he was told to go to sleep oor Spaans

he was told to go to sleep

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le dijeron que se fuera a dormir


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I asked him what was wrong, but he told me it was nothing and to go back to sleep.
Le pregunté qué tenía, y él me dijo que no era nada, que volviera a dormirme.Literature Literature
He had been told not to go to the cabin, because Joanna was sleeping and he mustn't disturb her.
Se le había dicho que no fuera a la cabaña, porque Joanna estaba durmiendo y no debía molestarla.Literature Literature
He told me to go back to sleep, everything was fine.”
Me dijo que siguiera durmiendo, que todo estaba bien.Literature Literature
He told me to go back to sleep, everything was fine.""
Me dijo que siguiera durmiendo, que todo estaba bien.Literature Literature
She told him she was going out to pee and he says he went back to sleep.”
Ella le dijo que iba a salir a orinar y él dice que se volvió a dormir.Literature Literature
I told him that I was going to sleep outside and he said he wanted to copy me.
Le dije que iba a dormir afuera y me contestó que pensaba imitarme.Literature Literature
I told her he didn’t know where my dad was and pretended to go to sleep so I wouldn’t have to talk.
Le conté que Darrell no sabía dónde estaba mi padre y fingí quedarme dormida para no tener que seguir hablando con ella.Literature Literature
He told himself it was probably just another raccoon or possum, and rolled over to go back to sleep.
Se dijo que seguramente era otro mapache, o un zorro, y se volvió para seguir durmiendo.Literature Literature
His mother told him to go back to sleep until it was morning, but he couldn’t.
Su madre le dijo que se volviera a su cama y durmiera hasta que se hiciera de día, pero él no pudo.Literature Literature
He had looked for Bant, but she had told him she was going to sleep early and didn't want to talk.
Había buscado a Bant, pero ésta le dijo que quería acostarse temprano y que no quería hablar.Literature Literature
Mariah had told him she was going to have his baby, walked out, and expected he would go to sleep?
Mariah le decía que estaba embarazada de él, se marchaba como si tal cosa, ¿y esperaba que él se fuera a dormir?Literature Literature
I told him I was surprised to see him back so soon; he said he was tired and was going to get some sleep.
Yo le dije que me sorprendía verlo tan pronto; él me respondió que estaba muy cansado y se iba a dormir un rato.Literature Literature
It was similar when Lazarus died. Jesus told his disciples that he was going to visit Lazarus “to awaken him from sleep.”
Asimismo, cuando Lázaro murió, Jesús les dijo a sus discípulos que iría a visitarlo “para despertarlo del sueño”.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He insisted my adventure was a dream, and told me to go back to sleep.
Él insistió en que mi aventura era solo un sueño y me dijo que volviera a la cama.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
However, by levitating the items on his desk with magic, he told Geoffrey he was dreaming and to go back to sleep to which he complied (Love in the Time of Dragons).
Sin embargo, haciendo levitar los objetos de encima del escritorio con magia, le dijo a Geoffrey que estaba soñando y que volviese a dormir, lo que Geoffrey hizo (El amor en tiempos de dragones).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Brittany says that Tony told her before she went to sleep that he was going to get some cigarettes, he didn’t tell her anything else.
Brittany dice que Tony le dijo antes de irse a dormir que él iba a conseguir algunos cigarrillos, él no le dijo nada más.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There were lightning but no rain where we were, so Mark told me he was going to his big rock to sleep, 10m downstream on the same river left, and I invited him to come to my tarped rock if it'd rained.
Se veían rayos pero no llovía donde estábamos, así es que Mark me dijo que se iba a su roca grande a dormir, 10m río abajo, y yo le invité a venir a la mía que tenía techo si llovía.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He was worrying about things and he hadn't slept half the night, so finally the Lord told him to turn over and go to sleep and He'd worry the other half!
Una vez estaba muy preocupado por sus cosas y se había pasado media noche en vela, ¡hasta que al final el Señor le dijo que se diera la vuelta y se durmiera, que Él se preocuparía la otra mitad de la noche!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When one of the nurses emerged from behind the curtain, she realized that he was awake and came over to his bed and told him softly, "Go back to sleep.
