human oor Spaans


/ˈhjuːmən̩/, /ˈçjuː.mən̩/, /ˈjuː.mən̩/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
(no comparative or superlative) Of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens or its closest relatives.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjektief, naamwoordmanlike
of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens
The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton.
Un cuerpo humano promedio contiene suficientes huesos para componer un esqueleto humano completo.

ser humano

a human being
To err is human. To blame somebody else for your errors is even more human.
Errar es humano. Culpar a otra persona de tus errores es todavía más humano.


adjektief, naamwoordvroulike
a human being
The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire human skeleton.
Un cuerpo humano promedio contiene suficientes huesos para componer un esqueleto humano completo.

En 14 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

hombre · persona · gente · humanitario · Humano · el ser humano · humano, -a · indígena · indio · indulgente · bondadoso · amable · homo sapiens · humanos

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Human (Star Trek)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans




Human, All Too Human
Humano, demasiado humano
Human greed is threatening the existence of many species.
La avaricia humana amenaza la existencia de muchas especies.
HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource

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Soortgelyke frases

International Meeting on Human Rights
Seminario internacional sobre derechos humanos
human energy
energía humana
Expert Group Meeting on Human Development
Reunión de expertos sobre el desarrollo humano
human mouth
boca humana
human interest
interés humano
Global Impact of Human Migration
Consecuencias mundiales de las migraciones humanas
Centre for Human Evolution Studies
CEU · Centro de Estudíos para la Evolución Humana
upgrading of human resources
Consultative Meeting of Experts on the Role of Human Rights in African Cultural Traditions
Reunión de consulta de expertos sobre el lugar que ocupan los derechos humanos en las tradiciones culturales africanas


