her clothes oor Spaans

her clothes

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

su ropa

Her clothes are the best advertisement for her dressmaker.
Su ropa es la mejor publicidad para su modista.

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she peeled off her clothes
se quitó la ropa
she washes her clothes
lava la ropa
how clothes fit her
cómo le queda la ropa
she makes her own clothes
se hace la ropa ella misma
she puts on her clothes
se pone la ropa
Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
washes her clothes
lava la ropa


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Cynthia threw her clothes into a suitcase and went to the airport.
Cynthia echó ropa en una maleta y salió hacia el aeropuerto.Literature Literature
“We found her clothes,” Riggs called out.
—Hemos encontrado su ropa —gritó Riggs.Literature Literature
I tidied her clothes, breathing out, openmouthed, trying to judge the temperature from the steam of my breath.
Le arreglé la ropa respirando con la boca abierta, intentando estimar la temperatura por el vapor de mi aliento.Literature Literature
She shed her reserve along with her clothes, played around and joked with the women.
Junto con las ropas perdía su contención y gastaba bromas con las mujeres.Literature Literature
They’ve bagged her clothes and the police surgeon’s been to the hospital to do the necessary.’
Han metido en bolsas toda su ropa y el médico de la Policía Científica se ha marchado al hospital a hacer lo suyo.Literature Literature
Cecilia was so small she must have been forced to buy her clothes in the children's department.
Cecilia era tan baja que probablemente se compraba la ropa en las tiendas infantiles.Literature Literature
Townspeople, all of them men, tore her clothes.
Los vecinos de la ciudad, todos a una, le arrancaron la ropa.Literature Literature
Isabella had to scuttle down to her own room to change her clothes and redo her hair.
Isabella tuvo que correr hasta su cuarto a cambiarse de ropa y retocarse el peinado.Literature Literature
She brushed the dust and earth from her clothes with an open hand.
Sacudió el polvo y la tierra de su vestimenta con la mano abierta.Literature Literature
Warmth from the engine seeped up through her clothes.
El calor del motor le atravesó la ropa.Literature Literature
I know that she came home, that her clothes were torn, that she was thoroughly angry.
Sé que regresó a casa, que alguna de las prendas que vestía estaban rasgadas, que se mostraba irritada.Literature Literature
She took off her clothes and lay on the largest boulder like a cold-blooded animal.
Se quitó la ropa y se tumbó sobre la roca más grande, como un animal de sangre fría.Literature Literature
Shelby wasn’t there, but her clothes were still strewn all over her side of the room.
Pero aunque Shelby no estaba en el cuarto, su ropa seguía desparramada por su lado de la habitación.Literature Literature
Her clothing was chosen to emphasize that last feature.
Había elegido su ropa a fin de acentuar este último rasgo.Literature Literature
He breaks in, throws the birdbath through the window, and then, like he says, he changes her clothes.
Irrumpe, lanza la pila para pájaros por la ventana, y luego, como dijo, cambia sus ropas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mandy had arrived with her clothing earlier and was waiting for her in her bedroom.
Un poco antes, Mandy había llegado con su ropa y la estaba esperando en el dormitorio.Literature Literature
‘Look, now that nun is taking off her clothes, and she’s a man!
—Mirad, ahora la monja se desnuda y ¡es un hombre!Literature Literature
In the Lady Dowager’s inner room, Baoqin was doing her hair and changing her clothes.
En el aposento interior de la Anciana Dama estaba Baoqin arreglándose el pelo y cambiándose de ropa.Literature Literature
Hazel solved it by walking out, leaving her clothes and fewer belongings behind.
Hazel resolvió el asunto marchándose y abandonando su ropa y sus escasas pertenencias.Literature Literature
"""In the bottom drawer of my dresser, but some of her clothes are in the truck."
-En el último cajón de mi coqueta, pero algunas cosas se quedaron en el camión.Literature Literature
Find her clothes.
Busca su ropa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Her clothing camouflaged her so well that Hanko did not recognize her until she was almost upon them.
Sus ropas la camuflaban tan bien que el jinete no la reconoció hasta que casi había llegado hasta ellos.Literature Literature
Not with her clothes bloody and that look of terror on her face.
No con su ropa manchada de sangre y esa mirada de terror en su cara.Literature Literature
Touching her hair, her clothes, groping parts of her she did not want anyone to touch ever again.
Para tocar su cabello, su ropa, para manosear partes de su cuerpo que no quería que nadie volviera a tocar jamás.Literature Literature
She suddenly realised that her companion was not carrying her clothes.
De repente se dio cuenta de que el hombre no llevaba su ropa—.Literature Literature
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