he would speak oor Spaans

he would speak

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Whenever he saw me praying, he would speak very loudly and even throw things at me!
Cuando me veía orando, hablaba muy alto e incluso me lanzaba objetos.


Whenever he saw me praying, he would speak very loudly and even throw things at me!
Cuando me veía orando, hablaba muy alto e incluso me lanzaba objetos.

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Then the king answered that he would speak to his council, and give an answer the next day.
Entonces, éste dijo que se iba a aconsejar de los suyos y que contestaría en la jornada siguiente.Literature Literature
I wished he would speak all night.
Deseé que continuara hablando toda la noche.Literature Literature
He would speak to Jock in the morning.
Por la mañana, hablaría con Jock.Literature Literature
I thought for a moment he would speak to me, but he didn't.
Por un momento pensé que me hablaría, pero no lo hizo.Literature Literature
He would speak only to give a yes or no.
Sólo hablaría para decir que sí o que no.Literature Literature
The caller, in good German, said he would speak to the lady.
El que llamaba dijo, en correcto alemán, que hablaría con la señora.Literature Literature
She wished he would speak, but all four men in the room just watched her in silence.
Deseó que hablara, pero los cuatro hombres de la sala la miraban en silencio.Literature Literature
He imagined how clearly he would speak.
Imaginó cuán claramente hablaría.Literature Literature
Elias indicated to his closest advisors that he would speak to Miss Hidar alone.
Elías indicó a sus asesores más cercanos que él hablaría a Miss Hidar solos.Literature Literature
All right, said Stene Forman, he would speak plainly.
Muy bien, dijo Stene Forman, hablaría claro.Literature Literature
Hewould speak the word to them, as far as they were able to listen.”
Por eso, “les hablaba la palabra, hasta el grado que podían escuchar”.jw2019 jw2019
If his mother were here now perhaps he would speak with her.
Si estuviera allí su madre, quizá fuese a hablar con ella, a preguntarle qué opina.Literature Literature
She was certain he would speak of love when pigs flew.
Estaba segura de que él le hablaría de amor cuando las ranas criasen pelo.Literature Literature
“Ask de Burgh if he would speak with me,” he requested.
Preguntad a De Burgh si querría hablar conmigo solicitó.Literature Literature
He would speak his every thought, tell her what she’d meant to him through his captivity.
Le contaría todos sus pensamientos, le diría lo que ella había significado para él durante su cautiverio.Literature Literature
He would speak to the lord and gain his acceptance and then approach Isabel.
Hablaría con lord Orrick, se ganaría su aceptación y después se acercaría a Isabel.Literature Literature
I could speak for Obama and there was no doubt that he would speak for his father
Yo hablaría en nombre de Obama y no cabía duda de que él lo haría en nombre de su padre.Literature Literature
He says he would speak with you without delay.""
Dice que le gustaría hablar con vos sin demora.Literature Literature
"""It seemed to me-"" He swallowed, as if his throat closed against the words he would speak."
Me pareció que... Tragó saliva como si se le cerrase la garganta ante las palabras que iba a pronunciar—.Literature Literature
As soon as the noise stopped, he thought he would speak to her.
Tan pronto como cesase el ruido le hablaría al la muchacha.Literature Literature
He would speak, they knew, when he was ready, and not before.
Sabían que hablaría cuando estuviera preparado, y no antes.Literature Literature
The following afternoon, after the play, on stage, he would speak out.
Al día siguiente, por la tarde, después de la función, subiría al escenario y hablaría.Literature Literature
He would speak to you too, if you took the effort to go over there to him.
También te hablaría a ti si hicieras el esfuerzo de ir hasta donde él está.Literature Literature
He would speak with Henry and straighten out this coil, then embark on his new life.
Hablaría con Henry y arreglaría este embrollo, luego emprendería su nueva vida.Literature Literature
I wished only to learn whether he would speak to me.
Yo sólo deseaba saber si me hablaría.Literature Literature
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