it has started to snow oor Spaans

it has started to snow

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ha empezado a nevar


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It has started to snow,” he reported.
Ha empezado a nevar —informó.Literature Literature
It has started to snow and she goes outside to fetch her daughter.
Ha empezado a nevar, y Kristín sale a buscar a su hija.Literature Literature
He notices that it has started to snow in the room.
De pronto se da cuenta de que ha empezado a nevar en la habitación.Literature Literature
In Gander, it has started to snow.
Ha empezado a nevar en Gander.Literature Literature
Outside it has started to snow heavily.
Fuera ha empezado a nevar, profusamente.Literature Literature
It has started to snow, the first snow of the winter.
Ha empezado a nevar; es la primera nevada del invierno.Literature Literature
It has started to snow, and people are gathering in their huts.
Ha empezado a nevar, y la gente se va recogiendo en sus barracones.Literature Literature
He keeps this up until I get off the bus, ten minutes later, by which time it has started to snow again.
Sigue así hasta que me bajo del autobús, diez minutos después.Literature Literature
It has just started to snow in Vicenza.
Apenas ha empezado a nevar en Vicenza.tatoeba tatoeba
It has finally started to snow.
Finalmente empezó a nevar de verdad.Literature Literature
There are big balls of new snow in the trees, but it has started to melt and drip.
En los árboles hay bolas de nieve virgen, pero han empezado a derretirse y caen gotas.Literature Literature
The temperature has fallen from just below freezing to hard frost, and on our way home it starts to snow.
La temperatura ha bajado desde los cero grados hasta la helada y, de camino a casa, empieza a nevar.Literature Literature
The snow has not fallen in a while, and on the ground, it looks like it is starting to melt.
Hace unos días que la nieve no cae, y parece que empieza a derretirse en el suelo.Literature Literature
The biggest accumulations of snow will occur in Indiana and Ohio, where there is already more than thirty centimeters (12 inches) on the ground, and it has also started to snow in Pennsylvania and Virginia, as well as in western New York State.
Pero las mayores acumulaciones de nieve se presentarán en Indiana y Ohio, donde ya hay más de 30 centímetros, mientras que también ha empezado a nevar en Pensilvania y Virginia así como en el oeste del estado de Nueva York.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I don’t know if it was a bad karma or what, but after posting about the mess of the airports, it has started to rain and the snow has turned into some great black ice that makes me go to work almost ice-skating.
Yo no sé si habrá sido un mal karma o qué, pero después de postear los trapos sucios del aeropuerto ha empezado a llover y la nieve se ha convertido en unas placas de hielo fantásticas que me hacen llegar al trabajo casi patinando.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I don’t know if it was a bad karma or what, but after posting about the mess of the airports, it has started to rain and the snow has turned into some great black ice that makes me go to work almost ice-skating.
Yo no sé si habrá sido un mal karma o qué, pero después de postear los trapos sucios del aeropuerto ha empezado a llover y la nieve se ha convertido en unas placas de hielo fantásticas que me hacen llegar al cocinar (12-15%)ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The winter season in Sierra Nevada has already started and it seems to be outlined with plenty of snow.
La temporada de invierno en Sierra Nevada ya arrancó y parece perfilarse con abundante nieve.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If you can get a fire started now that the snow has stopped, start one and keep it going – particularly at night – for warmth and to signal rescuers.
Si puedes encender un fuego cuando la tormenta haya pasado, hazlo y mantenlo avivado, particularmente de noche para darte calor y utilizarlo como una señal para los rescatistas.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Once the snow has melted and the soil has started to dry, it’s time to get going with the spring-cleaning.
Cuando la nieve se ha fundido y la tierra ha empezado a secarse, es momento de ponerse manos a la obra con la limpieza de primavera.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Snow has been replaced by buds on the trees and it is high time to start gardening activities and other outdoor laying outs.
La nieve a dejado sitio a los botones y podemos empezar ya las actividades de jardinería y demás arreglos exteriores.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Snow has been replaced by buds on the trees and it is high time to start gardening activities and other outdoor laying outs. [learn more]
La nieve a dejado sitio a los botones y podemos empezar ya las actividades de jardinería y demás arreglos exteriores.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Spring is a very important time for gardeners and if you do not know how to care for strawberries, it is best to start by inspecting your beds immediately after the snow has come down.
La primavera es un momento muy importante para los jardineros y, si no sabe cómo cuidar las fresas, es mejor comenzar por inspeccionar sus camas inmediatamente después de que haya nevado.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Primark Men's Perfume Volume 1 & 2 £9 Winter Warmers: Under £20 There’s no denying it, the chill has started to bite, if we’re dreaming of a white Christmas, the cold and snow come hand in hand.
Es innegable: ha llegado el frío, y, si soñamos con una blanca Navidad, tendremos que aguantar algo de nieve... Desde aquí queremos echarte una mano con una colección de prendas de abrigo de última tendencia.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Now that the thermometer has begun to sink and the mountain peaks are slowly covering with snow, we’re finally starting to feel it: the anticipation of winter sports.
Ahora que las temperaturas empiezan a bajar y las cumbres de las montañas se cubren poco a poco de nieve, empezamos a sentirla: la alegría que nos produce la perspectiva de los deportes de invierno.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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