inquiringly oor Spaans


In an inquiring manner.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

con curiosidad



To whom have individuals of the nations now turned inquiringly, and who have answered their inquiries, with what result?
¿A quién se han dirigido ahora inquisitivamente individuos de las naciones, y quiénes han dado respuesta a sus preguntas, con qué resultado?

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I stopped and looked inquiringly at Doc and said, “Germs?
Si, Capitan RöhmLiterature Literature
Athena looked inquiringly at her father.
Siempre ha sido tan fuerteLiterature Literature
Skacke looked inquiringly at Gottfridsson.
Necesito algún tiempo.- ¿ Cuánto?Literature Literature
Her husband, who had been talking to me, looked at Poirot inquiringly.
Me dio como un puñeteLiterature Literature
She stopped suddenly and glanced inquiringly at her husband, who was not looking at her.
Los hombres se marchan a probar su coraje... y a nosotras se nos prueba la paciencia... el estar solasLiterature Literature
Tankard said, and then as Pam glanced inquiringly at him, he looked at his hands, which were beginning to tremble.
Sin embargo, en los pacientes que han utilizado imiquimod siguiendo las instrucciones, han sido poco frecuentes los casos en que se han observado reacciones locales graves que requirieron tratamiento o causaron una inhabilitación temporalLiterature Literature
I returned the book to Kafka, and looked at him inquiringly, in expectation of some explanatory commentary.
Pero la novena vez que llame, me dijeron que alguien canceloLiterature Literature
Cazalis stopped before 490, looking at the number inquiringly.
Informe a su médico si se encuentra en alguna de estas situacionesLiterature Literature
We sat around the table and I looked inquiringly at Kane.
Mientras no se supere el contenido máximo fijado de un aditivo según se menciona en el punto #, la desviación por encima del contenido declarado puede llegar a ser hasta el triple de la tolerancia establecida en el puntoLiterature Literature
Koshmar looked inquiringly toward Sachkor.
No te preocupes, JoeLiterature Literature
[Brendel looked at me inquiringly.
Le carroza le esta esperando, Su MajestadLiterature Literature
A Chinese girl looked inquiringly at me.
¿ Cómo estará?Literature Literature
When Roland didn’t immediately continue, Thomas met his gaze and arched his brows inquiringly.
Lois Reynolds hung up and looked inquiringly at Wilfrid Mack.
Tendré que confiscarle su armaLiterature Literature
She smiled inquiringly when she said yes and I noticed she had a space between her front teeth.
Yla muerte es algo eternoLiterature Literature
He looked inquiringly at Huascl.
Yo no planeé estoLiterature Literature
"Mors paused, and said inquiringly, ""You have ordered your men to abstain from all contact with the civil population?"""
Todavía no represento Ia Iey... y no estoy aquí para hacer que se te paren Ios peIosLiterature Literature
Bencolin repeated, inquiringly, as though he heard the name for the first time.
¿ Qué es lo que Woolsey te ha dicho?Literature Literature
Clara was not the only one surprised at this: she saw the Elders looking inquiringly at the driver too.
¡ Brad, Brad, Brad!Literature Literature
He took Anna's hand and looked inquiringly into her eyes.
Kota, felicidadesLiterature Literature
Diana Ashley looked inquiringly at Haydon.
¿ Viste algo?Literature Literature
I looked inquiringly at Hop Sing.
E. Petritsi, abogados de Atenas, y por el Sr. M. Nissen, abogado de Dinamarca, contra la sentencia dictada el # de diciembre de # por la Sala Quinta del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de las Comunidades Europeas, en el asunto T-#/# promovido contra la Comisión de las Comunidades EuropeasLiterature Literature
Kolpakov, who was sitting with his coat off, in his slippers, jumped up and looked inquiringly at Pasha.
Asígnele un blanco neutralLiterature Literature
The Marquis, surprised at this scene, looked inquiringly at Félicité.
La operación excluye la demanda de gas de Portgás, la única LDC no controlada por GDPLiterature Literature
He gazed inquiringly at Danvers.
Asunto: Negociaciones de adhesión con CroaciaLiterature Literature
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