head-receptionist oor Spaans


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jefe de recepción


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head receptionist
jefe de recepción


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The head receptionist held out for barely fifteen seconds before cracking.
Deben apurarse, no hay mucho tiempoLiterature Literature
Chang Lee looked around the brightly lit reception, catching the eye of a pretty red-headed receptionist.
El propósito de la presente Convención es promover, proteger y asegurar el goce pleno y en condiciones de igualdad de todos los derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales por todas las personas con discapacidad, y promover el respeto de su dignidad inherenteLiterature Literature
I wandered over to Julia, the head receptionist, who looked frazzled.
Lo hiciste, cariñoLiterature Literature
Bruce flicked through his sheets of paper and then passed them to the red-headed receptionist.
El SEPD se felicita de que la Propuesta busque la coherencia con otros instrumentos jurídicos que regulan el establecimiento o el uso de otros sistemas de TI de gran escalaLiterature Literature
The head receptionist held out for barely fifteen seconds before cracking.
Espero que estuviera en lo ciertoLiterature Literature
Felix was the Hungarian head receptionist at the Hotel Rosat in Château d’Oex.
Lance, me obligaron a hacer algunas cosas que yo no quería hacerLiterature Literature
They got out on the eighth floor and headed past the receptionist.
Salvo que no puedo hacer nada al respecto ahoraLiterature Literature
Bond noticed that the head of the receptionist bent a fraction lower over his visitors book.
Por favor encárgate de la chica!Literature Literature
The top of the receptionist’s head asked if we had an appointment.
Señor AlcaldeLiterature Literature
Bond noticed that the head of the receptionist bent a fraction lower over his visitors’ book.
Cortas la cabezaLiterature Literature
After a few seconds the receptionist’s head appeared over the edge of the stairs.
Se llamaba RanillaLiterature Literature
Bond noticed that the head of the receptionist bent a fraction lower over his visitors' book.
Una vez cumplida esta condición se tratará de encontrar un equilibrio razonable entre el respeto de las normas de un mercado libre y la protección de los intereses de los operadores y de los inversoresLiterature Literature
Cadence shook her head, and the receptionist smiled back in relief.
Nosotros lo sabemosLiterature Literature
I slip the laptop into my messenger bag and step out of Walt’s cubicle as the receptionist heads straight for me.
Base ArkariaLiterature Literature
Shaking her head in defeat, the receptionist slid her glasses off and picked up her purse.
Aquí no ha venido ni una mala TV, ni un mal paparazziLiterature Literature
‘Two minutes,’ she advised patiently, and fluttered her fingers at the receptionist before heading down the corridor.
Kenai...¿ Nervioso?Literature Literature
Elsa was the firm’s receptionist and head secretary, and a very important person in the lives of the Boones.
Realmente queman carbónLiterature Literature
‘Make yourself at home,’ the receptionist said, and headed back up the stairs.
Nadie duda que os queràisLiterature Literature
He was still sitting like that when the door opened and his receptionist popped her head round.
Crees que a Gaga le importas?Literature Literature
And Claudia Cruz, 20, receptionist in the head office.
El ganador en RockinghamOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The receptionist shook her head.
Así estan bienLiterature Literature
Their receptionist stuck her head in the room.
Cuando las prestaciones se encomienden a organismos públicos o a instituciones o asociaciones sin ánimo de lucro y tengan por objeto acciones de carácter institucional o acciones de asistencia social en favor de la poblaciónLiterature Literature
At ten past ten, the receptionist stuck her head around the door.
Cuando teníamos diez, salimos en Halloween como Hansel y Gretel...... y Maggie era una princesa o algo asíLiterature Literature
Greet the receptionist, pay, and head toward the lounge.
No es chismerío, LucyLiterature Literature
‚ Bonsoir, Madame Stellenbosch.‛ The receptionist nodded his head slightly.
¿ Quéquiere hacer ahora?Literature Literature
111 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.