hippopotamuses oor Spaans


Plural form of hippopotamus.

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Hippopotamuses live in Africa.
Los hipopótamos viven en África.


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Hippopotamuses are large mammals, with short, stumpy legs, and barrel-shaped bodies.
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Any minute I expected to be up to me hips in hippopotamuses.
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I am very concerned about the presence of oil companies, including two from the United Kingdom (Dominion Petroleum and Soco International), in Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), an area known to be home to one quarter of the remaining mountain gorillas as well as other highly vulnerable species including chimpanzees, hippopotamuses and elephants.
Esto es lo que dice la nota." Lo todo. Decidí irmenot-set not-set
The Wabi welcomes all the animals found around great rivers: elephants, hippopotamuses, crocodiles, etc.
Tenemos bombasLiterature Literature
Fossils found in Lazio, a region of central Italy that includes Rome, suggest that the area at one time had a climate more like that of Africa, for hippopotamuses, gazelles, and even big cats once roamed in this region.
No ha sido ningún error, cariñojw2019 jw2019
(I) Huemuls Mazama temama cerasina (III Guatemala) Central American red brocket Muntiacus crinifrons (I) Black muntjac Muntiacus vuquangensis (I) Giant muntjac Odocoileus virginianus mayensis (III Guatemala) Guatemalan white-tailed deer Ozotoceros bezoarticus (I) Pampas deer Pudu mephistophiles (II) Northern pudu Pudu puda (I) Southern pudu Rucervus duvaucelii (I) Barasingha Rucervus eldii (I) Eld’s deer Hippopotamidae Hippopotamuses Hexaprotodon liberiensis (II) Pygmy hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius (II) Common hippopotamus Moschidae Musk deer Moschus spp.
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She had a love of the hippopotamuses and spent much time watching them.”
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A boat, where you could float through the jungle on a river, and see crocodiles and hippopotamuses and headhunters ...”
Cuando se haya utilizado más de una base de valoración al elaborar los estados financieros, por ejemplo si se han revalorizado sólo ciertas clases de activos, será suficiente con suministrar una indicación respecto a las categorías de activos y pasivos a los que se les haya aplicado cada base de valoraciónLiterature Literature
Before long they uncovered a veritable treasure trove of fossils: bones of bears, elephants, hippopotamuses, and other animals —all deposited in a small area that was apparently a dried- up swamp.
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The memory of the hippopotamuses made him think of Tani.
Exacto.- ¡ Ahora sube a tu habitación!Literature Literature
They swim with amazing speed, completing circles around the horses, hippopotamuses and crocodiles.
Si quieres dejarlo con alguien por unas horas para salir como la gente nornalLiterature Literature
Zebras, giraffes, ostriches, hippopotamuses, the whole lot.
La compañía podrá solicitar que los pagos se efectúen mediante anticipos, de conformidad con el procedimiento que figura en el pliego de condiciones (puntoLiterature Literature
Hippopotamuses live in Africa.
El Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones se reserva el derecho a modificar la obligación de servicio público como consecuencia de una posible variación de las condiciones necesarias en materia de autorización de aeropuertostatoeba tatoeba
Lions, giraffes, hippopotamuses, bats, ospreys, mice, and red admiral butterflies.
Flatulencia Dolor bucal Estreñimiento Glosodinia Sequedad de boca Enfermedad de reflujo gastro-esofágicoLiterature Literature
Other artiodactyls include camels, cattle, deer and pigs, although hippopotamuses are not closely related to these groups.
MabThera en monoterapia está indicado en el tratamiento de pacientes con linfoma no-Hodgkin folicular estadio # # que son quimiorresistentes o están en su segunda o posterior recidiva tras la quimioterapiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By the way, Liberian pygmy hippopotamuses are silent machines that devour weeds.
Este no es lugar para tiLiterature Literature
The most important thing now is that our Liberian pygmy hippopotamuses arrive safely in Mexico.
Eres un chico listo, Simon Párate ahoraLiterature Literature
While hippopotamuses rest near each other in the water, grazing is a solitary activity and hippos are not territorial on land.
El mando de dirección estará diseñado, fabricado e instalado de forma que no incluya elementoso accesorios, incluido el mando de la bocina y los accesorios de montaje, capaces de engancharse en las ropas o alhajas del conductor durante los movimientos normales de la conducciónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Wildlife includes primates such as chimpanzees, colobus monkeys and sooty mangabeys; hippopotamuses and pygmy hippos; elephants; common warthogs; rare bongo antelopes and over a hundred species of birds.
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Two national parks, the Pendjari and the “W,” are found in the north of the country, and there lions, elephants, monkeys, hippopotamuses, and other animals roam free in the savanna.
Tengo un compromiso.- ¿ De veras?jw2019 jw2019
Nadia was the first to see the hippopotamuses.
¿ No creen que eso es extraño?Literature Literature
Through the centuries hunters have exterminated lions from Greece and Mesopotamia, hippopotamuses from Nubia, elephants from North Africa, bears and beavers from Britain, and wild oxen from Eastern Europe.
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