his grandmother oor Spaans

his grandmother

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su abuela

Tom and his grandmother went to the bookstore.
Tom y su abuela fueron a la librería.

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He walked carefully through the darkness, toward his grandmother’s bedroom.
Caminó con precaución en la penumbra y se dirigió hacia la habitación de su abuela.Literature Literature
When Rick got to his grandmother’s house, Lydie was overwhelmed by his homecoming.
Cuando Rick llegó a casa de su abuela, Lydie se quedó abrumada por su llegada.Literature Literature
Certainly his grandmother lamented his absence whenever she had the chance.
Lo cierto es que la abuela de su marido se quejaba de su ausencia siempre que tenía oportunidad.Literature Literature
Valerii was taken in by his grandmother; but a few months later the old woman died.
Valeri se quedó con su abuela, pero pocos meses más tarde la anciana falleció.Literature Literature
Now, as soon as Jenny arrived to take over, Shanna led Henry and his grandmother upstairs.
En cuanto Jenny llegó a la librería, Shanna condujo a Henry y a su abuela al piso de arriba.Literature Literature
In a short-lived fit of nostalgia he had insisted on naming her Zoe, after his grandmother.
En un efímero arrebato de nostalgia, había insistido en que la llamaran Zoé, como su abuela.Literature Literature
His brother is coming to visit Lady Beamish, his grandmother and our neighbor.”
Su hermano viene a visitar a lady Beamish, su abuela y vecina nuestra.Literature Literature
His grandmother, for God’s sake, was flirting with Maggie’s moon-faced uncle from Galway.
Su abuela, por Dios santo, estaba coqueteando con el tío cara de luna de Maggie que vivía en Galway.Literature Literature
“If you heal Bruno and help his grandmother, I’ll stay with you.
—Si curas a Bruno y ayudas a su abuela, me quedaré contigo.Literature Literature
He died soon after.18 Pierre Loti similarly describes being banished from his grandmother’s deathbed.
Pierre Loti evocaba de forma similar su alejamiento del lecho de muerte de su abuela.Literature Literature
Given Robert’s reputation, London’s gossips would be surprised to learn that he adored his grandmother.
Dada su reputación, en los mentideros de Londres sería una sorpresa averiguar que adoraba a su abuela.Literature Literature
“In the old days, they called it house arrest, you know,” said his grandmother.
—En los viejos tiempos, eso se llamaba arresto en el domicilio —dijo su abuela—.Literature Literature
But there’d been no changing Ben’s mind; he wouldn’t leave his grandmother.
Pero no había forma de que cambiara de opinión; Ben no abandonaría a su abuela.Literature Literature
They would be eating, sleeping It was all his grandmother's fault!
Comían, dormían... ¡Su abuela era la culpable de todo esto!Literature Literature
His grandmother wishes to obtain rights of access to her grandson.
La abuela desea obtener el derecho de visitar a su nieto.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
She was sure he loved his grandmother too, although he would probably die rather than admit it.
Estaba segura de que también quería a su abuela, aunque seguramente Jack preferiría morir antes que reconocerlo.Literature Literature
He' il be having art lessons with his grandmother
Porqúe los júeves es el da de clase con sú abúelaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
He spent the early years of his life with his extended family under a matriarch, his grandmother.
Pasó los primeros años de su vida viviendo con su extensa familia bajo el régimen matriarcal de su abuela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His mother died in 1597, a year after his birth, and Descartes spent his childhood with his grandmother.
Su madre murió en 1597, un año después de dar a luz a René, que pasó la infancia en casa de su abuela.Literature Literature
After he was six months old, he was reared mainly by his grandmother.
Tras cumplir los seis meses se crió principalmente con la abuela.Literature Literature
He spoke to his grandmother in Turkish again but she flapped a hand at him.
Él volvió a dirigirse a su abuela en turco, pero ella lo despidió con un gesto de la mano.Literature Literature
As his grandmother’s people had been trained to do.
Y el pueblo de su abuela había sido entrenado para lo mismo.Literature Literature
“How could you have known about his grandmother without him telling you?”
—¿Cómo habrían podido saber quién era su abuela sin que él se lo dijera?Literature Literature
He will not be allowed to call his grandmother.
No le permitirá llamar a su abuela.Literature Literature
He climbed out, opened the door cautiously, hoping his grandmother was asleep.
Salió del coche de un salto, y cerró la puerta con cuidado, deseando que su abuela estuviese dormida.Literature Literature
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