it annoys him oor Spaans

it annoys him

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

le molesta

Anyway, it annoys him to no end, but I do apologize every day.
De todos modos, ello le molesta bastante, pero me disculpo cada día.

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what was it that annoyed him?
¿qué fue lo que lo molestó?


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It annoyed him, the idea of his son tagging along on an important venture such as this.
-Le disgustaba la idea de su hijo tomando parte en una aventura tan importante como aquella.Literature Literature
It annoyed him when mere machines held too great a sense of their own importance.
Le molestaba cuando una insignificante máquina tenía un sentido demasiado grande de su importancia.Literature Literature
It annoyed him that someone had parked outside his house again.
Le molestó que alguien hubiera vuelto a aparcar el coche delante de su casa.Literature Literature
It annoyed him because...because.
Le irritaba porque... porque sí.Literature Literature
It annoyed him that these humans had got in the way of his destiny.
Lo fastidiaba que aquellos humanos se hubiesen interpuesto en la senda de su destino.Literature Literature
It annoyed him, the colonel’s habit of waiting for answers to rhetorical questions.
Le molestaba el hábito que tenía el coronel de esperar respuesta a las preguntas retóricas.Literature Literature
It annoyed him more than any other trait.
Le molestaba más que cualquier otro rasgo.Literature Literature
It annoyed him that he couldn’t always tell when Corby chose to be sarcastic or not.
Le molestaba no poder determinar cuándo Corby ironizaba o cuándo no.Literature Literature
It annoyed him that they no longer observed a famous man’s holiday when they were supposed to.
Le molestaba que la festividad de un hombre famoso no se celebrase cuando correspondía.Literature Literature
It annoyed him, too, to think that he had strafed that boy just before he was killed.
También le molestó pensar que había amonestado a aquel chico justo antes de que lo mataran.Literature Literature
It annoyed him, but he kept his annoyance hidden behind a mask of quiet interest.
Le molestaba, pero mantenía oculta esa molestia detrás de una máscara de tranquilo interés.Literature Literature
It annoys him that Velia is out of town.
Le molesta que Velia esté fuera de la ciudad.Literature Literature
It annoyed him rather than made him feel curious or flattered.
Lo molestaba más que provocarle curiosidad o halago.Literature Literature
And it’s almost best if you don’t mention it to your father, in case it annoys him.
Y casi mejor que no se lo menciones a tu padre, no se vaya a molestar.Literature Literature
She wondered if it annoyed him to see her making friends with other pilots.
Se preguntó si le molestaba que ella se relacionase con otros pilotos.Literature Literature
It annoyed him that he would have to find a way to placate the creature.
Le fastidiaba tener entonces que encontrar un modo de aplacar a la criatura.Literature Literature
It annoys him that she is too dumb to see that he is really sore.
A él le irrita que sea demasiado estúpida para darse cuenta de que está realmente dolido.Literature Literature
It annoyed him that they treated him like a novice here.
Le molestaba que ahí lo trataran como a un principiante.Literature Literature
It annoys him so much, not to be sure.
Le fastidia enormemente no estar seguro.Literature Literature
It annoyed him further when Brad at once picked up the reference to the argument on Sunday.
Le cabreó aún más que Brad entendiera a las primeras de cambio la alusión a la discusión del domingo.Literature Literature
It annoyed him even more that she had clearly been paying more attention than he had.
Le fastidiaba aún más comprender que ella había prestado más atención que él.Literature Literature
American jargon was lost on him, and it annoyed him when Phelps used it.
No entendía la jerga norteamericana y le molestaba cuando Phelps la utilizaba.Literature Literature
George was stung: he got this accusation from black activists, and it annoyed him.
—George se sentía herido; era la misma acusación que le dirigían los activistas negros, y le molestaba—.Literature Literature
It annoyed him that he still thought of Sophie.
Le molestaba estar todavía pensando en Sophie.Literature Literature
His right hand touched the smooth surface of the collar around his neck, as if it annoyed him.
Tocó con la mano la lisa superficie del collar que rodeaba su cuello, como si le molestara.Literature Literature
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