it sounds awful to me oor Spaans

it sounds awful to me

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me suena fatal


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Español Definitely I don’t like that name, it sounds awful to me. It sounds as a tourist package, as coach with...
English Decididamente no me gusta ese nombre, suena a paquete turístico, a autocar con guía, a pulserita en la muñeca, a...Common crawl Common crawl
It sounds awful risky to me, and you know I usually like to play fast and loose, Jerry.
Me suena terriblemente arriesgado, y tú sabes que, en general, me gusta jugar rápido y suelto, Jerry.Literature Literature
It sounded like an awful lot to me, but I was glad he was pleased.
A mí me habían parecido muchísimos, pero me alegré de ver que él estaba contento.Literature Literature
To me it sounded awful, but the campers stirred from their misery.
Me sonó fatal, pero los campistas salieron de su abatimiento.Literature Literature
The few times I’ve heard it played back to me on a tape recorder, I thought it sounded awful.
Las pocas veces que he oído mi voz grabada en una cinta me ha sonado horrible.Literature Literature
“What I mean to say—I know it sounds awful—is that Nina was something of a disappointment to me.
—Lo que quiero decir, aunque suene horrible, es que Nina ha sido una continua decepción para mí.Literature Literature
Giving it a rest that afternoon had returned me to that awful croak, which at least had sound to it.
Después del descanso de la mañana, me había vuelto la voz con ese espantoso graznido, que como mínimo tenía sonido.Literature Literature
It looks – OK, now don’t get me wrong, cos this is going to sound awful, but it looks a bit like a very classy prison.’
Parece... A ver, no me malinterpretes, porque ya sé que va a sonar fatal: parece un poco una cárcel pero con clase.Literature Literature
The sound was awful at first, and it took me a few minutes to tune it.
Al principio sonó fatal y tardé unos minutos en afinarlo.Literature Literature
Because this sounds an awful lot like you're trying to break it to me.
Porque suena horrores a que está intentando decírmelo con tacto.Literature Literature
It was a pretty mild use of inappropriate language, but it sounded awful to me.
Era un uso bastante suave del lenguaje inapropiado, pero a mí me sonaba horrible.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It sounds awful to me.
Suena horrible para mí.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
People start laughing and say "that sounds awful," but to me it's I find the fact that it's so unorganised and chaotic quite endearing.
La gente empieza a reirse y dice "eso suena terrible," pero para mi es que encontré el hecho de que es tan desorganizada y caótica, bastante entrañable.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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