it doesn't answer me oor Spaans

it doesn't answer me

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It doesn't answer to me anymore.
Ya no responde ante .OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Y respondiendo, no, eso no me importa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If it doesn't violate your ethic, I'd appreciate it if you'd give me an answer.
Si eso no viola su ética apreciaría que me diese una respuesta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He doesn't answer me, but I know it's heaven because dad looks younger than the last time I saw him.
Él no me contesta, pero sé que es el cielo porque papá se ve más joven que la última vez que lo vi. 354 —Ángel —dice—.Literature Literature
It doesn't feel like you can ever give me an answer.
Siento que nunca me puedes dar una respuesta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's when I sound too much like Toni that Grandad doesn't answer me.
Cuando me parezco demasiado a Toni, el abuelo no me responde.Literature Literature
Excuse me, sir, but that doesn't answer it.
Disculpe, señor, pero eso no contesta la pregunta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And if Erin doesn't make it through this, then you will have to answer to me.
Y si Erin no sobrevive a esto, entonces tu tendrás que responder ante mi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It doesn't make sense to me because I do care about the answer.
Para mí no tiene sentido, ya que a sí me interesa la respuesta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""It doesn't sound wonderful to me,"" Cara growled before the Mother Confessor could answer."
A mí no me suena maravilloso refunfuñó Cara antes de que la Madre Confesora pudiera responder.Literature Literature
"Besides, it doesn't mean anything for me to be free and everyone else slaves,"" the healer answered."
Además, no sirve de nada que yo sea libre y los demás sean esclavos», le contestó la curandera.Literature Literature
Now, I tell my students who, who give me the answer that it doesn't rain much that you know that would be a very good answer in a course in you know meteorology.
Ahora, digo a mis alumnos que, que me den la respuesta que no mucho que sabes lo que sería una muy buena respuesta en un curso en el sabe de la lluvia Meteorología.QED QED
To a consequentialist like me, the question doesn't deserve an answer, for nothing turns on it.
Para un consecuencialista como yo, la pregunta no merece respuesta, ya que no resulta nada de ella.Literature Literature
I could have answered and it would have been in the clear, but I said, 'She just doesn't love me, that's all.'
Habría podido responderle y todo habría quedado claro, pero dije: - Pues porque no me quiere, eso es todoLiterature Literature
"""It doesn't matter how long they'll be here—a day, a week, a month—the answer's not going to come to me this way."
Da igual el tiempo que pasen aquí: un día, una semana, un mes...Literature Literature
That's all I wanna know. Mr. President, it's clear to me now that the answer is sustained military action in the air and if that doesn't work on the ground.
Sr. Presidente, en mi opinión la respuesta es... reiteradas acciones militares aéreas... y si no basta... por tierra.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You've been through a very traumatic experience- - it would frighten me- - but please try to understand, just because I don't have the answers to your questions doesn't mean there aren't any.
Ha tenido que atravesar una experiencia muy traumática yo me asustaría pero por favor, trate de comprender sólo porque yo no tenga las repuestas a sus preguntas no significa que no las haya.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's a little bit complicated so he sends me a fax, but the fax doesn't seem to answer the question, so I E-mail him back and I get another fax which I'm still not satisfied with,
Es un poco complicado así que me envía un fax, pero el fax parece no contestar la pregunta, así que le escribo de nuevo y me envía otro fax, el cual todavía no me deja satisfecho, y este, de hecho, resultóOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The way that Mikayla answered Jeff's question when he asked what she doesn't like about me the most, she sai " i don't like he's a Hantz " it was pretty prejudiced.
La manera en que Mikayla contestó cuando Jeff le preguntó qué no le gustaba de mí, ella dijo: " No me gusta que sea un Hantz ". Eso es muy prejuicioso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Graham's Answer: "It doesn't for me because I believe there is life on other planets.
Respuesta de Graham: “No lo fue para , porque yo creo que hay vida en otros planetas.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
To the people who said to him: "It is pointless for me to go to confession and absolution because I am sure that the day after tomorrow I shall relapse into the same sins", the Curé d'Ars answered: "it doesn't matter, the Lord deliberately forgets that you will commit the same sins the day after tomorrow, he forgives you now, completely, he will be forbearing and will continue to help you and to reach out to you".
A las personas que le decían: «No tiene sentido que yo ahora vaya a la confesión y a la absolución, porque estoy seguro de que pasado mañana volveré a caer en los mismos pecados», el cura de Ars respondía: «No importa. El Señor voluntariamente olvida que tú, pasado mañana, cometerás los mismos pecados; te perdona ahora completamente. Será magnánimo y seguirá ayudándote, viniendo hacia ti»
That's a balancing question, and as such is subject to ongoing development and change, so it doesn't make sense for me to try and answer it now.
Es una pregunta de balancear las cosas, y por lo tanto depende del progreso de la programación del juego y puede cambiar, así que de momento no tiene sentido para mi contestarla.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
And I asked how to use it, I looked in the Reshade forums without getting answers; But if it doesn't work for me it is due to hardware incompatibility.
Y yo pregunté cómo usarlo, investigué en los foros de Reshade sin obtener respuestas; pero si no me funciona a mí es debido a incompatibilidad de hardware.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is for that reason that many santeros tells me, he/she hears coño you are no longer seen in the drums, and I answer him/her that for the time being it doesn't interest me that naie sees me.
Es por eso que muchos santeros me dicen, oye coño ya no se te ve en los tambores, y le contesto que por ahora no me interesa que nadie me vea.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For me there was always the question of a relevant platform and the answer basically is that it doesn't exist.
La pregunta que siempre me he hecho es sobre la existencia de una plataforma relevante y la respuesta es que no existe.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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