he took out the trash oor Spaans

he took out the trash

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sacó la basura


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“Here he mopped the floors and took out the trash for almost four years.”
Pues aquí se dedicaba a fregar el suelo y a sacar la basura desde hace casi cuatro años.Literature Literature
On the morning of 15 July he took a Christian tract out of the trash can in the hall.
La mañana del 15 de julio, encontró en la basura de la entrada un folleto cristiano.Literature Literature
Then he lifted the trash can and took out the key his mother left under there whenever she worked late.
Luego levantó el bote de la basura y tomó la llave que su madre dejaba debajo cuando trabajaba hasta tarde.Literature Literature
" One day, he even took the trash out without moaning. "
" Incluso él sacó la basura sin quejarse. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One day, he even took the trash out without moaning.
Incluso llevo la basura sin quejarse.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Finally, he walked around his apartment, took out the trash, and left to meet his editor.
Por último, dio una vuelta por el apartamento, bajó las bolsas de la basura y se marchó para reunirse con su editor.Literature Literature
"""Grandpa threw those pictures away, but when he wasn't looking, I took them out of the trash."""
El abuelo tiró esas fotos a la basura, pero yo las saqué cuando él no me veía.Literature Literature
And he always took the trash on his way out.
Y siempre se llevaba la basura cuando salía.Literature Literature
I took out the trash and there he was.
Saqué la basura, y ahí lo encontré.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I took out the trash and there he was.
Fui a tirar la basura y allí estaba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He took out the blue contacts and tossed them in a trash can, along with his brown coat.
Se quitó los lentes de contacto azules y los tiró a la basura, junto con su abrigo marrón.Literature Literature
Drawing out his Monte Alban, he took a big gulp, then swept the trash from the slab and climbed on top.
Sacó el Monte Alban, tomó un buen trago, luego barrió la basura de la losa y subió.Literature Literature
Continuing to eat his roll, he got up, took the magazine out of her hands and threw it in the trash.
Sin dejar de comerse el bollo, se levantó, le quitó la revista de las manos y la arrojó a la basura.Literature Literature
Figure he was in the record shop, came out, Caught the perp trashing his car, Struggled, and took a header.
Me imagino que estaba en la tienda de discos, salió, cogió al perpetrador ensuciando su coche, luchó y cayó de cabeza.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He held out another, clean napkin, with this took the dirty one from Jonah, walked to a trash can, and threw them away.
Sacó otra servilleta de papel limpia, y con esta recogió la sucia de Jonah y la llevó a una papelera, donde la tiró.Literature Literature
After he took off, I felt bad about the whole thing, so I fished one of the pamphlets out of the trash and took a look.
Después que se fue, me sentí mal por todo así que alcé uno de los panfletos de la basura y lo miré.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He took the trash out of people.
Sacó la basura de la gente.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He took the trash out of them.
Quitó la basura en ellos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Many of the arrests took place while he was working stocking shelves or taking out the trash.
Muchos de los arrestos tuvieron lugar cuando estaba trabajando reponiendo los estantes o sacando la basura.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He talked to her once when she took the trash out.
Aprovechaba a hablar con ella cuando sacaba la basura.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
So I waited until he went out to walk the dog, then I took it out of the trash and put it on a plate for him.
Así que esperé a que saliera a pasear al perro, luego la saqué de la basura y se la puse en un plato.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Employees from different departments of the administration cleaned the channel between colonia Guadalupe and barrio del Obraje. The employees cut down several trees and took out weeds and trash. With regard to rebuilding walls to isolate colonia Guadalupe from the arroyo, Bautista said that he did not have information about the matter, although he said that cutting off the neighborhood from the arroyo would be a mistake because the idea is to bring people into the area and if criminals notice that the place is well-lit and there is movement they will go elsewhere or even decide to give up.
Durante los trabajos de limpieza del arroyo entre la colonia Guadalupe y el Barrio del Obraje, se eliminaron varios árboles que se encontraban dentro del cauce, además de maleza y basura en general. Sobre el hecho de bardear, Édgar Bautista, director de Desarrollo Urbano dijo que no tenía conocimiento sobre el hecho; sin embargo aclaró que encajonar el arroyo sería un error, “queremos llevar a la gente al lugar y que el delincuente al ver que hay iluminación y movilidad, se vaya o se integre al nuevo contexto social, que no se sientan relegados” dijo.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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