he was beside himself oor Spaans

he was beside himself

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

estaba fuera de sí

When he was let out he was beside himself, screaming and crying with rage.
Cuando abrieron la puerta estaba fuera de sí llorando y gritando de rabia.

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Jonson sprang at Neil and seized him round the middle, for he was beside himself.
Jonson se abalanzó sobre Neil, sujetándole por la cintura, porque estaba fuera de sí.Literature Literature
When he heard you were coming this weekend, he was beside himself.”
Cuando supo que venías este fin de semana, estaba loco de contento.Literature Literature
But for the next week he was beside himself, and I couldn't keep him away from her.
Pero él pasó la semana siguiente fuera de y no pude mantenerlo apartado de Sarah.Literature Literature
In connection with the operation he told me that he was beside himself with jealousy at the time.
Sobre la operación, cuenta que en ese tiempo estaba fuera de sí de celos.Literature Literature
He was beside himself, with rage more than fear.
Estaba demudado de furia, más que de temor.Literature Literature
He was beside himself with concern for my safety—and of Philip’s wrath if harm should befall me.
Estaba terriblemente preocupado por mi seguridad, y por la furia de Filipo si sufría algún daño.Literature Literature
He was beside himself.
Estaba fuera de sí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was beside himself, completely out of control.
Estaba fuera de sí, totalmente fuera de control.Literature Literature
He was beside himself that Ferrara would not yield to him.
Estaba fuera de sí porque Ferrara no se rendiría ante él.Literature Literature
But it's only natural that he was beside himself.
Pero es natural que estuviera fuera de .Literature Literature
'He was beside himself when he got home that night.
Estaba fuera de sí cuando llegó a casa aquella noche.Literature Literature
Throughout the opening ceremonies he was beside himself with patriotic ardor.
A lo largo de las ceremonias inaugurales se le vio fuera de sí a causa del ardor patriótico.Literature Literature
When I ran into his room, he was beside himself—it was fearful to see him.
Cuando entré en su cuarto, corriendo, él estaba como loco; daba miedo verle.Literature Literature
You can imagine how Cyprien reacted: he was beside himself.
Podéis imaginar como Cyprien reaccionó...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was beside himself, half confused and half happy.
Estaba fuera de sí, medio confundido, medio alegre.Literature Literature
Yesterday he was beside himself with worry because his tongue was blue instead of pink.
Ayer andaba bastante preocupado porque tenía la lengua de color azul en lugar de rojo.Literature Literature
The way she, and only she, could calm him when he was beside himself.
La forma en la que ella, solo ella, podía tranquilizarlo cuando estaba muy alterado.Literature Literature
He was beside himself ... I thought you’d want to know.”
Estaba fuera de sí... He pensado que le gustaría saberlo.Literature Literature
Einstein recalled later that he was beside himself with delight for several days after this success.
Einstein recordaba posteriormente que tras este éxito pasó varios días en los que no cabía en de gozo.Literature Literature
When he was let out he was beside himself, screaming and crying with rage.
Cuando abrieron la puerta estaba fuera de sí llorando y gritando de rabia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I could see he was beside himself, so I didn’t try to answer.
Me di cuenta de que estaba fuera de sí, así que no traté de contestarle.Literature Literature
He was beside himself with grief, terrified that Ephyra would kill his only surviving son.
Estaba loco de tristeza, aterrorizado de que Ephyra matara al único hijo que le quedaba.Literature Literature
He was beside himself with joy and impatience.
El muchacho estaba fuera de sí por la alegría y la impaciencia.Literature Literature
He was beside himself with anger, frustration, and his humiliating sense of impotence.
Estaba fuera de sí de la furia, la frustración y la humillante sensación de impotencia.Literature Literature
He was beside himself with relief.
Estaba fuera de sí por el alivio.Literature Literature
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