infrequently oor Spaans


Not frequently.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Not often, not frequently.
De forma rara o poco frecuente.
The Committee notes that the criminal provisions relating to racist acts are still infrequently applied.
El Comité observa que las disposiciones penales relativas a los actos de racismo se siguen aplicando raramente.


adjective noun adverb
Not often, not frequently.
De forma rara o poco frecuente.
The Participants expect that such an occurrence will be unusual and infrequent.
Los Participantes esperan que dicho caso sea excepcional y poco frecuente.

con poca frecuencia

It was questioned whether a problem that arose infrequently justified such a change.
Se puso en entredicho que un problema que se planteaba con poca frecuencia justificara ese cambio.

En 3 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

ocasionalmente · rara vez · infrecuentemente

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

espaciado · infrecuente · poco frecuente · raro
infrecuencia · poca frecuencia · rareza · singularidad
not infrequent
nada infrecuente


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
(a) one or more key controls are not applied or are applied so poorly or so infrequently that they are deemed ineffective in determining the eligibility of the claim or in preventing irregularities; or
¿ Es tan amable de acercarse el abogado defensor?Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
The Criminal Code and the Civil Code had last been revised in the 1970s, when the infrastructure in many regions of Gabon had consisted of dirt tracks and infrequent ferry crossings and many journeys could only be made on foot.
Debió ser muy lindo tener una mamáUN-2 UN-2
The Participants expect that such an occurrence will be unusual and infrequent.
Bueno, por lo que veo, no me preocuparía por conseguir el certificadoeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
In everyday life, exposure to feared situations tends to be unpredictable, brief, and infrequent.
¿ Alguien podría hacer eso?Literature Literature
When he has nightmares—very infrequently—they centre around his childhood in the kibbutz.
Así pues, Dinamarca concluye que el procedimiento de investigación únicamente puede cubrir la-supuestamente única- medida notificada, es decir, la posible inclusión en el régimen DIS de los marinos que trabajan a bordo de buques cablerosLiterature Literature
Infrequent drinkers,” who drink at least once a year but less than once a month, accounted for an additional 15 percent.
¡ Lo he usado para atizar el fuego!jw2019 jw2019
a letter to the OECD Secretary-General, in accordance with the procedures in Article 53, which the Participants expect will be unusual and infrequent.
EncuéntraleEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tears started to her eyes as she realized how infrequently she thought of him that way anymore.
Conocí a muchos estudiantes como tú.- ¿ Es de allí?Literature Literature
Hyperaspis trifurcata was the major predator collected in Tlalnepantla, Morelos, Mexico. Three hymenopteran species were obtained from larvae and pupae of this predator.Homalotylus cockerelli was the most abundant parasitoid, acting as the primary parasitoid; others species found were Pachyneuron sp. and Tetrastichus sp., which were infrequently collected and acted as hyperparasitoids.
Lo que quierasscielo-abstract scielo-abstract
News coverage began in April, but was infrequent and dominated by local papers or bloggers.
¿ Tú qué harías?gv2019 gv2019
The Advisory Committee was informed that the rental of aircraft was necessary owing to the unreliability of commercial airline connections and the infrequency of flights in the subregion, which could disrupt the Special Envoy’s ability to consult in a timely fashion.
No debería hablar de salvar almas como " valer la pena "UN-2 UN-2
Father knew nothing of the curse and saw me too infrequently to issue many commands.
Aunque todos lo vieron... nadie ni siquiera llamó a la policíaLiterature Literature
The credit institution's operational risk measurement system shall use relevant external data, especially when there is reason to believe that the credit institution is exposed to infrequent, yet potentially severe, losses.
La Oficina de Apoyo administrará y desarrollará un currículo europeo en materia de asilo teniendo en cuenta la cooperación de la Unión ya existente en ese ámbitonot-set not-set
He reported infrequently to the brood mind.
Bienvenido a Rivendel, Frodo BolsónLiterature Literature
They were often laymen, not infrequently the sons or sons-in-law of other professors.
¡ Pero que bíceps, muchacho!Literature Literature
By the standard of statistical rarity, behavior is abnormal when it is infrequent.
¿ Hombre volador?Literature Literature
(Important but fortunately infrequent - Note from the Editor in Chief).
Así que llamé a Jimmy y a TommyLiterature Literature
Rain was so infrequent that it took on the semblance of a phenomenon when it came at all.
Y lo más grave: intento de asesinatoLiterature Literature
Islanders also supplement their income by providing accommodation and guided tours to infrequent visitors and from the sale of handicrafts, please see paragraph # above
Qué nerviosa eres, ConnorMultiUn MultiUn
one or more key controls are not applied or are applied so poorly or so infrequently that they are deemed ineffective in determining the eligibility of the claim or in preventing irregularities; or
Pero únicamentecuando realmente sepas a quien sirvesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
infrequent infringements.
Lo que nosotros sugerimos a usted, Archer, no es un trasplante permanente así, solo un arreglo temporalEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Use of Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs) is infrequent and in "pockets"
Mieles multiflorales: Su color podrá variar entre el ámbary el ámbar oscuroMultiUn MultiUn
Sting suffered a pair of cracked ribs and a ruptured spleen in the match after taking a Vader Bomb from Vader, though he continued to compete infrequently while recuperating.
No, yo no estoy llorandoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“But sometimes, infrequently, it works in a different way.
La válvula esférica tendrá un diámetro no inferior al diámetro inferior del tubo de toma de muestras y un tiempo de conmutación inferior a #,# segundosLiterature Literature
Notwithstanding the percentages in (a) and (b), Member States shall prioritise inspection of ships, which, according to the information provided by the inspection database, call at ports within the Community infrequently.
para los créditos correspondientes a la asignación anual de #: el # de diciembre deEurLex-2 EurLex-2
209 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.