his head hurts oor Spaans

his head hurts

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

le duele la cabeza

He informed me that his head hurt, but he's on his way.
Me avisó de que le dolía la cabeza, pero está en camino.

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he hurt his head
se hizo daño en la cabeza · se lastimó la cabeza


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His head hurt—that had been happening a lot lately—and he suddenly felt very tired.
Le dolía la cabeza, algo que le pasaba con mucha frecuencia últimamente, y de repente se sintió muy cansado.Literature Literature
He didn’t want to deal with that decision now, while his head hurt.
No quiso decidir en ese momento, cuando le dolía la cabeza.Literature Literature
Finally Edeco took him by the shoulders and shook him until his head hurt.
Edeco le cogió por los hombros y lo sacudió hasta que le dolió la cabeza.Literature Literature
Their words cannon through his brain, making his head hurt.
Sus palabras repitiéndose a través de su cerebro, lo que le hace doler la cabeza.Literature Literature
His head hurts, and his groin, too.
Le duele la cabeza, y la zona de la ingle también.Literature Literature
His head hurt and his back was going to need a serious adjustment.
Le dolía la cabeza y su espalda iba a necesitar un serio arreglo.Literature Literature
She was shaking him, which made his head hurt even more.
Lo estaba sacudiendo, lo que hacía que la cabeza le doliera aún más.Literature Literature
White, he remembered, because once he’d started looking, all the colors and patterns made his head hurt.
Blancos, recordó, porque cuando se puso a buscar, todos los colores y estampados le daban dolor de cabeza.Literature Literature
His head hurt from concussion, and hurt even worse when he considered his predicament.
Le dolía la cabeza por la contusión y le dolía incluso más cuando consideraba la situación.Literature Literature
His head hurt, and he could feel blood, warm and wet, seeping from the top of his scalp.
La cabeza le hacía daño, y notaba cómo resbalaba la sangre, caliente y húmeda, de su cuero cabelludo.Literature Literature
That didn’t sound right, but his head hurt, and he couldn’t think.
No sonaba bien, pero le dolía la cabeza y no podía pensar.Literature Literature
As soon as he ordered, he lit a cigarette, told the woman his head hurt, and fell silent.
Apenas hizo el pedido, encendió un cigarrillo, le dijo a la mujer que le dolía la cabeza y cayó en el mutismo.Literature Literature
And his head hurt sometimes like it was going to split in two.
Y a veces le dolía la cabeza como si fuera a partírsele en dos.Literature Literature
The memory of his father's laughter increased his tension; his head hurt, his knees ached.
El recuerdo de la risa de su padre aumentó su nerviosismo: le dolía la cabeza, las rodillas le daban punzadas.Literature Literature
His leg hurt, his head hurt, and he knew she could take nothing from him that mattered.
Le dolía la pierna, le dolía la cabeza y sabía que no podía arrebatarle nada que le importara de verdad.Literature Literature
Although his head hurt abominably, Conan found he was strong enough to stay on his feet.
Aunque le dolía terriblemente la cabeza, Conan notó que tenía fuerzas suficientes para mantenerse erguido.Literature Literature
He informed me that his head hurt, but he's on his way.
Me avisó de que le dolía la cabeza, pero está en camino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The other wizard, Basalt, had regained consciousness and moaned that his head hurt.
El otro hechicero, Basalto, había recuperado la conciencia y lloriqueaba diciendo que le dolía la cabeza.Literature Literature
No, his head hurt too badly to be dead.
No, la cabeza le dolía demasiado como para haber muerto.Literature Literature
Remembering the adrenaline of those few minutes made his head hurt worse.
Recordar la adrenalina de aquellos momentos provocó que le doliera más la cabeza.Literature Literature
His head hurt from looking so hard, all the time, at the pieces of Amy in the shoebox.
Le dolía la cabeza de examinar con tanto interés, continuamente, los fragmentos de Amy guardados en la caja de zapatos.Literature Literature
When Andy woke up, he complained that his head hurt.
Cuando Andy se despertó se quejó de dolor de cabeza.Literature Literature
It was so cold that it made his head hurt.
Estaba tan frío que le dolió la cabeza.Literature Literature
Leonard thought hard, so hard that his head hurt.
Leonard pensó con fuerza, con tanta fuerza que le dolió la cabeza.Literature Literature
His glass was under the bed and his head hurt when he bent over to get it.
El vaso estaba debajo de la cama y le dolió la cabeza cuando se agachó a buscarlo.Literature Literature
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