her mother oor Spaans

her mother

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

su madre


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The mother gets angry when her son behaves well
La madre se enfada cuando su hijo se comporta bien
she left the child with her mother
dejó al niño con su madre
we work with her mother
trabajamos con su madre
a mother was singing to her child
una madre le cantaba a su hijo
she's her mother's pride and joy
es el orgullo y la alegría de su madre
she was clinging to her mother's skirt
estaba aferrada a la falda de su madre
her mother and father
sus padres
her mother-in-law
su suegra
her mother had always told her that it's better to
su madre siempre le había dicho que es mejor


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She had heard her Uncle Algernon’s voice—had heard him insulting her mother’s memory.
Había oído la voz de su tío Algernon y también cómo insultaba la memoria de su madre.Literature Literature
One of her mother’s favorite phrases came to mind: Look for her among her friends.
Barbara recurrió a una de las frases favoritas de su madre: «Búscala entre sus amigos».Literature Literature
She seemed so composed, so resigned, despite having just lost her mother in such an horrendous way.”
Parecía muy contenida, resignada, pese a haber perdido a su madre de una manera tan horrible.Literature Literature
Nor did she look to the side, where Megan Tucker sat with her mother.
Tampoco miró a su derecha, donde se encontraba Megan Tucker en compañía de su madre.Literature Literature
Later in the morning she began the preparations for Midsummer Eve with her mother.
En el curso de la mañana comenzó con su madre los preparativos para la noche de San Juan.Literature Literature
Rhiannon didn’t look at her mother, just gazed with wide eyes at her father.
Rhiannon no miró a su madre, sino que clavó sus grandes ojos en el padre.Literature Literature
Richard looked at Lorraine and her mother, standing near the door.
Richard miró a Lorraine y a su madre, de pie cerca de la puerta.Literature Literature
He knew her mother was still in Paris and Savannah had spoken to her the day before.
Sabía que la madre de Savannah todavía estaba en París y que había hablado con ella el día anterior.Literature Literature
“It had nothing to do with her mother.
No tenía nada que ver con su madre.Literature Literature
She buried the dogs in the orchard and picked her mother’s books up off the floor.
Enterró a los perros en el huerto y recogió del suelo los libros de su madre.Literature Literature
If lying tongues ever provoke her as lying tongues provoked her mother, she will follow her mother's example.
Si alguna vez la provocan las lenguas mentirosas como provocaron a su madre, seguirá su ejemplo.Literature Literature
Daisy told Sonnet to call her mother when she hits town.
Daisy le dijo a Sonnet que llamara a su madre en cuanto llegue a la ciudad.Literature Literature
We were only told that her mother was single and that she was...
Solo nos dijeron que su madre era soltera y que era...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And then, in the dream, her mother had said something.
Y luego, en el sueño, su madre había dicho algo.Literature Literature
‘A little, I suppose,’ her mother admitted.
–Sí, un poco sí, supongo –admitió su madre–.Literature Literature
It felt more like her mother was hurriedly trying to find some friends for her daughter.
Parecía como si a su madre le urgiera encontrar nuevos amigos para su hija.Literature Literature
Grania looked across anxiously, but her mother hadn’t registered it.
Grania la miró con ansiedad, pero su madre no había registrado el comentario.Literature Literature
I kept forgetting not to call hermother.”
Siempre me olvidaba de no llamarla «madre».Literature Literature
Lane knew it was a good opportunity to make a quick phone call to her mother.
Lane sabía que era una buena ocasión para llamar a su madre.Literature Literature
She considers the fallout; that her mother will never, ever let her do anything on her own again.
Piensa en las consecuencias: su madre no volverá a dejarle hacer nada por su cuenta.Literature Literature
Serena started chatting away with her mother in Spanish as she donned the apron.
Serena se puso a charlar con su madre en español mientras se abrochaba el delantal.Literature Literature
Her mother probably thought she had fallen asleep.
Su madre creería que se había quedado dormida.Literature Literature
Her mother smelled of perfume and warm skin.
Su madre olía a perfume y a piel caliente.Literature Literature
Then she realized that her mother probably wanted it as a reminder.
Entonces se dio cuenta de que su madre lo quería como un recordatorio.Literature Literature
As I watched, she tugged on her mother's elbow and pointed toward the darkness.
Cuando miré, ella tocaba el codo de la madre y señalaba hacia la oscuridad.Literature Literature
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