inbound freight oor Spaans

inbound freight

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

flete de vuelta

UN term

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Maintenance of an efficient and cost-effective contracted service to handle customs clearance of all inbound freight
Te metí la cabeza en una prensaUN-2 UN-2
MINUSMA had 3 contractors who carried out customs clearance of all inbound freight in a timely manner
Ninguna especialUN-2 UN-2
The Board noted that the cost of inbound freight incurred ($85.28 million) was not capitalized at the time of taking the purchased programme supplies as stores-in-hand.
Había muchasUN-2 UN-2
According to estimates submitted by DPAG, between [...] % (1990) and [...] % (1999) of mail-order parcels were collected at the customer's premises and transported directly to the inbound freight centre(60).
Con esa cara, no necesita un nombreEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Thus, programme supplies are not expensed at the carrying cost of inventory, as it does not include freight costs, resulting in an understatement of the transfer of programme supplies by $85 million (inbound freight costs).
No me estás escuchyoUN-2 UN-2
The last question was on the 100% scanning of inbound container freight.
La gente pagaría un chelín por ver estoEuroparl8 Europarl8
A new procedure for delivery of goods enabled the mission to better manage the inbound freight process by means of pre-arranged itineraries, adequate freight packing and clearing timelines, taking into consideration the six-month-long rainy season.
Esos son los decretos sagrados que haz traicionadoUN-2 UN-2
When the inventory is issued as programme supplies and expensed during the year, the value so expensed does not include inbound freight costs and the same is added in other expenses: distribution and is therefore underestimated to that extent.
Las más grandes son mejoresUN-2 UN-2
UNISFA continued to enhance its operations through the use of a third-party logistics contract for inland transportation and customs clearance services, the centralized execution of logistics and engineering services-related tasks and better management of the inbound freight process through prearranged itineraries and adequate freight packing and clearing timelines.
No vale la pena morir por sus señoresUN-2 UN-2
They all have a dual function, serving as inbound and outbound freight centres concurrently.
Visto el estudio Repercusiones del proyecto de Directiva sobre los servicios en el mercado interior en la recaudación fiscal y en los ingresos fiscales en los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, realizado por el Instituto Austriaco de Economía a petición de la Dirección A (Dirección de Política Económica y Científica) de la Dirección General de Políticas Interiores de la Unión del Parlamento Europeo (Proyecto no IP/A/ECON/STEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(23) All 33 freight centres are built and equipped to the same design. They all have a dual function, serving as inbound and outbound freight centres concurrently.
No hay rastros de élEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These parcels, about [...] % of all mail-order parcels and catalogues (estimate given in the German authorities' letter of 12 March 2002, Annex 1, p. 23), were picked up and transported directly to the inbound parcel freight centre. This so-called direct transport, which is part of the long-distance transport activity, is discussed below.
la velocidad orbital incrementará con cada paso. que es una órbita elíptica que se alargaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
annul the first paragraph of Article 1, Article 1(1)(b), Article 1(2)(b) and Article 1(3)(b) of Decision C(2017) 1742 final, in that those provisions declare that the single and continuous infringement attributed to Air France-KLM includes inbound freight traffic entering the EEA (inbound EEA traffic), and the grounds supporting those provisions, Article 3(b) and (d) of the decision in that it imposes on Air France-KLM two fines in a total amount of EUR 307 360 000, and Article 4 of the decision, and consequently reduce, on the basis of Article 261 TFEU, the amount of those fines, in accordance with the applicant’s fourth plea in law;
Ella tiene tropecientas preguntas,Y son más difíciles de esquivareurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
Every freight centre functions both as an inbound and as an outbound centre.
lai de homo kai, bokú io genEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Used in retail when the retailer is managing their inbound freight from suppliers.
Lo llaman:" Una mediación exitosa "ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Manage inbound freight seamlessly with image-based barcode readers
¿ Pero que harás en # días cuando no puedas renovarlo?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The benefits of controlling your company's inbound freight management are often worthwhile.
Sí, era muy gracioso cuandoera niñoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If you're looking to save shipping costs, take a look at inbound freight.
El Sr.Heywood va a tener que responder por esto, sabesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Paying excessive amounts for inbound freight due to missed inventory consolidation opportunities
La tenía el tipo fritoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
DHL Vendor-Managed Inventory services: Inbound freight management
Esa es una acusación que rebatimosParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Direct Connection Between Inbound Freight and Outbound Orders
me habría gustado revisarle.- ¿ Cree que es contrabandista?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
By focusing on properly managing your inbound freight, we can help add efficiency, reduce inventory, and save on transportation costs.
Informe sobre el proyecto de presupuesto rectificativo no #/# de la Unión Europea para el ejercicio #: Sección # Comisión [#/#- C#-#/#- #/#(BUD)]- Comisión de PresupuestosParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As approximately [...] % of parcels remain for delivery within the districts covered by the outward freight centre(37), these parcels do not require inbound sorting.
Productivity improvements. The number of store visits and inbound freight charges all decrease, and you can eliminate totally all unsupervised local purchases
Oh mi mi... no confías en mi?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
84 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.