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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
“I’m not done with your story yet,” Holness insisted.
¿ Por qué no nos habías dicho esto?Literature Literature
"""Found him drifting in a capsule, hol ering for help, and picked him up on the way down."
Me s- Salvó la vidaLiterature Literature
Holness was glad he wasn’t the one who would have to face her in the woods.
Dada la situación de la enfermedad en el Reino Unido, es preciso ampliar la aplicación de la Decisión #/#/CE hasta el # de noviembre deLiterature Literature
Kang (tlhIngan Hol: qeng) was among the most influential leaders and feared diplomats in the Klingon Empire during the late 23rd and early 24th centuries .
La Vicepresidenta de la Comisión responsable de energía y transporte se dirigió por escrito a las compañías aéreas comunitarias instándoles a proporcionar a los viajeros dicha información, y tiene intención de volver a hacerlo para comprobar cómo ha procedido cada compañíaCommon crawl Common crawl
It was no longer a full holiday, but a semi-holiday, like Hol ha-Mo'ed (the intermediate, working days of Passover and Sukkot) when the rabbis discouraged all but necessary work and women were to have a holiday from their sewing and weaving. More stringent economic conditions were probably the reason for the downgrading of the New Moon, particularly since there were no religious or historical reasons for stopping work on that day.
De ninguna manera, no fue TylerCommon crawl Common crawl
It's the summer hols and we're going to the arckipellago.
¿ Recuerda el caso Craig, Poirot?Oui, d' accordOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, then no wonder, Hol,” she said, laying her hand over her swollen tummy.
Cada pirata, filibustero... y cazador de tesoros, sueña con ser el único en encontrar estoLiterature Literature
The cleaning lady's on hols and Mary's not too au fait with the old vacuum cleaner.
Llamaré a TrevorOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yeah, hol H m.
El matrimonio implica esfuerzoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“What’s with the twenty questions, Hol?”
Las últimas notificaciones se recibieron en octubre deLiterature Literature
Cheers, Hol.
El riesgo estriba precisamente en que la Comisión no disponga de recursos suficientes para afrontar sus numerosos ámbitos de actuación atendiendo a la ejecución de la estrategiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Golden Age Hawkgirl is eventually returned from Limbo, but during the Zero Hour miniseries she is merged with Katar Hol and Golden Age Hawkman into a new persona.
¡ Creo que su grupo y su panfleto son pura basura, señor!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The man in the sleeping bag turned out to be Ernie Holness, one of the firemen.
No has perdido el tiempo, ¿ eh?Literature Literature
It is also bordered on the east by Vang (Oppland county) and Hemsedal (Buskerud county), and in the south by Ål and Hol (both in Buskerud county).
Me iba, pero pensaba volver prontoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hol I know a mind-blowing shortcut
Tu jefe me pidió que te dijera que estás despedidoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Belinda, don't forget to bring back a whole lot of funny sketches after the hols.”
¿ A quién daña una muerte de vez en cuando?Literature Literature
Responding immediately after the controversy flared on social media, Prime Minister Andrew Holness had already taken the opportunity to reiterate his stance, with a slightly different angle.
¿ Qué le pasa?- ¡ Sal de ahí!gv2019 gv2019
- The reduction in German deliveries to Bel., Hol. and N. Rhineland is chiefly due to fall in cement consumption.
Trato de recordar los pasosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
“I thought you said you were in a hurry, Hol,” Jude called up the stairs at her, keeping my hand in his.
Cumplirá cada segundo de condenaLiterature Literature
It's us, Hol!
Sin perjuicio de su posible celebración en una fecha posterior, el Acuerdo negociado por la Comisión debe firmarse y aplicarse provisionalmenteOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Hey, Hol, was that your last class?”
Creo que me gustaría esoLiterature Literature
We’re going to hang out, and dance and have a blast, aren’t we, Hol?”
Como Graco controla el puebloy el Senado... también sentiste la obligación de entregarle el CuartelLiterature Literature
The predatory curiosity of Hol Beloth.
Vistas las conclusiones de la Presidencia del Consejo Europeo de Barcelona de los días # y # de marzo deLiterature Literature
Andrew Holness, Minister of Education, Jamaica expressed how important it was for the Member States in Latin America and the Caribbean to come together as a region to discuss common issues and find common solutions, with the aim of exchanging and sharing best practices.
Criterios para la aprobación de una sustancia como candidata a la sustituciónUN-2 UN-2
I don' t want to alarm anyone, but I think there' s a little " al- key- hol " in this punch
excelentes capacidades de comunicación interpersonal, oral y escritaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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