Cuando una de las enfermeras salió de detrás de la cortina y se dio cuenta de que estaba despierto, acudió a su lado y le dijo quedamente: – Anda, duérmete.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We told him to go wash his face and brush his teeth so he could go to sleep, but he was absent and confused, and asked: “Why do I have to brush my teeth?”
Le dijimos que fuera a lavarse la cara y los dientes, para poder acostarnos y dormir, pero él estaba ausente y confundido, y preguntó: “¿Por qué debo lavarme los dientes?”.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When the evening came and they wanted to go to sleep, she was afraid of his quills, but he told her she was not to fear, for no harm would befall her, and he told the old King that he was to appoint four men to watch by the door of the chamber, and light a great fire, and when he entered the room and was about to get into bed, he would creep out of his hedgehog's skin and leave it lying there by the bedside, and that the men were to run nimbly to it, throw it in the fire, and stay by it until it was consumed.
Cuando se hizo de noche y se iban a ir a dormir a ella le dieron mucho miedo sus púas, pero él le dijo que no temiera, que no sufriría ningún daño, y al viejo rey le dijo que apostara cuatro hombres en la puerta de la alcoba y que encendieran un gran fuego, y que cuando él entrara en la alcoba y fuera a acostarse en la cama se desprendería de su piel de erizo y la dejaría a los pies de la cama; entonces los hombres tendrían que acudir rápidamente y echarla al fuego y quedarse allí hasta que el fuego la hubiera consumido.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When the evening came and they wanted to go to sleep, she was afraid of his quills, but he told her she was not to fear, for no harm would befall her, and he told the old King that he was to appoint four men to watch by the door of the chamber, and light a great fire, and when he entered the room and was about to get into bed, he would creep out of his hedgehog’s skin and leave it lying there by the bedside, and that the men were to run nimbly to it, throw it in the fire, and stay by it until it was consumed.
Cuando se hizo de noche y se iban a ir a dormir a ella le dieron mucho miedo sus púas, pero él le dijo que no temiera, que no sufriría ningún daño, y al viejo rey le dijo que apostara cuatro hombres en la puerta de la alcoba y que encendieran un gran fuego, y que cuando él entrara en la alcoba y fuera a acostarse en la cama se desprendería de su piel de erizo y la dejaría a los pies de la cama; entonces los hombres tendrían que acudir rápidamente y echarla al fuego y quedarse allí hasta que el fuego la hubiera consumido.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Then Raziel told about his mother's deportation when he was in fifth grade: “Then my mom’s friend drove me home and I remember going to my mother’s bed and laying down where she used to sleep.
Luego Raziel habló sobre la deportación de su madre cuando el cursaba el quinto grado: "De ahí, la amiga de mi mamá me llevó a casa y recuerdo caminar hasta la cama de mi madre y acostarme donde ella solía dormir.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He had woken up suddenly, he explained in somewhat garbled fashion, had slept badly, and she asked him why he didn't go back to bed, and then he told her how he had found a mistake in the script that could be rectified only by the production company, and she said that there was no need to go rushing over there, he could go after lunch, but that now he should sleep.
Se despertó sobresaltado, explicó, balbuceando, que había pasado mala noche, y ella le preguntó por qué no volvía a la cama, y entonces él le explicó que había encontrado un error en el guion que solo en la productora podrían corregir, y ella dijo que eso no le obligaba a ir allí corriendo, que fuese después del almuerzo y ahora que durmiese.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Grandpa Pablo had told us that he went to sleep one day and did not wake up, and though he said that everything was going to be alright, I felt as though something was missing, which made me sad, because of Pre and because of Grandma and Grandpa, who were sad as well.
El abuelo Pablo nos dijo que un día se durmió y ya no se despertó más, y aunque me había dicho que todo iba a ir bien, a mí me parecía que algo faltaba, y me ponía triste, por Pre y por los abuelos, que estaban tristes también.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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