he was wearing uniform oor Spaans

he was wearing uniform

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vestía de uniforme


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Vianello was prevented from doing the same only by the fact that he was wearing uniform.
Vianello no lo imitó porque llevaba uniforme.Literature Literature
And this poor fellah (he was wearing Egyptian uniform)-he was still less to blame.
Y este pobre felaj[11] (lleva una guerrera egipcia) es aún menos culpable.Literature Literature
She suddenly realized that he was not wearing a hunting jacket, he was wearing a uniform!
De repente, se dio cuenta de que no llevaba la chaqueta de caza, ¡sino un uniforme!Literature Literature
He was wearing a uniform, and she gathered he was the captain.
Llevaba uniforme y Ana comprobó que era el capitán.Literature Literature
He was wearing the uniform of a lieutenant colonel, and apparently he was in charge.
Llevaba uniforme de teniente coronel y, al parecer, estaba al mando.Literature Literature
That was why he spoke the English words so strangely, that was why he was wearing a uniform.
Por eso pronunciaba de esa manera extraña las palabras en inglés, por eso llevaba uniforme.Literature Literature
He was wearing Mungo’s uniform and he had everything he needed.
Llevaba puesto el uniforme de Mungo y terna cuanto necesitaba.Literature Literature
I thought he was a policeman because he was wearing a uniform.”
Creía que era un policía porque iba de uniforme.Literature Literature
He was wearing a uniform, his coat was open, and without a doubt he was drunk.
Llevaba uniforme, tenía abierto el abrigo y era evidente que estaba borracho.Literature Literature
He was wearing his uniform and stood up when he saw her.
El hombre iba uniformado y se levantó en cuanto la vio.Literature Literature
He was wearing an SS uniform, and he was tall and handsome and blond.
Llevaba un uniforme de las SS y era alto, guapo y rubio.Literature Literature
He was wearing a uniform, not a cop’s uniform, but then he changed it for a cop’s uniform.
Vestía uniforme, no uniforme de policía, aunque luego sí se lo cambió por un uniforme de policía.Literature Literature
"I could see what he was: some sort of town clown; he was wearing a uniform that spelled ""cop."""
Ahora pude ver qué era: una especie de payaso urbano; llevaba un uniforme con la placa: «policía».Literature Literature
He was wearing his uniform, and he looked so solid and capable in it that her body relaxed a little.
Llevaba puesto su uniforme, y lucía tan sólido y capaz haciendo que su cuerpo se relajara un poco.Literature Literature
He was wearing his uniform (he had come right over to rehearsal from the base) and looked a bit stiff and uncertain.
Iba de uniforme (había llegado al ensayo directamente desde la base) y parecía un poco envarado e inseguro.Literature Literature
He was not wearing a uniform, and Sophie wondered who he was.
No llevaba uniforme, y Sophie se preguntó quién sería.Literature Literature
He was wearing his uniform and looked as if he would rather be in his regiment’s mess than at the opera.
Vestía de uniforme y daba la impresión de que habría preferido estar en el casino de su regimiento que en la ópera.Literature Literature
He was wearing dress uniform, dark blue and gold with a double row of medal ribbons.
Él vestía su uniforme de gala, de color azul oscuro y dorado, con doble fila de medallas.Literature Literature
He was wearing the uniform of an imperial guardsman.
Llevaba puesto el uniforme de la guardia imperial.Literature Literature
He was wearing the uniform of a naval officer.
Llevaba el uniforme de la MarinaLiterature Literature
He was wearing the uniform of a major in the German Army.
Vestía el uniforme de comandante del ejército alemán.Literature Literature
“He might blend into the crowds even more if he was wearing a uniform.”
Tal vez se camuflaría mejor entre la multitud si llevaba puesto un uniforme.Literature Literature
Soon he was wearing a uniform and bearing powerful arms.
Pronto vistió uniforme y cargó armas rotundas.Literature Literature
The problem is he was wearing the uniform.
El problema es que él estaba usando el uniforme.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One time he came over and he was wearing the uniform under his white coat.
Una vez vino y llevaba el uniforme debajo de la bata blanca.Literature Literature
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