impeccably dressed oor Spaans

impeccably dressed

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impecablemente vestido

I expect my people to be impeccably dressed at all times.
Espero que mi gente esté impecablemente vestida todo el tiempo.

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The two men were tall and slim, impeccably dressed in colorful and formal dinner wear.
Los dos hombres eran altos y delgados, impecablemente vestidos con vistosos trajes de etiqueta.Literature Literature
He appeared at the door clean-shaven and impeccably dressed.
Apareció en la puerta recién afeitado e impecablemente vestido.Literature Literature
He was perfectly groomed and impeccably dressed.
Iba perfectamente arreglado e impecablemente vestido.Literature Literature
I expect my people to be impeccably dressed at all times.
Espero que mi gente esté impecablemente vestida todo el tiempo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ahmed was again impeccably dressed in white cotton.
Una vez más, Ahmed estaba impecablemente vestido con un traje de algodón blanco.Literature Literature
This usher was an impeccably-dressed young man.
—El ujier era un joven impecablemente vestido.Literature Literature
At her side stood an impeccably dressed couple.
A su lado había una pareja impecablemente vestida.Literature Literature
Lyim was impeccably dressed in an outfit Guerrand had not seen before.
Lyim iba impecablemente vestido con una ropa que Guerrand no le había visto antes.Literature Literature
At last he reached her side, all handsome masculinity, impeccably dressed and eye-fucking her, as he’d promised.
Al fin llegó a su lado, atractivo y viril, impecablemente vestido y follándola con la vista, como había prometido.Literature Literature
He’s always impeccably dressed in dark suits, probably from Harrods.
Siempre va impecablemente vestido, lleva trajes oscuros, seguramente de Harrods.Literature Literature
There was Pepe, impeccably dressed, and beside him there was the much larger figure of Carroll.
Era Pepe impecablemente vestido, y junto a él se veía la figura mucho mayor de Carroll.Literature Literature
Silver-haired and distinguished-looking, impeccably dressed, there was a certain chilliness about his pale blue eyes.
Con el pelo canoso, un aspecto distinguido y vestido de manera impecable, había cierta frialdad en sus ojos azul claro.Literature Literature
Before she was again obscured from sight, he appreciated that she was tall, slender and impeccably dressed.
Antes de que volviera a desaparecer de su vista pudo comprobar que era alta, delgada y que iba impecablemente vestida.Literature Literature
As usual, De Lancey was impeccably dressed, in loose white trousers and a cambric shirt.
Como de costumbre, De Lancey iba vestido impecablemente, con unos pantalones blancos, holgados, y una camisa de batista.Literature Literature
Impeccably dressed in formal wear, he smiled at Lilly and then looked at Eric with distaste.
Impecablemente vestido con ropa formal, sonrió a Lilly y después miró a Eric con disgusto.Literature Literature
� Julio, of course, was always impeccably dressed.
—comentó Julio, quien por supuesto vestía siempre impecablemente—.Literature Literature
Daniel Emilfork emerged, impeccably dressed, well groomed, calm, with his usual gestures like those of a Russian prince.
Surgió Daniel Emilfork, vestido muy en orden, bien peinado, calmo, con sus habituales gestos de príncipe ruso.Literature Literature
Master Z was impeccably dressed in his usual black silk shirt and tailored slacks.
El Maestro Z estaba impecablemente vestido con su habitual camisa de seda negra y pantalones de diseño.Literature Literature
White-toothed and always impeccably dressed, he’s what Karla calls a “killer nerd.”
Tiene unos dientes muy blancos y va siempre vestido de modo impecable; es lo que Karla llama un «nerd asesino».Literature Literature
As soon as they walked through the doors they were greeted by an impeccably dressed woman.
En cuanto atravesaron las puertas, los recibió una mujer vestida de forma impecable.Literature Literature
He was smiling and, as always, impeccably dressed.
Sonreía y, como siempre, iba impecablemente vestido.Literature Literature
All three men were impeccably dressed in long, Salvatore Ferragamo overcoats in varying shades of gray.
Los tres hombres iban impecablemente vestidos con abrigos largos de Salvatore Ferragamo, en distintos tonos de gris.Literature Literature
The thieves were impeccably dressed, the ambush was invisible, even respectable and well-intentioned.
Los ladrones van bien vestidos, el robo no se ve, incluso tiene apariencia de respetabilidad.Literature Literature
In all the years Knowles had known Jack, he’d never been less than impeccably dressed.
En todos los años que Knowles conocía a Jack, nunca había ido vestido de una forma tan chapucera.Literature Literature
The cripple returned to the table with a tall, impeccably dressed man.
El cojo regresa a la mesa acompañado de un hombre alto, impecablemente vestido.Literature Literature
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