ill-humored oor Spaans


having a bad temper

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Little could have prepared them for the crossing to Curdled Cave... at the hands of an angry and ill-humored lake.
Poco podía prepararlos para cruzar Cueva sombría a merced de un lago hambriento y malhumorado.

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You’ll both be miserable, and you will bring your ill humor home to me.”
Los dos os sentiréis desdichados y traeréis vuestro mal humor a casa.Literature Literature
Now he hardly saw Jadin, and his mother was always ill-humored.
Ahora apenas veía a su padre y su madre estaba siempre de malhumor.Literature Literature
When the two were left alone, the bull-fighter and the lady, he showed his ill-humor.
Al quedar solos el torero y la dama, aquél mostró su mal humor.Literature Literature
A plaza employee approached it shouting with ill-humor.
Un empleado de la plaza se acercó a ella gritando con mal humor.Literature Literature
Nathan walked in and an extra dose of ill humor came with him.
Nathan se presentó en el estudio y una dosis extra de mal humor entró con él.Literature Literature
But her master was in an ill humor, and he responded to her questions with brief words.
Pero el amo estaba de mal talante, y respondía con palabras breves a sus preguntas.Literature Literature
You shan't expose yourself to more ill humors.
No puedes exponerte a más enfermizos humores.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Isabel’s ill-humor had grown more and more frequent as their affair progressed.
El mal humor de Isabel había ido apareciendo con más frecuencia a medida que su relación avanzaba.Literature Literature
“Thanks, senora, I desire no recommendations,” said the young man, with ill-humor.
—Gracias, señora; no quiero recomendaciones —replicó el joven con displicencia.Literature Literature
All his ill-humor, his grimness was gone.
—Todo su malhumor, toda su tristeza, había desaparecido—.Literature Literature
“Iris is not pleasant to live with when she is in ill humor.”
No es agradable vivir con Iris cuando está de mal humor.Literature Literature
He'll likely be in an ill humor and I have to deal with him.
Es probable que esté de un humor de mil demonios, y tengo que hablar con él.Literature Literature
Is he of ill humor?
¿Está de mal humor?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ronald’s increasing ill humor told him that the man was also getting very concerned.
El mal humor de Ronald evidenciaba que también él estaba muy preocupado.Literature Literature
Ill humors are serious things, Captain.
- Los humores malignos son enfermedades muy serias, capitán.Literature Literature
he said with a grin that even Kit in her current ill humor found difficult to resist.
-pidió con una sonrisa que incluso a Kit, con su presente malhumor, le resultó difícil de resistir.Literature Literature
He gives another growl, peremptory but not ill-humored, and the stewardess brings two whiskeys.
Emite otro gruñido, autoritario pero no malhumorado, y la azafata les lleva dos whiskies.Literature Literature
I was much too relieved to mind her ill-humor.
Me sentí tan aliviado que hice caso omiso de su mal humor.Literature Literature
The king seems ill- humored
Parece que el rey hoy no está de humoropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Tutmosis returned to the tent, ill-humored, and repeated the conversation to the pharaoh.
Tutmosis regresó taciturno a la tienda de campaña y le repitió al faraón toda la conversación con Eunana.Literature Literature
Why did she have that expression, that ill humor?
¿Por eso tenía esa expresión, ese malhumor?Literature Literature
If you let ill humors into the wound, anything could happen.
Si dejas que los malos humores se asienten en la herida, puede pasar cualquier cosa.Literature Literature
As for Celia—I remember this about her—ill humor tended to put her to sleep.
En cuanto a Celia —recuerdo este detalle de su carácter—, el mal humor le producía sueño.Literature Literature
Despite Lotty’s ill humor I was pleased with myself.
A pesar del humor sombrío de Lotty, yo estaba encantada de mí misma.Literature Literature
The Cardinal’s ill-humor seemed to be fading.
El mal humor del cardenal parecía estar amainando.Literature Literature
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