it was covered with a white cloth oor Spaans

it was covered with a white cloth

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estaba cubierta con una tela blanca


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It was covered with a white cloth to which stars and crescent moons had been pinned.
Estaba cubierta con una tela blanca, a la que habían prendido con alfileres estrellas y medias lunas.Literature Literature
At one end of the hall was a platform with a table on it, which was covered with a white cloth.
También ahí había una mesa cubierta con un mantel blanco.Literature Literature
It was all cleaned up after supper, each table covered with a white cloth.
Estaba ya recogido después de la cena, cada mesa con un mantel blanco.Literature Literature
The door of the hut was covered with a white cloth—at least it looked white in the firefly’s light.
La puerta de la cabaña estaba tapada con una tela blanca... o al menos parecía blanca a la luz de la luciérnaga.Literature Literature
It was the first time they had been to a restaurant with tables covered in crisp white cloths.
Era la primera vez que comían en un local con mesas vestidas con inmaculados manteles blancos hasta el suelo.Literature Literature
(Novitsky: 92–93) Novitsky describes the above-mentioned idol as follows: "The idol was carved of wood, attired in green clothes, the evil looking face was covered with white iron, a black fox skin was placed on its head; the whole sanctuary, especially his site which was higher than anywhere else, was decorated with purple broadcloth.
Novitsky: 92-93 Novitsky describe el ídolo antes mencionado como: «El ídolo estaba tallado de madera, vestido de ropas verdes, la cara estaba cubierta de hierro blanco, una piel de zorro negro cubría su cabeza; el santuario entero, especialmente su lugar, que era el más grande de todos, estaba decorado con paño púrpura.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was holding it in another vessel and behind him were two men carrying his dead father, covered with a white cloth, and they were all chanting.
Lo había colocado dentro de una vasija; y detrás de él iban dos hombres transportando a su padre muerto cubierto con un lienzo blanco; y todos cantaban.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Its original appearance seemed inspired by Murillo's Immaculates, but in 1887, in order to detain its decay, the image was given a solid silver covering, and is usually clothed with a rich white robe and a sky blue cloak - these being the colors of the Argentine flag. Only the dark oval face with big blue eyes and the hands folded in prayer are now visible.
Su apariencia original parece inspirada en las Inmaculadas de Murillo, pero en 1887 para detener su deterioro, fue recubierta de una armazón de plata sólida, y habitualmente aparece revestida de una rica túnica blanca y un manto de color azul celeste (los colores de la bandera Argentina), que solo dejan ver un rostro ovalado y moreno con grandes ojos azura es y unas manos unidas y pegadas al pecho en actitud de oración.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When most of the area was covered I have applied white acrylic paint and oils of different colours to the remaining areas and I have spread the oil with a cloth to partially remove it.
Cuando quedaba ya poca superficie sin tapar, he cubierto con pintura acrílica blanca el resto del espacio y aplicado óleos de diferentes colores. Luego con un trapo he esparcido primero el óleo para retirarlo después parcialmente.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The man had asked him to order breakfast and then had just walked away. A most wonderful aroma caused Molygruber to spin around and there right behind him was a table with a beautiful white cloth on it, a serviette, silverware, beautiful crockery and flatware, and then his eyes bulged at the sight of the meal in front of him, a meal covered over with shining metal covers.
Le había dicho que lo ordenara y se había ido. Un aroma apetitoso provocó un rápido giro de Molygruber que halló exactamente detrás de él una mesa con un lindo mantel blanco, una servilleta y un hermoso servicio de plata y porcelana. Sus ojos salían de las órbitas a la vista de todo lo que tenía frente a sí, cubierto con tapas de metal brillante.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There were 4,730 books printed, with red cloth binding, wide columns, thick paper (which was why it was called the Big Book in the first place), and a red, yellow, black and white dust jacket, which came to be known as the “circus cover.”
Se imprimieron 4,730 ejemplares, encuadernados con tela de color rojo, con columnas anchas y papel grueso (por eso se llamaba el Libro Grande originalmente) y una cubierta de color rojo, amarillo y blanco, que con el tiempo se conocería como la “cubierta de circo”.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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