it would be nice oor Spaans

it would be nice

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

estaría bien

It would be nice to own one of those, wouldn't it?
Estaría bien tener una de esas, ¿a que sí?

no estaría de más

It would be nice if we could reduce this percentage in future.
No estaría de más que pudiéramos reducir su porcentaje en el futuro.

sería agradable

It would be nice if you had a wedge of lime I could squeeze into my icewater.
Sería agradable si tuvieras una rodajita de lima para echar en mi agua helada.

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It would be nice, I think.
Sería bueno, creo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It would be nice to feel myself a temporary member of the Staff, instead of a mere guest.
Será maravilloso poder sentirme parte de la escuela, aunque sea por unos días, en lugar de ser una simple invitada.Literature Literature
But it would be nice if Doris was here.
Pero sería bonito si Doris estuviera con él.Literature Literature
I always thought it would be nice to have an older brother.
Siempre pensé que estaría bien tener un hermano mayor.Literature Literature
It would be nice to have all five plasma injectors working but it's not essential.
Estaría bien tener todos los inyectores de plasma funcionando pero no es esencial.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It would be nice to have it solved.
Sería bonito que se resolviera.Literature Literature
I thought it would be nice to see you, I
Pensé que podría... Sería bueno verte, yo...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It would be nice to be remembered, once that memory was no longer a barrier to their accomplishment.
Le agradaba pensar que sería recordado, una vez que la memoria dejase de significar una barrera para sus trabajos.Literature Literature
So it would be nice if you could help us out.
Así que sería bueno si nos pudiera ayudar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Your schedule permitting, it would be nice to meet up for lunch and chat things over.
Si te lo permite tu calendario, sería agradable que almorzáramos para vernos y hablar.Literature Literature
It would be nice to show our support for the Allies,’ I said.
Estaría bien mostrar nuestro apoyo a los Aliados —dije.Literature Literature
“In fact, it would be nice to have the whole bed to myself.”
De hecho, sería agradable tener toda la cama para mí.Literature Literature
Carl and I just thought it would be nice for you meet someone from our church.
Carl y yo pensamos que estaría bien para conocer a alguien de tu iglesia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It would be nice for them to get to know their grandmother.”
Estaría bien que conocieran a su abuela.Literature Literature
But it would be nice if we could see what sort of stuff to expect.”
Pero estaría bien saber qué clase de cosas podemos encontrarnos.Literature Literature
Maybe it would be nice for Rosemary to see quite how happy you were.
Tal vez sería bueno para Rosemary ver todo lo feliz que eres.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It would be nice to be my own boss.
Sería bueno ser mi propio jefe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It would be nice to have it.
Sería bonito tener esa Foto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"It would be nice to have a musician on hand,"" Grimnoshtadrano mused."
Mmmmn, sería bonito tener un músico a mano —musitó Grimnoshtadrano.Literature Literature
It would be nice to think that he was received with some distaste.
Sería placentero pensar que se le recibió con cierto desagrado.Literature Literature
It would be nice if she could believe it.
Sería agradable poder creérselo.Literature Literature
It would be nice if you fixed yourself up sometimes.
Estaría bien que te arreglaras un poco de vez en cuando.Literature Literature
And it would be nice to have the senator join her in watching.
Y sería magnífico tener al senador junto a ella.Literature Literature
On the other hand, it would be nice to have a scar afterwards to show people.
Por otro lado, sería estupendo tener una cicatriz para enseñársela a la gente.Literature Literature
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