intruder oor Spaans


/ɪnˈtruː.də(ɹ)/, /ənˈtrudɚ/ naamwoord
Someone who intrudes.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


someone who intrudes
Tom was riveted to the floor out of fear, when he came across an intruder in his study.
Tom se quedó estático del miedo cuando se tropezó con un intruso en su estudio.


someone who intrudes
Tom was riveted to the floor out of fear, when he came across an intruder in his study.
Tom se quedó estático del miedo cuando se tropezó con un intruso en su estudio.


Look, I'm really sorry for intruding into your home and into your life.
Siento mucho haberme entrometido en su hogar y en su vida.

En 12 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

incursor · infiltrador · -a · colado · el intruso · el intruso, la intrusa · la intrusa · paracaidista · indiscreto · aeronave intrusa · agente infiltrado · intruso [prop.]

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Soortgelyke frases

telephone intruder
intruso telefónico · pirata telefónico · saboteador telefónico
am I intruding?
to intrude on
intruder alarm
alarma contra intrusos
A-6 Intruder
Grumman A-6 Intruder
intrude on
aparcer sin invitación · entrometerse · inmiscuirse · invadir · violar
intruder-resistant barrier
barrera anti-intrusión · barrera antiintrusión · barrera de intrusión
grout-intruded concrete
hormigón inyectado
to intrude
entrometer · importunar · inmiscuirse · molestar · penetrar


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And when repeated urgency becomes routine, then memory failure must be intruded into it.”
Nadie duda que os queràisLiterature Literature
(a) deny surreptitious or forced entry by an intruder;
Mis compañeros encuentran pesadas a sus madres, pero las quierenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
We didn' t want to intrude
Chihiro, graciasopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
It seemed some personal sorrow had intruded on her thoughts.
* Siéntate y escucha *Literature Literature
The sound of laughter and light conversation made him feel uneasy somehow�more an intruder that he already was.
El final:Darle con la rodilla justo en las joyas de familiaLiterature Literature
The intruder looked inside, then at the professor.
Ya sè que es una pistola, ¿ pero desde cuàndo la tienes?Literature Literature
cormorant turned a yellow-ringed and disbelieving eye on the intruders and flapped off* across the river.
Y es exactamente lo que haréLiterature Literature
You may not hunt me down and intrude when I’m with someone.
¿ Sabes qué clase de tren es éste?Literature Literature
Wilhelm C intrudes into the north-northeast rim, and Wilhelm D is attached to the northeast outer rim.
Los observadores mantendrán su independencia con respecto al operador, al capitán del buque y a todos los miembros de la tripulaciónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No one intruded upon me through the glass door with a martyred expression of waiting.
¡ Esa no es la pregunta!La pregunta esLiterature Literature
Because They think I'm the Intruder.
Pero la mayoría de la Asamblea ha decidido lo contrario.Literature Literature
But was his intruder, he wondered tensely, a mere housebreaker, or an assassin sent by the one-eyed man?
¿ Qué explicación tiene?Literature Literature
We have an intruder!
Quisiera darles hechos y cifrasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I shouldn’t be here, an intruder who’s bad for unknown houses.
Los recipientes de las muestrasLiterature Literature
Of the intruder who had killed them but had obviously been looking for her.
Eliminen objetivo.FuegoLiterature Literature
The police advised us to get rid of them, ‘Because just imagine what would happen if they attacked an intruder.’
Estamos en deuda con usted, jovencitaLiterature Literature
Fitzhugh because I didn’t want to intrude.
En virtud de la Comunicación de la Comisión sobre el procedimiento simplificado para tramitar determinadas operaciones de concentración con arreglo al Reglamento (CE) no #/# del Consejo, este asunto podría ser tramitado conforme al procedimiento simplificado establecido en dicha ComunicaciónLiterature Literature
A small town Halloween festival finds itself intruded upon by an evil carnival with designs upon imprisoning and feeding off the souls of unwary teenagers.
Éste es un atracoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The thought of intruders in the halls, while he was sitting in the bath�was not comfortable.
As pictures go, this one’s no different from the others: the torn land, the intruding ocean, the uprooted trees.
Una financiación de entre # GBP (# euros) y # millones GBP (#,# millones de euros) es esencial para que muchas pequeñas empresas sobrevivan y prosperenLiterature Literature
She at least had not intruded into her room and sat at her table and written with her pen.
Gracias, ReverendoLiterature Literature
Installation, repair and maintenance of fire-extinguishing, monitoring, security, protection, detection, communications, alarm, intruder, access control apparatus and of electronic, electrical, computer and mechanical equipment of all kinds and machinery in general, relating to cark parks
Ahora que estoy aquí, no sé qué decirtmClass tmClass
REESE HAD JUST FINISHED his hushed phone call in a dark corridor when an officer intruded.
Hice Vice en # tarjetas de créditoLiterature Literature
I arrived late and sat at the back, feeling like I was intruding.
¿ J?Frank. Fuiste el mejor compañero que un Remoolian jamás pudo haber tenidoLiterature Literature
According to Wendy Reid, spokeswoman for Boys Town National Community Projects, “over half the children said they were lonely and missed their parents’ company, while a large percentage of those under 12 were frightened—of the dark, of storms, of intruders, or kidnapping.”
a Se evaluó el perfil farmacocinético de darbepoetin alfa en pacientes pediátricos (# a # años) con insuficiencia renal crónica, sometidos o no a diálisis, mediante la toma de muestras hasta # semanajw2019 jw2019
206 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.