heave short oor Spaans

heave short

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She gasped for breath in hard short heaves, and some part of her brain registered a perfumed smell of roses.
Jadeaba a sacudidas breves y rudas mientras una mínima parte de su cerebro registraba un suave perfume a rosas.Literature Literature
He did not even see where they were taking him until they suddenly stopped short, heaving him into the air.
El joven no veía siquiera hacia dónde lo llevaban hasta que se frenaron bruscamente y lo incorporaron en el aire.Literature Literature
The priest also stared up at the dark sky, but his chest pulsed rapidly in short, shallow heaves.
El cura también miraba al cielo oscuro pero el pecho le palpitaba en sacudidas cortas y superficiales.Literature Literature
and heave up that anchor short
y leven el anclaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
And then, as by a miracle, the pigmy chest, which his hands enclosed, gave a short convulsive heave.
Y entonces, como por un milagro, el pecho que oprimían sus manos exhaló un pequeño aliento convulsivo.Literature Literature
The man ran forward three short steps, heaved on the pole; Mikelaus hurtled through the air.
El hombre avanzó tres pasos, sosteniendo el poste; Mikelaus saltó por los aires.Literature Literature
and heave up that anchor short.
... y leven el ancla.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Every few seconds his chest would heave, forcing out a short, choppy breath that sounded labored and wet.
Cada pocos segundos su pecho realizaba una corta y agitada aspiración que sonaba fatigosa y húmeda.Literature Literature
His breath came in short, dry heaves and it took long seconds before he could remember where he was.
Respiró jadeante y pasaron unos largos segundos antes de que lograra recordar dónde estaba.Literature Literature
across Osterflood’s buttocks, and after a short pause another heaving motion and “whock!”
, golpeó las nalga de Osterflood y, tras una breve pausa, otro rápido movimiento, ¡zas!Literature Literature
Sweat misted the fat Englishman’s sight; his wind was short; his belly heaved, his legs trembled.
El sudor nubló la vista del obeso inglés; respiraba entrecortadamente, la tripa le pesaba y las piernas le temblaban.Literature Literature
Her sister’s breathing was heavy, her chest heaving up and down in short, panicked gasps.
La respiración de su hermana era pesada: el pecho subía y bajaba en jadeos breves y temerosos.Literature Literature
In short, a small town, but heaving with tourists.
En resumen, una ciudad pequeña pero floreciente en el aspecto turístico.Literature Literature
‘Damn you for being so bloody heavy,’ he grunted as he heaved and only managed to lurch a short distance.
—Maldito seas por pesar tanto —gruñó, y aunque hacía un gran esfuerzo, solo consiguió avanzar una corta distancia.Literature Literature
His stomach heaved, and his chest expanded and contracted with short blasts of breath.
El estómago se le levantó, y su pecho se contrajo y se expandió con cortas andanadas de respiración.Literature Literature
She had short spiky hair, with a crest heaving over her forehead, above her sparkling eyes.
Rachel tenía el pelo corto y en punta, con una cresta que asomaba sobre su frente, por encima de unos ojos chispeantes.Literature Literature
she said, stopping short and putting her arm round the heaving shoulders.
–dijo deteniéndose y pasándole el brazo alrededor de sus temblorosos hombros.Literature Literature
Heaving with all their might, they managed to stop short of the jagged, menacing spire.
Maniobrando con todas sus fuerzas, consiguieron detenerse justo ante la entrecortada y amenazadora roca.Literature Literature
Give the men a short rest to prepare for the final heave.
Les doy a los hombres un breve descanso a fin de que se preparen para el esfuerzo final.Literature Literature
With one good heave, I stood to face the Varini, lifting a short, broad-bladed sword streaked with dirt.
Me levanté de un salto para hacer frente a la varini, alzando una espada corta y ancha llena de suciedad.Literature Literature
After another short struggle with the sofa, Claire managed to heave herself back up onto her feet.
Dejémoslo así —tras otra corta lucha con el sofá, Claire consiguió volver a levantarse y ponerse en pie—.Literature Literature
When we had walked a short distance down the path, he heaved a huge sigh and ran his hands through his hair again.
Tras avanzar un poco por el camino, soltó un gran suspiro y volvió a pasarse las manos por el pelo.Literature Literature
When she was finally able to slip out of her shorts, she fell to her knees, chest heaving with heavy breaths.
Cuando por fin se quitó los pantalones cortos, cayó de rodillas y sintió su pecho agitarse con respiraciones ahogadas.Literature Literature
Eve stepped to his side and together they heaved the deer into the air in a series of short bursts.
Eve se puso a su lado y, entre los dos, izaron al ciervo mediante series de tirones cortos.Literature Literature
Elias heaved a sigh, trying not to be demoralized by the shortness of his hair and the sight of his nape.
Elias suspiró, tratando de no desmoralizarse por lo corto de su pelo y la visión de la nuca desnuda.Literature Literature
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