he burst into tears oor Spaans

he burst into tears

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

se echó a llorar

He was--he was so upset, he burst into tears.
Estaba... tan molesto que se echó a llorar.

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And then he burst into tears and took me by the hand.
Luego estalló en lágrimas y me tomó de la mano.Literature Literature
The boy’s face fell in disappointment, and he burst into tears.
La cara del niño se llenó de decepción y rompió a llorar.Literature Literature
The words poured from him, and once or twice he burst into tears.
Las palabras brotaban de él y en una o dos ocasiones se echó a llorar.Literature Literature
When the doctor saw him, he burst into tears.
Cuando el doctor le vio, rompió a llorar.Literature Literature
He bursts into tears in my arms, weeping like a child, powerless, needing someone to listen.
Rompe a llorar en mis brazos, con un llanto infantil, impotente, necesitado de alguien que lo oiga.Literature Literature
In the end, life without Mariori appeared to him as an unendurable martyrdom, and he burst into tears.
Finalmente, la vida sin Mariori le parecía un martirio insoportable...Literature Literature
His pride turned to terror and he burst into tears.
Su orgullo se convirtió en terror, y estalló en llanto.Literature Literature
He bursts into tears like the little boy that he was.
Rompe a llorar como el chiquillo que fue.Literature Literature
When that didn’t help either, he burst into tears.
Y cuando eso tampoco sirvió de nada se echó a llorar.Literature Literature
"Roger Comstock, noting the same thing: ""Is that how a German looks before he bursts into tears?"""
Roger Comstock, al ver la misma expresión: —¿Es ése el aspecto de un alemán antes de echarse a llorar?Literature Literature
“You’re sorry because you got caught,” I say, and he bursts into tears.
—Lo lamentas porque fuiste pillado —le digo y comienza a llorar.Literature Literature
Even as he shouted at Musashi for having left him behind, he burst into tears.
Mientras gritaba a Musashi por haberle dejado atrás, rompió a llorar.Literature Literature
It astonished everyone—Melanie, Teddy, Rosie, Vernon—and before Tommy could help himself he burst into tears.
Todos se sorprendieron —Melanie, Teddy, Rosie, Vernon— y Tommy no pudo sino romper a llorar.Literature Literature
He burst into tears when Owen spoke to him.
Rompió en lágrimas cuando Owen le habló.Literature Literature
He bursts into tears if his cook busts his yoke at breakfast.
Se echa a llorar si el cocinero rompe la yema del huevo frito de su desayuno.Literature Literature
He bursts into tears and crawls to her, begging.
Él rompe a llorar y se arrastra hacia ella, rogándole.Literature Literature
He might have been angry with Mary Elizabeth, or so upset that he burst into tears.
Pudo haberse enfadado con Mary Elizabeth, o sentirse herido y echarse a llorar.Literature Literature
In fact, he burst into tears right in front of the corporal who said it to him.
De hecho, rompió en llanto ante el cabo que se lo comunicó.Literature Literature
Roger Comstock, noting the same thing: 'Is that how a German looks before he bursts into tears?'
Roger Comstock, al ver la misma expresión: —¿Es ése el aspecto de un alemán antes de echarse a llorar?Literature Literature
‘One night he burst into tears and told me he thought it was his fault.’
– Una noche se puso a llorar como un desconsolado, me decía que era culpa suyaLiterature Literature
He burst into tears, and Dede said to me coldly, fearless: You’re very mean.
Él se echó a llorar, Dede me dijo fría, impávida: Eres muy mala.Literature Literature
If he had a few more, he burst into tears.”
Si se tomaba unas pocas más, rompía a llorar».Literature Literature
The outlaw prince surprised many, even including himself, when he burst into tears at the sight of Stallyar.
El príncipe exiliado sorprendió a muchos, incluido él mismo, cuando rompió a llorar al ver a Stallyar.Literature Literature
He burst into tears; it was all over, he only hoped that death would come quickly now.
Se echó a llorar con desconsuelo: todo había terminado, solo deseaba que le dieran muerte rápidamente.Literature Literature
When he discovered the truth, he burst into tears, crying, “You all played the dozens on me.
Al descubrir la verdad, rompió a llorar diciendo: —Todos me habéis tomado el pelo.Literature Literature
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