hepatocarcinoma oor Spaans


(pathology) cancer of the liver

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However, this does not preclude the occurrence of hepatic events in patients with cirrhosis (including hepatocarcinoma
No obstante, esto no descarta la aparición de acontecimientos hepáticos en pacientes con cirrosis (incluido hepatocarcinoma
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carcinoma hepatocelular

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hepatoma maligno

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The patient developed a 22 mm hepatocarcinoma in segment VII of the liver and was successfully subjected to an orthotopic liver transplant at the University Hospital Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá.
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Results: There were 18 patients with hepatitis B who had transplants: 50% had hepatocarcinoma, 22% had cirrhosis, and 22% had acute liver failure.
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We have identified in plasma membrane fractions isolated from rat hepatocarcinoma AS-30D ascites cells three glycoproteins of 125 kDa, 115 kDa and 105 kDa (gp125, gp115 and gp105) which become adenylylated using ATP as substrate, most readily in the presence of EDTA.
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His liver shows damage from hepatocarcinoma, an aggressive form of cancer that, for him, was far beyond any stage of successful treatment.
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This disease, whose clinical relevance is based not only on its frequency but primarily on its serious effects, may affect the liver, the pancreas, the pituitary gland, the heart, joints, etc. and may give rise to diseases such as diabetes, hepatic cirrhosis, hepatocarcinoma and heart failure.
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We have used comparative PCR-mediated differential display of mRNA from HepG2 hepatocarcinoma with and without transient expression of HCV Core protein or green fluorescent protein, previously obtained using the Semliki Forest Virus-based expression, through transduction of recombinant particles, rSFV-Core and rSFV-GFP,respectively.
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His liver shows damage from hepatocarcinoma, an aggressive form of cancer that, for him, was far beyond any stage of successful treatment
Lengua en la que ha sido redactado el recurso: italianoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Diagnosis of complications of NAFLD such as steatosis, fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma normally requires liver biopsy, a risk for the patient.
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However, this does not preclude the occurrence of hepatic events in patients with cirrhosis (including hepatocarcinoma
Aquí.Toma la pelotaEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
Introduction: Hepatocarcinoma generally develops in cirrhotic patients and its management depends both on the stage of the cirrhotic process and the stage of the tumor, with a registered world-wide increasing incidence.
Destrucción: El proceso mediante el cual la totalidad o la mayor parte de un gas fluorado de efecto invernadero es transformada o descompuesta de forma permanente en una o más sustancias estables que no son gases fluorados de efecto invernaderoscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
Hepatoma: primary malignant tumors of the liver; also known as hepatocellular carcinoma or hepatocarcinoma.
Yo creí que tu lo haríasLiterature Literature
Discussion: Liver transplant is the ideal treatment modality for patients with hepatocarcinoma and cirrhosis.
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Results: Of the 153 transplants performed in the study period, 25 had the diagnosis of hepatocarcinoma established prior to transplantation, and in three patients it was an incidental finding.
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To compare and identify gene expression profiles in the human hepatocarcinoma derived cell line, HepG2, with transient expression of Hepatitis C virus Core protein.
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Until now, the surgical treatment by means of the complete resection of the tumor has demonstrated to be the best alternative with healing intention for the hepatocarcinoma, however this possibility is limited to some few patients, due to the late detection of these tumors that are non-symptomatic in their beginning.
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In seven patients no hepatocarcinoma was found in the explant, although all had shown a single lesion diagnosed by images as hepatocarcinoma; since none were Child A, the indication for transplantation was a complication of cirrhosis and not the tumor.
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The hepatocarcinoma is the most frequent primary hepatic tumor which prognostic is related to the early detection.
El objetivo de esta ETI es guiar el progreso técnico en lo que se refiere a seguridad en los túneles hacia medidas armonizadas y económicas; estas medidas han de ser, siempre que sea razonablemente practicable, las mismas en toda Europascielo-abstract scielo-abstract
The YTX inhibits the immunological activation of rat mastocytese and induces a cytotoxic effect in human hepatocarcinoma cells, which provides two therapeutic utilities of YTXs as anti-allergic and anti-tumoral compound.
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Between 60 and 90% of hepatocarcinomas are associated with cirrhosis of the liver.
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Few cases have documented the development of this condition in patients with carcinoma hepatocelular, we report the case of a 16-year-old male who comes to the emergency with signs of cardiac insufficiency and cor pulmonare whose anatomopatological study confirmed a tumour massive microembolic compromise at pulmonary level and hepatocarcinoma.
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Patient with hepatocarcinoma treated with radioembolisation with Yttrium microspheres
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It is currently accepted that people at risk of developing hepatocarcinoma (all those with cirrhosis regardless of the cause) must be screened for detecting the tumor early.
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Abstract Liver transplantation is the gold standard treatment for end stage liver disease, including patients with cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma falling within Milan criteria.
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Use of MSCs from bone marrow to treat hepatocarcinoma. Main experimental strategies
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