how she's going to pay oor Spaans

how she's going to pay

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“She was going on the other day about how she was going to pay her own marriage price,” said Tamsin.
Y las copas las pagas túLiterature Literature
She should figure out how to save herself before she worried about how she was going to pay for him saving her.
Iba a encontrarme con el Señor Miller, de la Estación de SeguridadLiterature Literature
How was she going to pay off the hospital bills now, and the pediatrician?
por la que se fijan modelos de listas de las entidades autorizadas por los Estados miembros con arreglo a lo establecido en diversas disposiciones de la legislación comunitaria en materia veterinaria, así como las normas aplicables a la transmisión de dichas listas a la ComisiónLiterature Literature
Mari always paid her debts—how was she going to pay this one?
¿ Es una buena noticia?Literature Literature
How was she going to pay for the train ticket, food, warmer clothes?
Y algún día, te salvará la vidaLiterature Literature
I don't know how, but she's going to pay.
¡ No me dejes!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
How was she going to pay any bills if she couldn’t make a living?
Es el trozo de chatarra más rápido de la galaxiaLiterature Literature
Nor did she know how she was going to pay for the repairs.
¡ Frenos de emergencia!Literature Literature
A bank loan was her last resort, although she had no idea how she was going to pay it back.
Estudié filosofía, historia de la religión, estéticaLiterature Literature
The rent was due at the end of the month and she had no idea how she was going to pay it.
Soy una negada en todo menos en mitrabajoLiterature Literature
How was she going to have to pay for that?
Tu dijiste que yo le gustaba!Literature Literature
How on earth was she going to pay Gardner’s legal fees?
Todos en el tercer foro fueron preguntados que revisen este libro de nocheLiterature Literature
How the hell was she going to pay the hotel bill, train, let alone the boatman to take her to Incantellaria?
Sí, se ha demostrado.Aquí mismo, llenos de valorLiterature Literature
How do you know she wasn’t going to pay?’
¿ Qué dijode sí mismo?Literature Literature
She swore she wasn’t going to pay attention to him, but how could she not when she loved him?
Procede modificar en consecuencia el Reglamento (CE) noLiterature Literature
And how much do you think she is going to pay for them?
¿ Hay algo que yo deba saber?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
How long would she have to go on paying for a mistake made by others, though the penalty was visited upon her?
Al habla el capitán CambioLiterature Literature
She had been feeling guilty for deserting him, and after she hung up, she wondered how he was going to pay for dinner.
La muestra sigue conteniendo aire (por ejemplo, materiales de elevada viscosidad) o sustancias de bajo punto de ebullición, que se liberan durante el calentamiento y pueden eliminarse mediante succión tras un mayor subenfriamientoLiterature Literature
Barbato prepared to give her an injection she murmured in Italian, “Ah, Doctor, how am I going to pay you?”
Esos tipos en Berlín lo único que saben es insultar a Churchill.¿ Qué es lo que dicen?Literature Literature
How else was she going to manage to pay him back his money if not with the help of her very obliging ex-boyfriend?
¿ Podemos hablar de esto como hombres de negocios?Literature Literature
She was living in Durham House and she often wondered how she was going to find the money to pay her servants.
Lo de arrancar cabelleras me fascinaLiterature Literature
“You tell me how you’re going to pay for the care she’s already received.
¿ Quieres apretar el gatillo, o debo hacerlo yo?Literature Literature
How long is she staying and is she going to help pay expenses.
¿ Qué has hecho?Literature Literature
It might not always be how you think it’s going to be, she’s said, but you pay one way or the other.
Lo siento, pero ¿ quiere ir a por la escalera?Literature Literature
At this rate, she wasn’t sure how Virgil was going to be able to afford to pay her.
El mando de dirección estará diseñado, fabricado e instalado de forma que no incluya elementos o accesorios, incluido el mando de la bocina y los accesorios de montaje, capaces de engancharse en las ropas o alhajas del conductor durante los movimientos normales de la conducciónLiterature Literature
60 sinne gevind in 63 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.