it seems that you have many oor Spaans

it seems that you have many

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parece que tienen muchos


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'Even so, Holmes, it seems that you have inadvertently made many enemies.'
Incluso así, Holmes, parece que sin querer se ha creado muchos enemigos.Literature Literature
‘Even so, Holmes, it seems that you have inadvertently made many enemies.’
—Incluso así, Holmes, parece que sin querer se ha creado muchos enemigos.Literature Literature
"""It seems to me that makes it something you can't have too many of,"" Jerry Glovsky put in."
—Pues a mí me parece que por esa misma razón no se pueden hacer muchos personajes que vuelen —intervino Jerry Glovsky.Literature Literature
- Then to me it seems to me that you have not had many problems to speak with me.
—Pues a mí me parece que no has tenido muchos problemas para hablar conmigo.Literature Literature
- Then to me it seems to me that you have not had many problems to speak with me.
— Pues a mí me parece que no has tenido muchos problemas para hablar conmigo.Literature Literature
It seems indeed that you have entered a field that contains so many tempting mysteries.
De verdad parece haber ingresado usted allí en campos en los que se esconde más de un misterio.Literature Literature
You thought that this was too many, but, listening to you all this morning, it seems that some of you would have liked even more.
Ustedes pensaban que eran demasiadas, pero escuchando a todos esta mañana parece que algunos de ustedes habrían querido todavía más.Europarl8 Europarl8
'I know that's how it seems to you – but I have seen this so many times before.
—Sé que es lo que crees, pero he presenciado muchas veces la misma situación.Literature Literature
You don’t think it seems strange that so many accidents have happened in that particular house?’
¿A ti no te parece extraño que tantos accidentes ocurrieran precisamente en el mismo lugar?Literature Literature
I have too many customers, however it seems to me that you lack good artists.
Clientes me sobran, en cambio a mí me parece que usted anda malamente de artistas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“There are many things that have not occurred to you, it seems,” Tariq replied.
–Hay muchas cosas que no se te han ocurrido, al parecer –dijo Tariq.Literature Literature
In the eyes of many – though not in mine – it will seem that you have given your patronage to my work.
A los ojos de muchos, aunque no de los míos, esto significa que usted aprueba mi trabajo.Literature Literature
In the eyes of many—though not in mine—it will seem that you have given your patronage to my work.
A los ojos de muchos, aunque no de los míos, esto significa que usted aprueba mi trabajo.Literature Literature
And why is it, that no matter how many pairs of socks you buy, you never seem to have enough?
Y, ¿ cómo puede ser que me compre los calcetines a centenares y no encuentre ni uno?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Does it riot seem to you, dear boys and girls, that many of your contemporaries have lost, to a certain extent, the flavour of this joy?
Queridísimos jóvenes: ¿No os parece que muchos coetáneos vuestros no gozan ya, en cierta medida, del sabor de esta alegría?
It seems like only yesterday that you saved me just as you have saved so many others before and since revered as our last hope in these terrible times.
Parece que fue ayer cuando me salvaste seguro que has salvado a muchos mas desde entonces te veneró como nuestra última esperanza en estos tiempos terribles.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It seems like only yesterday that you saved me...... just as you have saved so many others before and since...... revered as our last hope in these terrible times
Parece que fue ayer cuando me salvaste...... seguro que has salvado a muchos mas desde entonces...... te veneró como nuestra última esperanza en estos tiempos terriblesopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
EM: Moreover they ask if you have plans to write a book with all your lyrics and background stories about your songs and it seems that you have many things to tell...
EM: Y, por otro lado, quieren saber si tienes previsto escribir algún libro puesto que escribes todas las letras y las historias de tus canciones y parece que tienes muchas cosas que contar.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
I have talked about you and your daughter so many times that it seemed a shame to miss the chance of talking to you.
He hablado tantas veces de usted y de su hija, que me parecía una lástima perder la oportunidad de dirigirme a usted.Literature Literature
I have now educated so many of the Octavian clan that it would seem inappropriate to me for you to look elsewhere.
He educado ya a tantos niños de la familia Octavia que me parecería impropio que buscaras a otra persona.Literature Literature
There seem to be so many others that—So I need so terribly to have you tell me that it’s me and not anybody else.
Hay tantas otras que... necesito oírte decir que me quieres a y a ninguna otra.Literature Literature
It may have been that nobody really cared for you, or it might have seemed that you were inferior to many others.
Podrá haber sido que nadie realmente se preocupó por ustedes, o podrá haber parecido que eran inferiores a muchos otros.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It may have been that nobody really cared for you, or it might have seemed that you were inferior to so many others.
Podrá haber sido que nadie realmente se preocupó por ustedes, o podrá haber parecido que eran inferiores a muchos otros.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It might seem impossible, now that I have shown you how little we have compared with other people, yet we do have very committed supporters, I mean it's amazing that so many people, and more people wanted to be here, wanted to give up their Saturday to discuss this sort of thing.
Puede que parezca imposible, ahora que os he enseñado lo que tenemos, comparado con otros, y sin embargo, la gente que nos apoya es gente muy comprometida.QED QED
I cannot at this stage say what our proposal will be, but – and now I am anticipating without committing the Commission, because it is a question I have to put to the College myself – it seems to me from the debate that it would be possible to adopt an approach combining the principles we have mentioned here, taking into account the need that many of you have voiced to avoid splitting Parliament and Europe today on the appropriateness of regulation, especially where the principle of subsidiarity is involved.
En este momento no puedo prejuzgar nuestra propuesta, pero me parece por el debate que sería posible –y adelanto sin comprometer a la Comisión, porque es un asunto que yo mismo debo presentar al Colegio– adoptar un enfoque que englobe los principios que hemos evocado aquí, teniendo en cuenta la necesidad, que muchos de ustedes han expresado, de no dividir hoy al Parlamento y a Europa sobre la conveniencia de la reglamentación, en especial poniendo en entredicho el principio de subsidiariedad.Europarl8 Europarl8
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