he looked at me fixedly oor Spaans

he looked at me fixedly

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me miró fijamente


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He looked at me fixedly, as if expecting me to make a sign, then shrugged his shoulders.
Me miró fijamente a los ojos, como si esperase que le hiciera una seña, y luego se encogió de hombros.Literature Literature
He looked at me fixedly and then smiled as if he had just found out something new.
Me miró con fijeza; luego sonrió, como si acabara de descubrir algo nuevo en mí.Literature Literature
He looked at me fixedly and said to me: “I am here again.”
Me miró fijamente y me dijo: ––¡Aquí estoy otra vez!Literature Literature
He looked at me fixedly with his liquid, shining eyes, that seemed very big in the dim light.
Me miró fijamente con sus ojos líquidos y brillantes, que parecían muy grandes en la luz mortecina.Literature Literature
"""He looked at me fixedly, and it was clear he wished to speak, but his breath failed him."
Me miró fijamente, y era obvio que deseaba hablar, pero le faltaba el aliento.Literature Literature
He looked at me fixedly, with an uneasy expression.
Me miró fijamente, con expresión inquieta.Literature Literature
"""He looked at me fixedly, and it was clear he wished to speak, but his breath failed him."
-Me miró fijamente, y era obvio que deseaba hablar, pero le faltaba el aliento.Literature Literature
He looked at me fixedly and said in a calm voice: “she will live but always be a cripple”.’
Me miró fijamente y dijo con voz calmada: “Vivirá, pero estará siempre impedida”».Literature Literature
He looked at me, fixedly, as if he were trying to make out what sort of man I was.
Me miró fijamente, como si estuviera intentando averiguar qué clase de hombre era.Literature Literature
He looked at me fixedly and again my abdominal region registered the weird sensation of two gentle fingers clasping it.
Me miró con fijeza y de nuevo mi región abdominal registró la extraña sensación de dos dedos suaves que la aferraban.Literature Literature
He looked at me fixedly, took out a bandanna from his pants pocket and mopped the sweat off his forehead.
Se me quedó mirando fijamente, sacó un paliacate de un bolsillo de su pantalón y se enjugó el sudor de la frenteLiterature Literature
He looked at me fixedly, took me by the hand, and led me to the window, opening both the outside jalousies.
Me miró fijamente, me cogió por la mano y me llevó a la ventana, abriendo los dos batientes.Literature Literature
He looked at me so fixedly that I feared he was going to slap me.
Me miraba con tanta fijeza que temí que fuera a abofetearme.Literature Literature
“Yes, I think I understand,” he said looking at me fixedly for a moment.
—Sí, creo que lo comprendo —dijo él mirándome fijamente un momento—.Literature Literature
“Why is he looking at me so fixedly?
¿Por qué me mirará tan fijamente?Literature Literature
He looked up at me fixedly for a moment, but asked no questions, and then he went and locked the door.
Me miró fijamente durante un momento, pero no me hizo ninguna pregunta, y luego fue a cerrar la puerta.Literature Literature
Finally, he dropped the report on the desk and leaned back in his chair while he looked fixedly at me.
Por fin, dejó el informe sobre el escritorio y se echó para atrás en la silla mientras me miraba fijamente.Literature Literature
Hands thrust under his leathern belt, he looked fixedly at me, and then at the woman.
Él, con las manos hincadas debajo del cinturón de cuero, me miró fijamente, y luego miró a la mujer.Literature Literature
He looks fixedly at me, as if suddenly there were no one on the street but the two of us.
Me mira fijamente, como si de pronto estuviéramos solos en la calle.Literature Literature
He sat up straight and pointed to his mouth as if he wanted me to look fixedly at it.
Se sentó tieso y se señaló la boca como si deseara que fijara mis ojos en ella.Literature Literature
He drew it back and looked at me fixedly from under his thick eyebrows.
La retiró y me miró fijamente bajo sus cejas espesas.Literature Literature
He then looked at me for a moment fixedly, and the following conversation ensued between us:— Alcalde.
Entonces me miró un instante fijamente y tuvimos la siguiente conversación: El alcalde.Literature Literature
As I hesitated, he looked fixedly at me, and added with a kindly smile: ‘I should like to have your opinion of Hitler.’
y como vacilara, me miró fijamente y añadió con una sonrisa educada: Quisiera conocer su opinión acerca de Hitler.Literature Literature
"And as she looked at me fixedly, ""He will live, the doctors say."
—Y mientras ella me miraba con fijeza, añadí—: Los médicos dicen que vivirá.Literature Literature
Yet he looked fixedly and gravely at me, till I wondered what he expected of me.
Pero me miraba con fijeza y gravedad, hasta que me pregunté qué esperaba de .Literature Literature
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