in a courtly manner oor Spaans

in a courtly manner

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Nonetheless they bowed to him in a courtly manner and informed him that the count requested his company.
A pesar de todo, le hicieron una reverencia de estilo cortesano y le informaron que el conde solicitaba su compañía.Literature Literature
He turned, took her elbow in a courtly manner, but dropped it long before they reached the street.
Dándose la vuelta la tomó del codo con cortesía pero la soltó mucho antes de que hubiesen llegado a al calle.Literature Literature
Monseigneur received him in a courtly manner, but they did not shake hands.
Monseñor lo recibió con bastante amabilidad, pero no se estrecharon la mano.Literature Literature
Jane held out her hand, and he bowed over it in a courtly manner, going so far as to kiss her hand lightly.
Jane le tendió la mano y él se inclinó sobre ella de una manera cortes, hasta besarle ligeramente la mano.Literature Literature
Then he took Harriet’s hand in a very courtly manner, bowed, kissed it then kissed her lips.
Después tomó de manera cortesana la mano de Harriet, se inclinó, la besó, y después la besó en los labios.Literature Literature
Yves acknowledged the greetings in a most courtly manner, gracious yet dignified.
Yves lo aceptó de la forma más cortés, con gracia pero con dignidad.Literature Literature
Whereupon Belknap arose, and in a courtly and affable manner, stated: The defendant is ready.
Tras lo cual, Belknap se levantó y en forma cortés y afable declaró: —La defensa está preparada.Literature Literature
"""To love in the courtly manner, a woman must rule."""
«Para amar al estilo cortés, una mujer debe gobernar».Literature Literature
Now he turned to Giyan and, in a coarse parody of a courtly manner, said: “The honor is now yours.”
Se volvió hacia Giyan y, parodiando un gesto refinado, dijo—: El honor es todo vuestro.Literature Literature
In dancing, and manners, playing a lute, courtly etiquette for a woman, that sort of thing.
De baile, modales, laúd, de etiqueta para cortejar a una mujer, ese tipo de cosas.Literature Literature
He had about him a quiet, impressive dignity that was complemented by a certain old-world courtliness in his manners.
Tenía una dignidad discreta, impresionante, completada por cierta cortesía anticuada en sus modales.Literature Literature
He looked like a Spanish Charles Boyer and conducted himself in the same courtly manner.
Casi completamente calvo, parecía un Charles Boyer español, y siempre se conducía con grave dignidad.Literature Literature
Courtly of manner, apparently, even though he’s a total piranha in math- and academic politics.
De modales corteses, aparentemente, aunque es una verdadera piraña en las matemáticas y la política académica.Literature Literature
The White Devil was a play in which evil and guilt were hidden under the guise of courtly manners.
El Diablo Blanco era una obra en la que la maldad y la culpa se escondían bajo el disfraz de los modales cortesanos.Literature Literature
A detailed inventory of his belongings survives him; although his main residence, in addition to his three rural estates, was not furnished in an opulent manner, – Turkish carpets and cushions typical of the Latin orient replacing courtly tapestries – he still indulged in hunting, the favourite pastime of the nobility, having three falconers in his service, a modest number for the time.
Un detallado inventario de sus pertenencias sobreviven, aunque su residencia principal, además de sus tres propiedades rurales, no está amueblado de manera opulenta, - alfombras turcas y cojines típicos del oriente latino reemplazaron los tapices cortesanos, aunque todavía se permitió la caza, el pasatiempo favorito de la nobleza, habiendo tenido tres cetreros a su servicio, un número modesto para la época.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But as I was not in a condition to resent injuries, so upon mature thoughts I began to doubt whether I was injured or no. For, after having been accustomed several months to the sight and converse of this people, and observed every object upon which I cast mine eyes to be of proportionable magnitude, the horror I had at first conceived from their bulk and aspect was so far worn off, that if I had then beheld a company of English lords and ladies in their finery and birth-day clothes, acting their several parts in the most courtly manner of strutting, and bowing, and prating, to say the truth, I should have been strongly tempted to laugh as much at them as the king and his grandees did at me.
Pero como yo no estaba en situación de sentir injurias, después de maduras reflexiones empecé a dudar si había sido injuriado o no, pues, acostumbrado ya por varios meses de residencia a la vista y al trato de aquellas gentes y encontrando todos los objetos que a mis ojos se ofrecían de magnitud proporcionada, el horror que al principio me inspiraron tales seres por su corpulencia y aspecto desapareció hasta tal punto, que si hubiera mirado entonces una compañía de lores y damas ingleses, con sus adornados vestidos de fiesta, representando del modo más cortesano sus respectivos papeles, contoneándose, haciendo reverencias y parloteando, en verdad digo que me hubiesen dado grandes tentaciones de reírme de ellos, tanto como el rey y sus grandes se reían de mí.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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