he scratched his head oor Spaans

he scratched his head

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

se rascó la cabeza

When he thinks, he scratches his head.
Cuando piensa, se rasca la cabeza.

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One, and he scratched his head about this, appeared to be a sparrow.
Uno, y él se rascó la cabeza sobre éste, parecía ser un gorrión.Literature Literature
“Things can certainly get worse, so...” He scratches his head.
Sin duda, las cosas siempre pueden empeorar, así que... —Se rasca la cabeza.Literature Literature
He scratched his head trying to recall what he had done with the machine.
Se rascó la cabeza tratando de acordarse de lo que había hecho con el aparato.Literature Literature
He scratched his head, for the details were a little sketchy, in spite of his mother’s yammering.
Ankhar se rascó la cabeza, porque los detalles eran bastante escasos, a pesar de los aspavientos de su madre.Literature Literature
All at once, he scratched his head and seemed to make a welcome discovery.
De pronto, se rascó la cabeza y pareció hacer un descubrimiento gozoso.Literature Literature
Then he scratched his head for a bit.
Y luego se rascó él mismo la cabeza un poquito—.Literature Literature
He scratched his head again and sucked his cigarette which he had lighted with his tinder rope.
Se vuelve a rascar la calva y rechupetea el cigarro que ha encendido con la serpiente de su yescaLiterature Literature
He scratched his head and answered defensively, “We were within the law.
Se rascó la cabeza y contestó a la defensiva: —Hemos actuado con arreglo a la ley.Literature Literature
He scratched his head with the barrel of the pistol, then aimed it at Peter.
Se rascó la cabeza con el cañón de la pistola, y luego apuntó a Peter.Literature Literature
He scratched his head in perplexity.
Él se rascó la cabeza con perplejidad.Literature Literature
He scratched his head over his left ear.
Se rascó la cabeza, justo sobre el oído izquierdo.Literature Literature
He scratched his head, puzzling over where on earth she would have put the damn CD.
Se rascó la cabeza mientras se preguntaba dónde demonios podía estar el maldito CD.Literature Literature
He scratched his head, and asked me if I had my map.
Se rascó la cabeza y me preguntó si tenía un mapa.Literature Literature
He scratched his head in serious thought and seemed to be considering her words carefully.
Él se rascó la cabeza al tiempo que parecía meditar a fondo y sopesar sus palabras.Literature Literature
Jerry lifted his hand, she thought to wipe his eyes; but he scratched his head instead.
—Jerry levantó la mano, como si fuera a frotarse los ojos, pero se rascó la cabeza.Literature Literature
But this ...’ He scratched his head with unusual vigour.
Pero esto... Se rascó la cabeza con vigor desacostumbrado.Literature Literature
He examined the object that made one laugh, and he scratched his head.
Miró esa cosa que hacía reír y se rascó la cabeza.Literature Literature
But when he took a look at my birth certificate, he scratched his head: “No way!”
Pero cuando leyó mi partida de nacimiento se rascó la cabeza: «Ni de a vainas.»Literature Literature
He scratches his head in a confused manner since I’m now carrying the suitcase with ease.
Él se rasca la cabeza un poco confundido, ya que ahora arrastro la maleta con facilidad.Literature Literature
He scratched his head with the hand holding the flashlight.
Se rascó la cabeza con la mano con la cual sujetaba la linterna.Literature Literature
He scratched his head and stared straight in front of him but I knew he was well pleased.
El hombre se rascó la cabeza y miró fijamente ante él, pero supe que se sentía halagado.Literature Literature
He scratched his head, at a loss to comprehend why she had captivated him so thoroughly.
Se rascó la cabeza tratando de entender por qué lo había cautivado tanto.Literature Literature
He scratched his head searching for a response.
Se rascó la nuca en busca de una respuesta.Literature Literature
He scratched his head, looked up at the dark and convoluted sky, then looked back at Ed again.
Se rascó la cabeza, volvió la mirada hacia el cielo oscuro y revuelto y a continuación se dirigió de nuevo a Ed.Literature Literature
He scratched his head delightedly and his fingers blundered into an unfamiliar groove.
Se rascó la cabeza encantado y los dedos tropezaron con un surco desconocido.Literature Literature
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