he laid his head on the pillow oor Spaans

he laid his head on the pillow

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

puso la cabeza en la almohada


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Then he laid his head on the pillow next to me and buried his face in my chest.
Entonces, puso su cabeza sobre la almohada junto a mí y enterró su cara en mi pecho.Literature Literature
But as he laid his head on the pillows a flood of tears oozed from it.
Pero cuando apoyó la cabeza en la almohada, un torrente de lágrimas se derramó sobre ella.Literature Literature
Mattias noticed the sheets were still warm as he laid his head on the pillow.
Mattias advirtió que las sábanas seguían calientes cuando apoyó la cabeza sobre la almohada.Literature Literature
Then he laid his head on the pillow again and closed his eyes.
Luego volvió a recostar la cabeza sobre la almohada y cerró los ojos.Literature Literature
He laid his head on the pillow.
Él apoyó la cabeza en la almohada.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Usually, only yesterday, he would have fallen asleep as soon as he laid his head on the pillow.
No obstante, antes, incluso el día anterior, se dormía en cuanto ponía la cabeza sobre la almohada.Literature Literature
He laid his head on the pillow, laced his hands behind his head and gazed at the ceiling.
Apoyó su cabeza en la almohada, entrelazó sus manos detrás de su cabeza y miró hacia el techo.Literature Literature
That night he fell asleep as soon as he laid his head on the pillow, and slept for three days.
Se durmió en cuanto apoyó la cabeza en la almohada, no despertó en tres días.Literature Literature
No sooner had he laid his head on the pillow than he wondered if Perkins had yet replied from Washington.
Solo reposar la cabeza en la almohada, se preguntó si le habría contestado Perkins de Washington.Literature Literature
The effort seemed to exhaust him and he laid his head back on the nest of pillows.
El esfuerzo pareció dejarle exhausto y echó la cabeza hacia atrás, acomodándola en el nido de almohadas.Literature Literature
He sighed and laid his head back on the pillow.
Él suspiró y apoyó de nuevo la cabeza en la almohada.Literature Literature
I said nothing, and he laid down his head again on the bundle of rugs he uses for a pillow.
No contesté nada y él volvió a acostar la cabeza en la manta que le servía de almohada.Literature Literature
By the time William eventually laid his head on the pillow, he had quite gone off Holly Kaminski.
Cuando William acabó apoyando la cabeza en la almohada, ya no le gustaba casi nada Holly Kaminski.Literature Literature
Shasta laid his head down again on the pillows and soon he was alone in the room.
Shasta dejó caer nuevamente su cabeza sobre las almohadas y pronto se encontró solo en la sala.Literature Literature
He drank a fair amount, too, like a gentleman, in the evening, at supper, so that he could be sure of finding sleep readily the moment he laid his head on the pillow.
También bebía discretamente: como un gentleman, por la noche, en la cena, para estar seguro de conciliar el sueño nada más reclinar la cabeza sobre la almohada.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He puffed as he got back into his bed and laid his head on the pillow.
Resopló al volver a la cama y apoyó la cabeza en la almohada.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Between us, with much trouble, we managed to hoist him up-stairs, and laid him on his bed, where his head fell back on the pillow, as if he were almost fainting.
Entre el doctor y yo, con gran trabajo, conseguimos hacerlo subir la escalera y dejarlo en el lecho, donde su cabeza cayó sobre la almohada igual que si aún permaneciera desmayado.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
And when Faithful John had once more given his promise to the old King about this, the King said no more, but laid his head on his pillow, and When the old King had been carried to his grave, Faithful John told the young King all that he had promised his father on his deathbed, and said, "This will I assuredly perform, and will be faithful to thee as I have been faithful to him, even if it should cost me my life."
Y cuando el fiel Juan hubo renovado la promesa a su Rey, enmudeció éste y, reclinando la cabeza en la almohada, murió. Llevado ya a la sepultura el cuerpo del anciano Rey, el fiel Juan dio cuenta a su joven señor de lo que prometiera a su padre en su lecho de muerte, y añadió: "Lo cumpliré puntualmente y te guardaré fidelidad como se la guardé a él, aunque me hubiera de costar la vida."ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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