he washes oor Spaans

he washes

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


No, I'd rather he wash the dishes.
No, prefiero que friegue los platos.


noun verb
I heard Tom humming to himself while he washed dishes.
Escuché a Tom murmurándose a sí mismo mientras lavaba los platos.

se lava

He washes his hair.
Él se lava el pelo.

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Soortgelyke frases

he loaded the washing machine
cargó la lavadora
he washes his hands
se lava las manos
he washed
fregaba · fregó · lavaba · lavó · se lavaba · se lavó
he washes his face
se lava la cara
he washes his hair
se lava el cabello · se lava el pelo
he washes the dishes
lava los platos
he washed my car
me lavó el carro
he washes his clothes
lava la ropa
he is washing the dishes
está lavando los platos


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Then, while he was waiting for the water to boil, he washed the bottle clean.
Y luego, mientras esperaba a que hirviera el agua, debió de lavarla.Literature Literature
Once a stool like this is known, he's washed up.
Cuando un soplón como este es conocido, está acabado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So when did he wash his hair, then?
Entonces, ¿cuándo se lavó el pelo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Unfortunately, he washed out.
Por desgracia, lo dejó.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He still looks pale, but he’s washed away the other remnants of sickness.
Todavía está pálido, pero se ha deshecho de los otros signos de enfermedad.Literature Literature
And don’t underestimate this man’s intelligence because he washed windows for a living.
Y no subestimes su inteligencia por el hecho de que se gane la vida limpiando ventanas.Literature Literature
He washed his hands with soap, then he washed his face.
Se lavó las manos con jabón, después se lavó la cara.Literature Literature
Then he washed his face and hands and climbed into the bed.
Luego, se lavó la cara y las manos y se metió en la cama.Literature Literature
He washed himself with the freezing water, gingerly, as if he were blotting stinging wounds.
Se aseó con el agua helada con cuidado, como si en su piel hubiera heridas dolorosas.Literature Literature
He washed his hands, came downstairs and told Cornelis I was as fit as a fiddle.
Se lavó las manos, bajó al piso inferior y le dijo a Cornelis que me encontraba de maravilla.Literature Literature
He washed, musing, perceiving that Ethel was right.
Se lavó, reflexionando y pensando que Ethel tenía razón.Literature Literature
(b) How will hewash his clothing in wine and his garment in the blood of grapes”?
(b) ¿Cómolavará su ropa en vino y su prenda de vestir en la sangre de uvas”?jw2019 jw2019
He washed and rearranged Debby Gordon’s body, dressing her in her own clothes.”
Lavó y arregló el cuerpo de Debby Gordon, y luego la vistió con las mismas ropas.Literature Literature
He washed carefully, applied a colorless dressing to his hair, and brushed it straight back.
Se lavó cuidadosamente, se aplicó crema incolora en el pelo y se lo peinó hacia atrás.Literature Literature
In the Abzu from the rivers fish he washed away, cattle in the fields he dispersed.
En el Abzu, barrió los peces de los ríos, dispersó el ganado por los campos.Literature Literature
He washed his face with the furtive silence of a man stealing the offerings from a temple altar.
Se lavó la cara con la cautela del que roba las ofrendas del altar de un templo.Literature Literature
the doctor asks as he washes his hands.
—pregunta el médico mientras se lava las manos.Literature Literature
Mikey's on scholarship and he washes dishes at Denny's.
Mikey tiene una beca y lava platos en Denny's.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He washed, drank his coffee, slept with her or didn’t sleep with her, and snored all night.
Hamid se lavaba, tomaba su café, se acostaba con ella o no y roncaba toda la noche.Literature Literature
With satisfaction, he saw the dirty pile grow smaller with each glass he washed.
Observó con entusiasmo que la montaña iba haciéndose más pequeña con cada vaso que fregaba.Literature Literature
He washed his hands in the sink to wash away his unhappiness, to make a fresh start.
Se enjabonó las manos en el fregadero para zafarse de la desdicha, para iniciar una nueva vida.Literature Literature
He washed his hands and a rain of gold poured from the fountain.
Lavó sus manos y una lluvia de oro brotó de la fuente.Literature Literature
He washed his hands, face, and feet as she instructed.
Se lavó las manos, la cara y los pies, tal y como ella le indicó.Literature Literature
Therefore shall he wash his flesh in water, and so put them on.
Y deberá lavar su carne en agua, y ponérselas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“We have a lot of patients,” Idris said as he washed his hands.
—Tenemos muchos pacientes —dijo Idris mientras se lavaba las manos.Literature Literature
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