it's coming from the sea oor Spaans

it's coming from the sea

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

viene del mar

We know it's windy, it comes from the sea.
Sabemos que hace viento, viene del mar.

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it comes from the sea
viene del mar


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We know it's windy, it comes from the sea.
Sabemos que hace viento, viene del mar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And why does the Nile have fresh water, if it comes from the sea?
Además, ¿por qué el agua del Nilo es dulce, si procede del mar?Literature Literature
'It comes from the Sea of Fertility.
Viene del Mar de la Fertilidad.Literature Literature
And why does the Nile have fresh water, if it comes from the sea?
En fin, ¿por qué es dulce el Nilo, si su agua procede del mar?Literature Literature
I think it comes from the sea.
Creo que viene del mar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Aphrodite’s sacred stone was the pearl, since it comes from the sea, just like Aphrodite.
La piedra sagrada de Afrodita era la perla, ya que viene del mar, como ella.Literature Literature
It comes from the sea, you know, the uterus of the world.
Proviene del mar saben el útero del mundo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Salmon is no less faithful; invariably it comes from the sea back to the river in which it had its birth.
No es menos fiel el salmón, regresando invariablemente del mar al río donde naciera.Literature Literature
I hear a roaring, but if it’s coming from the sea I don’t know if it is warning me or calling to me.
Oigo un rugido pero, si procede del mar, no logro saber si es una advertencia o una llamada.Literature Literature
The wind hissed only a little now, but it was coming from the sea.
Ahora el viento sólo siseaba con suavidad, pero provenía del mar.Literature Literature
Come to think of it, our producer Tatsuzo heard that tune, and said it comes from the Japan Sea coastline.
Ahora que lo pienso... nuestro productor Tatsuzo conoce esa canción y dijo que era originaria de la costa del Mar del Japón.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Come to think of it, our producer Tatsuzo heard that tune, and said it comes from the Japan Sea coastline
Ahora que lo pienso... nuestro productor Tatsuzo conoce esa canción...... y dijo que era originaria de la costa del Mar del Japónopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Now it was coming from the sea, and there was a strange intensity.
Ahora venía del mar una extraña intensidad.Literature Literature
It doesn't come from the sea.
No viene del mar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nor whether it would come from the sea or from the land or from the stars.
Ni si iba a venir del mar o de la tierra o de las estrellas.Literature Literature
“Well, maybe it isn’t, but it does come from the sea.”
–Bueno, tal vez no lo sea, pero viene de la mar.Literature Literature
It was coming from the sea and headed for the port of Abadan.
El remolcador venía de mar abierto y se dirigía al puerto de Abadan.UN-2 UN-2
It was coming from the sea and headed for the port of Abadan
El remolcador venía de mar abierto y se dirigía al puerto de AbadanMultiUn MultiUn
The third time he thought he had the rhythm, which was not that of the sea because it did not come from the sea.
La tercera vez creyó que incluso tenía ritmo, que no era el del mar porque no venía del mar.Literature Literature
It is coming directly from the sea, racing across the marshes, flattening everything in its path.
Viene directamente del mar y, al correr por las marismas, lo aplana todo a su paso.Literature Literature
And I thought she'd say, "Oh, you know, up the lagoon somewhere, or maybe across Africa," but you'll be happy to know she said it came from here, it comes from the North Sea.
Pensé que ella diría: «Pues, de algún lugar de la laguna, o tal vez de otras partes de África», pero les alegrará saber que dijo que era de aquí, del mar del Norte.ted2019 ted2019
The end, when it arrived, would come from the sea: ‘From the West the waves will roll in, and from the East.
El final, cuando llegara, vendría del mar: «Desde Occidente vendrán las olas, y también desde Oriente.Literature Literature
Does all this mean the peril—whatever it is—is coming from the Divine Sea?”
¿Todo esto significa que el peligro —el que seallega por el Mar Divino?Literature Literature
It seemed to come from the sea, but was so far away that we could not clearly distinguish its precise direction.
Parecía venir del mar, pero de tan lejos que no se podía determinar su dirección.Literature Literature
1127 sinne gevind in 132 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.