoria no le guardaba rencor por ello.Literature Literature
In the course of conversation with a cab driver in London, an East Indian, I asked whether he beat his children.
Una vez, en Londres, le pregunté a un taxista de nacionalidad india si pegaba a sus hijos.Literature Literature
So this big bear of a neighbor growls back that from then on not only would he beat his children, but Mehran as well.
El vecino le contestó hecho una furia que a partir de ese día no solo pegaría a sus hijos a mediodía, sino también a él.Literature Literature
His father beat him, and he says he might beat his own children.”
Su padre le pegaba, y él dice que podría pegarle a sus propios hijos.”Literature Literature
He beat his wife and children, and played with his daughter, you know how.
Les pegaba a su mujer y a sus hijos, y jugaba con su hija, ya sabe cómo.Literature Literature
He beat his wife and children often and repeatedly.
Le pegaba a su mujer y a sus hijos, repetidamente.Literature Literature
He beat his wife and children, and played with his daughter, you know how.
Les pegaba a su mujer y a sus hijos, y jugaba con su hija, ya sabe cómo.Literature Literature
“You knew he beat his wife, abused his children.”
—¿Sabía que pegaba a su mujer y abusaba de sus hijos?Literature Literature
He beat them, he raped them, made them have his children, then he starved them to death.
Las golpeó, las violó, les hizo tener sus niños, y luego los mató de hambre.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Did he beat up his wife and children?”
—¿Y pegaba a su mujer y a los hijos?Literature Literature
He regularly beat his wife and children.
Con regularidad golpeaba a su esposa e hijos.jw2019 jw2019
If they do not, he beats the children with his bag of ashes.
Si es que no, golpea a los niños con su bolsa de cenizas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He beat his wife, and led his children a life of terror and lamentation, when he was at home.
Golpeaba a su esposa y cuando estaba en casa sus hijos llevaban una vida de terror y lamentaciones.Literature Literature
"""He was a horrible brute ... used to beat his wife and children when he was drunk."
Era un animal... Pegaba a su mujer cuando estaba borracho.Literature Literature
He did not believe in beating his children on the hands, face or buttocks, only on the legs.
Era enemigo de pegar a los niños en las manos, en la cara o en las nalgas; sólo en las piernas.Literature Literature
He is not likely to be violent and certainly nobody thinks he is going to beat up his children.
No es muy probable que se ponga violento, y desde luego a nadie se le ocurre que vaya a pegar a sus hijos.Literature Literature
Described as "a religious fanatic and sadist", who regularly beat his children, he apparently forced Ethel to play the piano for hours on end.
Su tío, quien era descrito como "un fanático religioso y sádico", que regularmente golpeaba a sus hijos, forzó aparentemente a Ethel a tocar el piano por horas y horas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He liked to beat up my mother and his children.
Le gustaba golpear a mi madre y a sus hijos.Literature Literature
Naturally his wife meant more to him than his children and he beat us to make up to her, to please her.
En esas ocasiones le podía más su mujer que nosotros los hijos, y nos pegó para desagraviar, para complacer a la mujer.Literature Literature
Besides he does not need to beat his servants or children because my sister can beat enough for twenty.”
Además, no necesita pegar a sus criados ni a sus hijos porque mi hermana es capaz de pegar por veinte.Literature Literature
He beat his ogene GOME GOME GOME GOME... and immediately children’s voices took up the news on all sides.
Tocó su ogene: gong, gong, gong... e inmediatamente las voces de los niños transmitieron las noticias por todas partes.Literature Literature
Jones knew him as "Mas P" ('Master P') and later noted that she "absolutely hated him"; as a strict disciplinarian he regularly beat the children in his care, representing what Jones described as "serious abuse".
Jones lo conoció como Maestro P y más tarde señaló que lo odiaba absolutamente y era un padre estricto y disciplinario hasta tal punto que Jones califica el trato a los niños como muy grave.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We’ll beat his children in front of him if he doesn’t talk.”
Les golpearemos delante de él si no habla.Literature Literature
But the children without shoes kept beating him, so he took his off and started winning races.
Sin embargo, como siempre le ganaban los niños descalzos, se las quitó y empezó a ganar carreras.Literature Literature
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