he gives him a hug oor Spaans

he gives him a hug

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le da un abrazo


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Brian lowers him down a little so he can give him a bear hug.
Brian lo baja un poco para poder darle un abrazo de oso.Literature Literature
He let him give his mother a long, silent hug, then he hugged him.
Le dejó que abrazara a su madre, largamente y en silencio, y después le dio un abrazo a su vez.Literature Literature
If it'll make you feel any better, when he gets back, give him a hug.
Si le hace sentir mejor, cuando vuelva, abrácelo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Before they wheel Arjun away too—he’s in a chair now—I give him a hug.
Antes de que se lleven también a Arjun, que va en una silla de ruedas, le doy un fuerte abrazo.Literature Literature
He gives Ty a hug and tells him he will see him very soon.
Abraza a Ty y le dice que le verá muy pronto.Literature Literature
Aris reached Thomas and stood in front of him as if he were about to give him a hug, then held out a hand instead.
Aris alcanzó a Thomas y aguardó como si estuviera a punto de abrazarle, pero acabó dándole la mano.Literature Literature
What does he think that I'll give him a hug?
¿Cree que le voy a dar un abrazo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They bicker and scream, but ultimately he forces her to shut up and submit to giving him what he wants: a hug.
Pelean y gritan, pero finalmente él la obliga a callarse y la domina para que le dé lo que desea: un abrazo.Literature Literature
"""You have me and Jared, we’re your family and we love you"" he replied, about to give him a hug."
«Estamos yo y Jared, somos nosotros tu familia y te queremos mucho» replicó amagando un abrazoLiterature Literature
Then he looks at Jorge and gives him a hug also; the circumstance makes us laugh.
Luego mira a Jorge y le da otro abrazo, lo que hace que no aguantemos la risa.Literature Literature
Even though Blake is in his twenties now, whenever he visits, I give him a good-night hug.
Aunque hoy en día Blake ya es un veinteañero, siempre que me visita, le doy un abrazo de buenas noches.Literature Literature
To get any closer, he would have had to give him a hug or climb him.
De acercarse un poco más, habría tenido que abrazarlo o subírsele encima.Literature Literature
Then I plop next to him and hug him tight, but he squirms away, giving me a disgusted look.
Después me dejo caer junto a él y lo abrazo con fuerza, pero él se escabulle y me mira disgustado.Literature Literature
I just hope he has someone there to give him a big hug :(
Espero que tenga a alguien que le dé un buen abrazo :( —Sí —murmuró Eric—.Literature Literature
He's a smart kid, but I never knew whether to give him a hug or a kick in the ass.
Es muy listo, pero nunca supe si abrazarlo o patearle el trasero.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I watch him sniffle and rub his eyes for a bit and then I give him a hug and he settles down.
Lo veo gimotear y frotarse un poco los ojos, y luego le doy un abrazo y se tranquiliza.Literature Literature
He thanked me for all of my support, for everything I was doing to help him, he tried to give me a hug, and he left.
Me dio las gracias por mi apoyo, por todo lo que estaba haciendo para ayudarle, intentó darme un abrazo y se fue.Literature Literature
He is a true example for all, and I look forward to giving him a hug in the resurrection.”
Es un auténtico ejemplo para todos, y anhelo abrazarlo cuando resucite.”jw2019 jw2019
He gives the man a hug and shakes him a little, laughing.
Y abraza al otro mientras lo sacude un poco, riéndose.Literature Literature
I give him a hug as he sits down again.
Le doy un abrazo cuando se sienta otra vez.Literature Literature
Sophie tried to give him a hug but he shook her off.
Sophie intentó darle un abrazo, pero él se la quitó de encima.Literature Literature
After she gives him a quick hug, he introduces us to April.
Después de que ella le dé un abrazo, él nos presenta a April.Literature Literature
Oh, and when you meet him, he's gonna give you a big bear hug.
Y cuando te encuentres con él, va a darte un gran abrazo de oso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He would rather have liked Dolly to give him a hug, but she had apparently decided against this.
Le habría gustado que Dolly le diera un abrazo, pero al parecer ella había decidido no hacerlo.Literature Literature
She came across the room to give him a hug and he could smell sandalwood in her hair.
—Atravesó la habitación para darle un abrazo y él notó el aroma a sándalo de su cabello—.Literature Literature
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