he was sad oor Spaans

he was sad

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

estaba triste

The other day, on the train, he was sad.
El otro día, en el tren, estaba triste.

estuvo triste

The other day, on the train, he was sad.
El otro día, en el tren, estaba triste.

él estaba triste

Yeah, he was sad.
Sí, él estaba triste.

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he said that he was sad about the tomato plant
él dijo que estaba triste por la planta de tomates
he was kind of sad
estaba como triste


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At that moment he realized why he was sad.
Entonces se dio cuenta por qué estaba triste.Literature Literature
He realized that I was right, and I could see that he was sad.
Noté que se puso triste cuando se dio cuenta de que yo tenía razón.jw2019 jw2019
'Cause he was sad.
Porque estaba triste.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was sad, sometimes, that security made it too risky to know these people better.
Le entristecía, a veces, el hecho de que la seguridad hiciera demasiado arriesgado el conocer mejor a aquella gente.Literature Literature
Grandpa’s was a laughing face even when he was sad.
El abuelo tenía una cara que reía aunque estuviera triste.Literature Literature
He could not say he was sad when the food in that pot was finally gone.
No pudo decir que se sintiera triste cuando por fin se acabó el alimento del cacharro.Literature Literature
Father Renchon had understood, and he was sad and disappointed.
El padre Renchon ha comprendido y está triste, decepcionado.Literature Literature
He was sad not to be bringing it back to France.
Le entristeció no podérselo llevar a Francia.Literature Literature
He was sad.
Estaba triste.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To his surprise, he found he was sad.
Para su sorpresa, descubrió que le entristecía.Literature Literature
But why act merry when he was sad, fiercely sad?
Pero ¿por qué hacer el alegre, si estaba triste, ferozmente triste?Literature Literature
When Djuna and Rango met, he was sad that he had found nothing to shelter them.
Cuando Djuna y Rango se encontraron, él se hallaba triste por no haber encontrado ningún sitio donde cobijarse.Literature Literature
He was sad, taciturn, bitterly disappointed in fate; but the deaths he had occasioned he somehow overlooked.
Estaba triste, taciturno, se le veía desilusionado; y pasaba por alto las muertes que había causado.Literature Literature
But when one of his appetites was sated, he was sad and ashamed and lonely again.
Pero cuando al fin saciaba uno de sus apetitos, volvía una vez más a sentirse triste, avergonzado y solo.Literature Literature
On the other hand, he was sad; a part of him had taken a liking to Roy.
Por otra parte, estaba triste: había llegado a apreciar a Roy en parte.Literature Literature
Ben was always honest with her, although he was sad to see her sell it.
Ben siempre era sincero con ella, aunque le entristecía ver que se vendía el periódico.Literature Literature
He was sad because his captain, who had led him successfully through so many dangers, was gone.
Su capitán, aquél que le había conducido con éxito en medio de innumerables peligros, se había ido.Literature Literature
Again, he was sad; upset; he couldn’t handle her past; but he wasn’t jealous.
Otra vez: estaba triste; preocupado, no podía superar el pasado; pero no era celoso.Literature Literature
And it was a very bad news for C. Lemaitre? He was sad? Yes, he's a young boy.
Quizá no se trataba de buenas noticias para C. Lemaitre ¿Estaba triste?QED QED
He was not educated and he was sad because he had no learning.
No era instruido y estaba triste porque no lo era.Literature Literature
Well, I mean, he was sad at first.
Quiero decir, estaba triste al principio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was sad, of course, but he didn’t seem beside himself.
Estaba triste, desde luego, pero no parecía fuera de sí.Literature Literature
On the one hand, he was sad because the check represented the end of their first home.
Por un lado le daba pena, porque representaba el final de su primera casa.Literature Literature
He was sad.
Porque estaba triste.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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