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
When compassionate use is envisaged, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, after consulting the manufacturer or the applicant, may adopt opinions on the conditions for use, the conditions for distribution and the patients targeted
¿ Qué quieren Uds.Aquí?oj4 oj4
He will also carry out liaison with the United Nations system and regional entities and collect information on massive and serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law of ethnic and racial origin that, if not prevented or halted, might lead to genocide, and will act as an early warning mechanism to the Secretary-General and the Security Council
No creo que deba hacer estoMultiUn MultiUn
"""One never knows what strange quirks may affect the human brain,"" I explained."
haber cumplido # años de edad, yLiterature Literature
What are the organization's views and what action has it taken with respect to the continuing and increasingly frequent violations of human rights in the United States, which have been denounced even by well known non-governmental organizations, thematic mechanisms of the Commission on Human Rights and treaty bodies, such as
H #: Recomendación #/#/CE de la Comisión, de # de abril de #, que complementa las Recomendaciones #/#/CE y #/#/CE en lo que atañe al sistema de remuneración de los consejeros de las empresas que cotizan en bolsa (DO L # de #.#.#, pMultiUn MultiUn
And in many highly restricted 2D tasks, computer vision makes fewer errors than humans.
Y su crucirixión y muerte fueron Ia voluntad de Dios. eso traería la ira en aquellos que Io cruciricaron... pero de aquellos que lo amaban..., si estuviesen cerca de él en aquel momento... pues lo amaban como apenas pueden amar los hombres. pero si él, por su propia voluntad Ios abandonase,... demostraría injusticia, o talvez crueldadLiterature Literature
Decides to appoint, for a period of three years, an independent expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, with the following mandate:
Megan...- Hola.- ¿ Maia está lista?UN-2 UN-2
"""Now,"" she says, enjoying the look in the two pairs of human eyes, ""where were we?"""
Debes escucharmeLiterature Literature
Treaties for the protection of human rights;]
Gail Chávez, la compañera de BetsyUN-2 UN-2
b) To consider as a matter of high priority becoming party to those remaining international human rights instruments to which it is not already party, and to comply fully with its obligations under international human rights instruments
Aunque, te la regresaré, en cuanto te dejen salirMultiUn MultiUn
The provision for training will be maintained to cater to training schemes introduced by the United Nations as a result of the ongoing human resources reform programme.
El Consejo nos ha decepcionado: hasta ahora no ha tomado decisión alguna, se comporta como un buey que tuviera que poner huevos.UN-2 UN-2
The following documents had been distributed to the Committee: “National Action Plan for the Advancement of Women”; “Handbook on Human Resources Development Indicators # ”; “Violence against Women”; “Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association # ”; “Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement # ”; “HIV/AIDS/STD Prevention Programme in Myanmar”; “Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association”; “Status of Women in Myanmar”; and “National AIDS Programme in Myanmar”
Nos han retirado el dinero del seguroMultiUn MultiUn
The Lubicon Lake Indian Nation (LLIN), recalling several United Nations decisions regarding the abuse of its rights under the ICCPR and the ICESCR, said interim measures of protection had not been taken, despite Human Rights Council decisions instructing Canada to do so.
Como ven, está hechoUN-2 UN-2
The İçyer decision adopted by the European Court of Human Rights on # anuary # recognized that the said Law constitutes an effective remedy at domestic level for persons seeking compensation from such damages
Los registros que obtuve de la computadora de Worth muestran que cada vez que un interno ingresa en Rockford, su juez recibe un emailMultiUn MultiUn
To relieve the suffering of the people in Gaza, we call upon the parties concerned to strictly abide by international humanitarian and human rights law and extend necessary cooperation to relief operations being conducted by United Nations agencies and humanitarian organizations
Mi único crítico tal vez, fuera de míMultiUn MultiUn
It remains our position that UNDP as a United Nations organization MUST uphold norms and standards agreed to by its Member States, including those related to human rights.
Resulta necesario prever asimismo ayudas específicas para las regiones y zonas comunitarias con dificultades económicas o socialesUN-2 UN-2
331 It follows that, analysed at Community level, the development of streptogramin-resistant enterococci and staphylococci in humans was considered a serious threat to public health.
Apoyo Uno manténgase en la # este.Apoyo Uno manténgase en la # esteEurLex-2 EurLex-2
9 On the basis of that decision, the Commission then adopted decisions C (94) 1972 of 29 July 1994, C (94) 2613 of 15 November 1994 and C (94) 3226 of 29 November 1994 by which it granted financial assistance from the European Social Fund (‘the ESF’) for the sum of EUR 1 897 206 226 to operational programmes in respect of tourism, industrial development and human resources development (‘the operational programmes’).
Por favor, no te acerquesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Recognizes the importance of developing, strengthening and implementing, as appropriate, national systems for collecting, monitoring and evaluating relevant disaggregated national data as a useful tool for drawing up and assessing the impact of national policies aimed at the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms;
Creo que me intitulo a esoUN-2 UN-2
Meanwhile, as part of its routine activities, the Directorate-General of Human Rights Education holds workshops for educators, students and members of civil society on the scope and implications of human rights education.
Si se dejan las cosasasí...¿ dónde vamos a parar?UN-2 UN-2
The Holy Land, a symbol of God's love for his People and for all humanity, is also a symbol of the freedom and peace that God wants for all his children.
El carácter nacional de las declaraciones y los resúmenes anuales contrasta con la naturaleza transversal del trabajo llevado a cabo por el Tribunal, en el que las conclusiones se facilitan por ámbito presupuestario más que por Estado
Provision is made for the use of consultants in the following training programmes: protection of civilians, women’s representation in State institutions, women’s community leadership skills, advocacy for priority legislations addressing sexual and gender-based violence, HIV/AIDS, and the upgrading of substantive skills (Integrated Management Training Centre) such as client orientation, conflict negotiation, conflict resolution and human resources/personnel management.
Hace un par de años, habían movido el contenedor a las fueras del estacionamiento de casas rodantesUN-2 UN-2
The Committee acknowledges that poverty, the high rate of unemployment and the climatic conditions have a negative impact on the human and financial resources available for the implementation of the Convention and have increased the financial burden on households for health and education.
¿ Dónde estaban todos los gatos?UN-2 UN-2
Encourages Governments, in particular those of the countries of origin and destination, to make available to the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants information on violence against women migrant workers, with a view to requesting the Special Rapporteur to recommend concrete measures and actions to address the problem
La fabricación comporta siempre las mismas operaciones que se han realizado tradicionalmente: desuerado del cuajo, puesta en moldes, salazón a mano, en dos fases, con sal gorda seca, con varias vueltas y perforación con agujas largas, para que la aireación de la pasta permita que se desarrolle el penicillium glaucumMultiUn MultiUn
International pressure, drawing on the Dayton Peace Accords and international and regional human rights treaties, eventually persuaded the Entity authorities to repeal the abandonment laws in 1998, although the legislation passed still had flaws.
La brigada los seguiráUN-2 UN-2
The fourth inter-committee meeting met with representatives of NHRIs, and the meeting recommended that treaty bodies should continue to engage with national human rights institutions, that the fifth inter-committee should consider developing harmonized criteria for the participation of NHRIs in treaty body sessions and requested that OHCHR prepare a compilation of existing practice of treaty bodies with respect to NHRIs.
¡ Seguridad, aquí!UN-2 UN-2
207 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.