her husband oor Spaans

her husband

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

su esposo

She took over the business after her husband died.
Ella se hizo cargo del negocio después de la muerte de su esposo.

su marido

She's been cheating on her husband for years.
Ella estuvo engañando a su marido durante años.

Geskatte vertalings

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Soortgelyke frases

the house is in her husband's name
la casa está a nombre de su marido
her second husband
su segundo marido
her late husband
su difunto marido
every night, her husband heads out to the bars
cada noche, su marido se dirige a los bares
she separated from her husband in October
se separó de su marido en octubre
her husband is twice her age
su marido le dobla la edad
he can't be her husband
no puede ser su marido
she remarried her first husband
volvió a casarse con su primer marido
she's deceiving her husband
engaña a su marido


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Kitty Winfield opened the bottle of sleeping pills prescribed for her by her husband.
«Kitty Winfield abrió el frasco de píldoras para dormir que le había recetado su maridoLiterature Literature
None had the extraordinarily interdependent relationship she had with her husband.
Ninguno tuvo la extraordinaria relación interdependiente que ella tuvo con su marido.Literature Literature
Virginia believed their friendship had a "restraining" effect on her husband.
Virginia creía que su amistad tenía un efecto "calmante" sobre su marido.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Their gazes barely touched before the duchess bustled up and distracted her husband.
Sus miradas se encontraron durante un instante antes de que la duquesa apareciera de la nada y distrajera a su marido.Literature Literature
He leaves a message and decides to call her husband, but then he receives a text.
Le deja un mensaje y decide llamar a su marido, pero entonces le entra un SMS.Literature Literature
What part her husband’s been playing in all this.
Qué papel ha desempeñado su marido en todo esto.Literature Literature
Well, if Lisa boarded a bus and left town, she couldn't have killed her husband.
bueno, si Lisa se montó en un autobus y dejó la ciudad, no pudo asesinar a su esposo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Judith studied Arlene Gough momentarily without comment, then turned back to her husband.
Judith observó a Arlene un momento sin hacer ningún comentario, y luego volvió a dirigirse a su marido.Literature Literature
That's her husband, so she said.
No, ése es su esposo, según dice ella.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Her smile indicated she wasn't at all irritated by her husband's remark, however.
Sin embargo, su sonrisa indicaba que no estaba irritada por el comentario de su esposo.Literature Literature
Her husband, the judge, sat before his empty plate with his hands upon his knees.
Su marido, el juez, permaneció ante su plato vacío, las manos sobre las rodillas.Literature Literature
Kerr on the night her husband died?""
— ¿Se encontraba usted con la señora Kerr la noche en que murió su marido?Literature Literature
She had been married but lost her husband and her child.
Había estado casada pero había perdido a su marido y a su hijo.Literature Literature
Each of herhusbands” snatched a child or two from her, claimed them or absconded with them.
Cada uno de sus «maridos» le había arrebatado a uno o dos niños, los había reclamado o se había esfumado con ellos.Literature Literature
“That’s right,” Janie agreed, looking at her husband.
—Es verdad —dijo Janie, mirando a su marido—.Literature Literature
His wife has to get here soon she wants to see her husband alive
Su mujer tiene que venir pronto.Querrá ver vivo a su maridoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
After a short while, she addresses her husband again.
Al cabo de un rato, vuelve a hablar a su marido.Literature Literature
Her husband keeps a Woman in Kyoto.
Su marido mantiene a una amante en Kyoto.QED QED
Her husband promised to satisfy all her requests.
Su marido prometió satisfacer todos los pedidos.Literature Literature
The last time she had met her husband.
La anterior ocasión había sido cuando conoció a su esposo.Literature Literature
Marcella Vibia and her husband occupied only a small proportion of the gracious spaces they presumably rented.
Marcela Vibia y su marido ocupaban solo una pequeña porción del elegante espacio que seguramente era de alquiler.Literature Literature
Could a dead wife use a storm to pull away her husband’s spirit?
¿Podía una esposa difunta utilizar el temporal para arrebatar el espíritu de su marido?Literature Literature
The attorney wanted to know their exact stations, her husband did not seem to know.
El abogado quería saber exactamente dónde estaban, Paris no parecía saberlo.Literature Literature
Her husband had the instincts of the great hunting beasts that had once roamed his homeland.
Su marido tenía el instinto de las grandes bestias cazadoras que un día camparon libres en su país.Literature Literature
She claims that her husband is a victim of violations by Uzbekistan
La autora afirma que su esposo es víctima de la violación por UzbekistánUN-2 UN-2
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